Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. Homelander112 New Player

    Hello, do you know anything about 2x art xp? Is it going to come again? I need to know that so, in case it won't come again, i can use my nth metal.
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  2. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    So where do you find this new collection? I farmed open world D.C. and came up with nothing new.
  3. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

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  4. Emoney Loyal Player

    I did read that and your response.

    The devs are trying to entice players to play those older instances by adding these drops. Not only do players want them to finish the collections, but others like me will rerun them to sell the items too. That's 24 different instances now that have a special drop, and it's 24 old instances (not just last 3 dlcs) that will pop in omnibus more often now because players are trying to get the set, aura and feat. You asked for them to do something, and they have.
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  5. FOSTEUR New Player

    Wow those horns are mad !
  6. Virgo Metropolis Resident

    Any possibility of Nightwing becoming an ally?
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  7. Shirama New Player

    Will you made supercharge charger for home/guild base ? it's a burden to hit a mannequin for over a minute as my build needs it, to be fully powered. Thankyou in advance, and thankyou for updating game further. You're great.
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    From the definition you pulled to back up your point and use of the word. (which didn't come over in the quote for some reason).

    "a circumstance that makes progress or success difficult:"

    So NOT having 200 artifacts makes progress or success difficult, according to your provided definition of 'handicap'.

    You didn't SAY it...but you referenced it. That's it. I felt the use of handicapped was a bit out of place, as there are actual real 'handicaps' that I'd say are much bigger hurdles for some players. You gave reference....I referred to it....Not sure where the confusion comes in.

    Now...getting IN a group, well that's possible...although according to many of the 'lete players, it also doesn't happen. Same as no one would block you from groups for not arti swapping or running 'meta'...right? I suppose if you were referring to getting IN a group as where you are handicapped, that's more accurate. I took your meaning to be regarding just playing the game...not entry to some higher level content. You didn't specify.

    I still say melodramatic, but whatever.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

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  10. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    The feat is for the aura - you unlock the aura by gathering the collection pieces. So pretty much, yes.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    So pretty much rinse and repeat of the last one. Sigh...always ready to take advantage of obsessive compulsive disorder (AKA 'feat completionists')...well that and the 'oh yeah...I got .25 SP more than I'm better' people.
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  12. Ughitsjaylon Active Player

    and you're another ungrateful player, sigh...always ready to bash the devs for everything they do for us that they spend the time out of their day to make☹️ womp womp :( :( :(
  13. Carl Nick New Player

    Hi good news i have a important question, there is some chance to unlock the camera? it is a tab targt mmo i belive this could happen, to me will be good i have some vision problems, thank you
  14. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    You're reaching. I 'm not going to argue about semantics. Having lower level arts makes playing more difficult than having higher level artifacts. Period. I can't believe you're even arguing about that. Maybe more difficult for some, than others, but it does. If you have the resources to level them but you're waiting for 2xXP - you're playing less effectively than you could, if 2xXP wasn't a thing, or if it still occurred like it used to.

    But I guess for you it doesn't matter - you've probably already smashed the new E+ content on your lower alts, with lv80-120 arts, but we're not all like you. My alts are still not running E+, because they don't have their arts at a level where I'd feel comfortable wasting other players' time. I have the XP, catalysts and seals, but since I've waited a year, I can wait longer, because at least my main has managed to take advantage of dbl XP while it was possible. But many players are not as lucky as I am.

    You know, I waited 9 months last year to get my first set of arts to 200. I wasn't playing Elite, I was in a dead league, I was getting frustrated and bored. 2 days after I got my arts to 200 I got invited to an active league, that ran Elite and I could finally play to my full potential and progress. Maybe it was a coincidence. Maybe I'm being "melodramatic". But considering that your experience is far removed from players who haven't been playing non-stop for a decade and that you don't even run the most difficult content, I believe, I'm going to stick to my statement.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Nope. Never smashed any E+. And I'm not the one saying that the 'difficulty' between 80s and 200s is some vast canyon. I merely commented on your original statement that people would be playing 'handicapped' for a few years if they hoarded vs spent the XP. You took umbrage with me pointing that out, posted a reference to what you meant...which was that indeed they would have had difficulty due to the fact they didn't have the artis....and a few posts later here we are.

    And while I haven't 'smashed' any E+ (with my toons with 200s OR with ones with 80s) I have run Elite with less than 200s...with less than 120s even. And while yeah, sometimes getting a group might be an issue, the content generally is NOT that much more difficult...slower, sure, but that definition didn't say 'slower'.

    And yes...when you go to a dictionary site because you didn't like the fact that I said 'handicap' was melodramatic...yes, you DO want to argue semantics. Using a textbook definition is pretty much as semantic as it gets.
  16. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes. I'm sure it took several minutes to come up with a copy/paste collection/aura/feat design, and plop it into old content no one likes...because they know it will make SOME run that old content more.

    And oh...if it makes them feel unappreciated for THAT effort? Maybe stopping the practice?
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  17. Plowed In Loyal Player

    And I’m sure it took you several minutes to come up with a snarky response and post on a public forum. Just remember that you choose to come here. They get paid to develop the game.

    Take a break if you don’t find enjoyment here :)
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  18. Silent Rage Well-Known Player

    I wish they would. I played alot on PS4 but cant play there anymore because my console cant handle it and i am not restarting on PC nor switch...
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I still play on PS4 and other than the load screens being slower, and some animations (like in/out on inventory), I don't really see much difference between them. Is your PS4 running hot? Dirty or bad fan maybe?

    And god forbid anyone restart on switch....ick.
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  20. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    E+ on PS4 is torture. Lag, graphical warnings about dangers showing up late, or not at all, many clips and swaps simply impossible to execute (like some Mental Invisibility clips, or Ebon finisher swaps), et cetera. When I bought PS5 my deaths in E+ went down dramatically, while my damage went way up, without doing anything different. I used to think E+ was extremely hard and required god-like reaction times, but it turns out that if you can see what's happening when you're supposed to, the difficulty is very manageable.

    I could not go back to PS4 now, unless all I was running was regular and Elite content, where the difference doesn't matter, because you can pretty much face-tank and heal through just about anything.