Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. Emoney Loyal Player

    Yeah but what does that really matter?!? Downtime is downtime, whether it's on reset day or throughout the week. It's not like you are missing out on anything, everyone is in the same boat, no one is playing when the server is down. When it comes up, you get to play. Having it the other way, content and downtime on Tuesday, reset on Thursday would be worse. The first week of release would be only two days, and that would be impacted by downtime on top of it. So if you can't play on Tuesday because of downtime and your schedule, you then only have Wednesday to do everything...who wants that? In that scenario, I'd be lucky just to get my main done, no way I could run all my alts too.

    And as to player participation...I think this change will make the servers more populated throughout the week and not just weekends. The people who only play on weekends will still do so, keeping those three days pretty populated as usual. Then the people who try to do everything on reset day through the following day, will keep the server populated Tuesday through Friday.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Or just announce they are over for good.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You are assuming that the change will take place on the 16th too. Was that stated, or just that the Thurs/Tues is 'coming'? In which case they should announce it now as it means a 2 day short week this week. No squeezing in 5 toons worth of raids on Wed like I did this week...Need to do it Monday night now I guess.:rolleyes:
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  4. >>>KIra<<< Dedicated Player

    I am so excited for all of this. Everything looks awesome
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  5. Raizen Reaper Active Player

    How do we get the dragon style? Free Gift? Marketplace? Daily Rewards? Buy on a event?
  6. Moon Shinobi777 Level 30

    I love this new batch of Dev's, I see the tiny detail's y'all are doing and more noticeable feature's too. Thank you for doing something everyday. Can we get unreal 5.4 down the road please. Such a phenomenal system!!
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  7. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    am i reaching for too much if i ask if there is maybe some sort of dragon like emblem forthcoming or will this be like the donna troy style for me all over again?

    also lets think "doom patrol" with a little "legion of super pets" thrown here and there to ponder.
  8. Ambassador of Krypton Well-Known Player

    Where is my previous comment? So much for freedom of speach, huh?
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  9. zNot Loyal Player

    „In fact, we've already had countless discussions together to take the game to the next level!“

    So how much of these talks included to improve gameplay with balance changes and to actually deliever high Quality content? You know we used to get high quality episodes every 3 months nowadays we wait 6 months per epispde with content thats rushed,too easy (partially due to lack of balance changes),lack of creativity on almost every boss battle,so many reused assets to cut down on time and creativity but at what benefit? None, since it feels like the episodes are not worked on for enough time despite taking 6 months but it feels way less then that, we should be getting waaay more longterm engaging content and fleshed out quality on everything and with so much feedback from the community what we wanna see in episodes and a decade + worth of content and mechanics,episodes your team can dig into to get insipired and see what worked,they should deliever more quality content experience.
  10. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    Hear Hear! By now I'm starting to wonder if we gotta ask for it with Caps lock turned on since it's been ignored for YEARS now and it's one of the most annoying things in this Entire game they haven't done zip to fix.. PLEASE new devs Fix the pc version High Detail Textures, I Repeat! : Please Fix the PC Version High Detail Textures and Don't ignore us anymore.
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  11. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    First post, it says "Weekly Resets will now be shifting from Thursdays to Tuesdays starting July 16."
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  12. lamourboy001 Well-Known Player

    Why bother creating quality content that requires countless resources and time, when they can make cosmetic items with almost zero effort, with FAR MORE profit, that YOU BUY immediately and without question.
    From an entrepreneur's point of view, isn't it understandable why they do it?
  13. zNot Loyal Player

    unfortunatly many do buy them even though they are dissatisfied with the game,even if the community buys cosmetics many buy it with it in mind that it will fund the episode and overall quality of the game. Since they care so much about hyping us up for the episode(s) they need to proof it with quality content and gameplay improvments.
  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’m interpreting what I read in the Producer’s Letter to mean the changes were taking place on the 16th of this month. Purrhaps they can clarify if this is inaccurate.
  15. Jack T. Chance Devoted Player

    Barry Allen was doing his time travel shenanigans again, and now your previous post never happened! :oops:
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  16. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    There's absolutely zero free speech on a privately owned forum.
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  17. Malezor New Player

    I think if they combined the killer crocodile head style with the dragon horns it would look better, otherwise there would be a new horns variable just for demon styles of which there are already many.

  18. EconoKnight XIII Legion

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  19. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    3 Actual Bugs to look at:
    1. John Stewart is missing 1% might for his 1st passive ability
    2. Old clamped content, more specifically elite plus content that is clamped was not done properly and bosses have way too many EEG buffs on them still and they needed to be removed because clamped plus content shouldnt be even more challenging than doing it on level. You can tell when you run it that the bosses still have the same level of EEG buffs they had when it was on level and still within the last 3 episode rotation. And TSWE plus for example yall let go from the beginning and never bothered to fix anyways, so that finally needs to be addressed. But both tswe plus and tsde crit need to be clamped properly.
    3. New bug that just happened with the feat named "Turn it Way Down" from the Episode 47 Brainiac Duo in the last feat update yall did the feat does not appear in the feat menu under episode 47 on all toons, definitely needs to be fixed. All these issues are on the forums. Please actually address. Thanks.
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  20. NemisisJedi New Player

    When are we going to get something that allows us to run old content? Somethings never run no matter how long the queue is, let alone trying to get feats from old content... I think this should be addressed.
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