Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. Wolfkueen New Player

    Are the dragon horns gonna be a head or accessory? it would be great if they came in both to be honest!!
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  2. Doctor Impossible Level 30

    Has there been an official decision on whether or not we will ever see 2x Artifact Exp week again?
  3. Slash3rr New Player

    I love this game so much. So many many tanks for keep this game alive :)
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  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Any update on this? There may be information about the next episode that was put out there during SDCC that the majority of DCUO players don't know about.
  5. Hraesvelg Always Right

    Funny you should mention that...(they just posted it about half an hour ago)

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  6. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I was making my rounds in posting to all the places. Thank you for posting it here!
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  7. Hraesvelg Always Right

    So, what are the odds we can talk Red Five into sharing the rest of this photo shoot?

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  8. Jerilc123 New Player

    We ever gonna talk about the fact that they’re showing a new pair of Batman gloves in the homecoming photo? I love styles it’s the main reason I still play the game. I know it’s not from the new homecoming event… and honestly it looks like Damian robin’s gloves a little… to be honest though, and while I’m grateful they’ve been putting out all this NPC gear for us to wear the one piece I’d still shank some one for is the corrupted robins tunic from the dark knights episodes.
  9. Fractitious New Player

    Seems that they really don't want to address double arts, alot of people have left the game because they have had enough of the arts grind and the fact that no dev dares to reply or discuss it.

    I think we should make our voices heard! To everyone that wants double arts discussed by the Devs, please copy the below message and paste


    P.S. please give bigger league halls or more rooms in league halls and more reasons for people to enter league halls e.g. vendors, mini games for temp stat boosts, warp panels to people's bases, etc, league leaders maybe can spend prestige or cash on upgrades.
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  10. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

  11. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    That cemented the fact that I must now go visit the DCUO offices!
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  12. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    This library was in the background when I interviewed the team (was in Red Five's screen) I am soooooo jealous. My comics collection doesn't even match it. If it was possible to visit, I would stay there all day just reading the comics!

    But yes +1 for the photo shoot xD
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  13. metro2k Well-Known Player

    Money: if you need money, just sell a few simple packs of tights and other iconic or vigilante-themed items at an affordable price.
    To keep with the theme of the superhero game, a pack of light moves with the US flag, or vigilante t-shirts with the US flag .

    Server: Why aren't the US and EU servers merged? If you don't log in due to technical problems, couldn't you at least merge the queues?

    Interface: Why aren't all videos in all common languages (even Chinese) treated with AI. Also for the interface.

    Game: I have a DPS 780 forgiveness, it's almost impossible for a new player to catch up all these years. Wouldn't it be better if users had meso strong characters but more characters.

    Social: Why isn't there a DB application for smartphones that can help users oranise time and meet up to enjoy together.
  14. metro2k Well-Known Player

    Coming from the legendary City of Heroes, as a lifelong superhero comic fan, I can confidently say that DCUO is a fantastic!!!
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  15. BatGamer New Player

    Looks great,great job team;)
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