Just being able to solo the duo instances, or do alerts with three people will be good enough for me.
For the "Story blogs" part, I'm sorry but I'd rather that be in the game than go on website for the lore
you wont have to go to some website. it will be hosted by eve and multiverse so they can drum up views on their youtube.
How about that Batman anniversary emblem, any news on that front? 85th anniversary came and went and the opportunity to slam dunk was missed.
this game has always had a crafting system it was a big part of the game when it started i am actually glad they will be bring it back yes your right its not skyrim its dcuo and that was part of the OG game
No, you're right. People in this game enjoy being rewarded for avoiding to do the bare minimum. In the last 7 days, I was placed into 2 ongoing instances as a healer: 1) Unholy Matrimony - I was basically carrying the group, lost my powers and dps kept outrunning me for the statues, I couldn't heal anyone, and we wiped. After that, I kept being overwhelmed by adds and Raven's brothers, I asked them to watch my back, but everyone who cared at the beginning had already left. I left the instance. 2) Blackest Day - Lyssa Drak. I arrived and stated "stay away from the book," someone tried to be funny "but I like to read," so I said "read it from afar." Most of the group didn't move, we wiped. The same person admitted they weren't paying attention, I told them to lock their aim. We tried it again, same outcome, because apparently moving out of the way is oh so bad, as bad as blocking. I left the instance. It's not toxic to demand people do the bare minimum. It's not entitlement to believe everyone is able to play the game, because it's not hard once you know what you have to do. It's not mean to say people should only be rewarded for doing things right - it's called justice. People want to play this game like if it was a point-and-click. I've once read here in the forums someone saying that support exists so dps can shine, and all I could think was "I'm not your witch." If people die because they ignored mechanics (didn't block/move etc), that's on them. What I love about The Source Wall raid is that it forces people to play, it demands everyone to move, to block, to kill adds and interact with stuff; ignoring those things has real consequences, from unconfortable to frustrating, so people have to do it right or leave - as a healer, I love that I can't just save people from most of them, I usually feel like a babysitter trying to avoid children from eating poo or hurting themselves with knives. Just the act of completing TSW is rewarding, because you know that everyone did what they had to do. It doesn't have to be perfect, rallying is a thing that happens, people just need to grow from their mistakes like "I died because I did/didn't do that, so I will/won't do it next time." Learning is a beautiful thing, but soooo underrated.
Yeah, that's why briefings and investigations exist. Maybe bringing back episode walk-ins/dungeons (like the Patrol Catastrophe mission in Gotham Under Siege) for this would work.
Just play the game, casually and just enjoy it. Nothing we can do to boast on it for anything that has an effect on our lives. This game, it's not real, it doesn't exist. Not reality.
They clearly just didn't care about getting it out there again for the Players. IF the old Dev Team was still around, they would have pushed DC Comics hard, and got it done. Clearly these n00bs running the show now just didn't have what it takes to get the job done.
I have spoken to the CM and they have brought it up to the team. Hopefully they can make the breakthrough. My interest in this game is riding on it.
Have you contacted DC Comics directly about it? Because ultimately, as the Licensor, it's up to them to make it so. Daybreak Games can't do anything without their express, granted approval.
No. But if I could and it would help speed the process I think I would. It makes no sense it was not brought back for the 85th. I don't know if this game goes past 2030 if that. It's just something I would like to acquire before they ultimately shut it down. It's a bit of nostalgia and a bucket list thing for me.
I would actually like to see these two very important things to me, as an active player: 1. Lower the prices from vendors in the game as well as dcuo marketplace. You have been offering 20% discounts every 2 weeks more or less. That either means nobody is buying anything and that people wait for that discounts to be available in order to purchase. Message of it all: too expensive. 2. Can devs PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE delete the 5 second penalty of flying after being knocked down or beating a boss or a target? Once flying heroes and villains waited for those 5 seconds to be over, speed hackers are already in the upcoming dlc. It's hideous and very very annoying and unfair. Thank you!
THAT is a Gameplay Mechanic that has existed in the game since before I ever started playing the game, so it's been in the game since at least 2012, but realistically, it's probably been here since Launch. SO THEY AREN'T GOING TO CHANGE IT NOW!
It's unfortunate. My OH says he first encountered the slow-down in CoH, in their PvP set-up. But in DCUO they've broad-brush applied it to everything, and it's extremely annoying - he rants about it often. Not quite as annoying (YMMV) as being revived and whacked straight away because there isn't any sort of grace period to roll out of that pool or away from that opponent, but close.
I know it's annoying, but again, it's a core Gameplay Mechanic that has existed since at least 2012, when I started playing the game. Certain enemies (and let's be honest here, it really IS too many of them) use attacks that GROUND flying Player Characters, and keep them Grounded for this game's standard time interval of 5-6 seconds. The thing to look for is items or powers that protect your character against Status Effects inflicted on them by enemies, but since it's a Core Gameplay Mechanic for a lot of enemies in the game, there's only so much you can do. In a perfect world, you'd have such mastery of the game that you'd be able to tell when an enemy was about to ground you, and use the appropriate dodge or counter move to prevent them doing that, but speaking only for myself, and I am unanimous in this, there's often too much going on at the same time during a battle for me to dodge or block or parry the attacks that Ground me. I also believe that in some battles, there's like a widespread Area Effect going on that grounds everyone that's just unavoidable. At least that's how it seems to me at times, anyway.