Flying is the best movement for healers (it prevents healers from staying in the way of other players in hallways and small spaces) and, as a healer, there's not much we can do to avoid getting grounded. We can hold block until the effect fades so we don't fall, but that could lead to someone's being knocked out. Flying is also ideal for open world, especially when we have to look for things for feats or to find nodes. And new players won't know which movement is the best for their playstyle because the info in character creation is not honest about the reality of this game. You won't learn about the disadvantages of each powerset, weapon, and movement until you start the actual gameplay.
my old league used to have a requirement that to run raids with them you had to have at least half vendor gear (when it was the highest) and I was like how am I supposed to get marks to buy it? I was good enough to run alerts with them but not raids?
You either BUY the Marks on the Marketplace, OR you run Daily Content that can be run solo and which gives a decent amount of marks. For Source Marks specifically, I used to love running the Open World content from the Death of Superman DLC. You could very quickly and easily get a lot of Source Marks by just killing defeating easy Open World Mobs. So for current content with Specialty Marks, you just end up having to run the Open World missions over and over again to get the Specialty Marks.
Sério, oque precisa melhorar urgentemente é o sistema de loot,está a cada episódio pior! Sinceramente dar renome a quem nem sabe oque está fazendo no jogo e idiotice ! Outra coisa e se não haverá mais Eventos como o Save the Universe,paguem-nos as Feats porque esperamos um ano inteiro e ter a amarga decepção de que por qualquer motivo que vocês achem que não precisamos dessas feats! Unir facção e a única coisa interessante no momento. Sugiro que reflitam melhor e não causem mais desgosto como a última DLC . Prioritariamente loot deve ser corrigido pra ontem! E um absurdo fazer a droga de um alerta 20x e a coleção não cair,e um absurdo fazer um alerta elite e em todos os loots não vir nada que preste! Mudar e preciso, agora ficar pagando pelo erro de vocês e inadmissível!!!!
Sério, oque precisa melhorar urgentemente é o sistema de loot,está a cada episódio pior! Sinceramente dar renome a quem nem sabe oque está fazendo no jogo e idiotice ! Outra coisa e se não haverá mais Eventos como o Save the Universe,paguem-nos as Feats porque esperamos um ano inteiro e ter a amarga decepção de que por qualquer motivo que vocês achem que não precisamos dessas feats! Unir facção e a única coisa interessante no momento. Sugiro que reflitam melhor e não causem mais desgosto como a última DLC . Prioritariamente loot deve ser corrigido pra ontem! E um absurdo fazer a droga de um alerta 20x e a coleção não cair,e um absurdo fazer um alerta elite e em todos os loots não vir nada que preste! Mudar e preciso, agora ficar pagando pelo erro de vocês e inadmissível!!!!
It's been in the game since Beta. Doesn't mean it shouldn't be looked into to be changed/improved. If it's one thing I cannot stand, it's the "it's always been that way, so it'll stay that way" mentality. This is the main reason this game remains so damn stale and repetitive. People play an action game for action. Movement is a huge part of that action. Being grounded/slowed down in combat has remained one of my biggest pet peeves about this game since the beginning. You essentially strip this game of 1/2 of it's source material combat style by grounding players and reverting it back to a basic ***** MMO playstyle. If they were to do anything meaningful to this game, I would greatly appreciate them looking into making movement during combat more fluid. PvP is essentially dead, so there's no reason to keep this hindrance for a PvE- centric game.
Per your Producer's Letter, I'm very glad to hear you are actually playing the game to get a better feel for it. I am excited to hear about some of the additions and changes you all have planned for 2025 however I'd like to address an issue that have been a thorn in not only my side but everyone else I communicate with ingame. The voice chat has been malfunctioning since Thanksgiving last year. It has been mentioned multiple times on the forums and the previous Dev team stated they were aware of the problem however nothing to my knowledge has been done. The problem we see is the volume constantly readjusts itself whenever a new player comes into the chat and we find ourselves have to switch back and forth between chats to hear everyone. Feels like we're a bunch of old people with bad hearing constantly asking if someone can hear us. It's very frustrating having to readjust everyone's volume EVERY day all day because we all play on alts and switch toons A LOT running elite content. As you know communication is key when running elite content with multiple mechanics and also we enjoy the cameraderie and banter; this issue is ruining our collective experience. Please investigate this matter further and advise once corrected.
oh this was a long LONG time ago during the OLD T-4 days, when gates and prime were the newest content. I just do my own thing now, and all of them have stopped playing anyways.
For the sidekicks and henchmen, they will be Ultimate Sidekick and Henchmen in MarketPlace and when summon them while in a role, they will have that role bonus. Healer Sidekick, you get something of bonus of heal every so seconds, and Tank, you get something of tank bonus, health and defense for seconds or something. And Henchmen gives something of bonus. Any adjustments for them would be just some more health and damage and they stay a bit longer. Without increasing the cool down..
All i want from DCUO in 2025 is for art swap to be removed! Putting that aside i am really excited for what you guys have in store for us for this year!
I can't wait to discover what every parts of this will look like, it's sweet to see the game in motion. I hope one day we'll see Red Hood participating to the storyline, it would be a crazy addition to the game as we have the style but didn't have the chance to meet Jason. <3
The elite Renoun, well players can get it in elite solos and duos and alerts. It's not to much struggle for it and replay badges to get it all quicker. I guess making elite renoun more easy to get, drops the needing for replay badges for the solos and duos elites.