The problem of the Elite content isn't the challenge, you're missing the whole point. The problem is in the tutorial: it comes as vague as it can get, which leaves for players to teach each other how things work. Last month or so, I queued with this female toon in JLD: Darkness Rising alert. I came in as "Any", so I chose to play damage, and she was a healer. While we were going through the hallways, I realized that the healer was too weak, so I changed to healer. I inspected them once we were done: 0 artifacts, 3 dom + 1 heal augs, and they were behaving as a battle heal the entire time. Let's have in mind that the JLD episode came out 2 years after the implementation of arts and just after the introduction of omnipotence gear. The game fails to teach players: 1) The importance of each role. The tips on the loading screen underplay the importance of each role. While trolls can be optional, most randomized teams require at least 1 healer or 1 tank to avoid wipes. As a healer, I must say the most important role is tank (if DPS know how combat works and avoid massive dmg and DoT, they don't need a healer at all). 2) What stats each role need to perform properly and how to achieve it. Most players choose what sounds cool instead of prioritizing performance when in a team. Healers need to heal, tanks need to have more health, etc. 3) The purpose of artifacts, because they aren't optional for tier 5-7 content. 4) What is Elite; because the normal versions are now just for noobs, people refuse to learn & perform mechanics and can get away with queueing as tank but run as DPS. Then, they go to Elite thinking they can trick-queue it, they believe mechanics are for losers and leave after dying once. It doesn't matter if you have high CR, lvl 200 arts, 700 stat points, you need to learn how to play the game to succeed, and you have to listen to the other players when they try to warn you about the mechanics. Tunning down the system will only make the game less attractive to players who actually enjoy video games, and who aren't afraid of the learning curve.
You mean like Old Gotham Subway, which is both a challenge and a duo? Would it be a thing to the point in which all instances are playable as solo/duos/alerts/raids and we would select the amount of ppl we want to play with like we do with roles? That would be interesting.
Does that mean we'll be able to form cross-faction groups? Also, can we have portals to instances again? Seeing the Besieged Clock Tower and not being able to walk in feels wrong somehow. The same applies to Abandoned Subway and Meta-Therapy Clinic in Dakota City, the Cursed House of Mystery in Cursed Gotham City, and the Hall of Justice in Bottled D.C. You guys once mentioned you wanted players to feel like they're a part of the story, but having to queue to get into places we can find in the Open World breaks the immersion. Even if we can't beat the instance alone, it feels realistic. And we can always click on "Find More Players" if we need to. And, if the instance can't be seen in the open world, place a teleporter next to a vehicle, like this: - A boomtube to Terrorium - A train to Town Square Theater and and invisible jet to Cursed Themyscira - Brainiac Returns: a JLA jet to Overrun Area 51 & to Command Ship, and a submarine to Hall of Doom - A spaceship to Subjukator Construction Site (no need for New Genesis, since the episode starts in NGU instead of in Open World) Those things would make this game more rounded in terms of immersion and worldbuilding.
Makes me think that we need a whole new tutorial built from the ground up explaining the roles and how they work. FFXIV has a feature where you join a group of npc's and your taught how to work as a team over coming obstacles and also teach a bit about their class roles . It's not perfect but it can go a long way to educating players .
Despite people thinking my take on the changes to renown was me being toxic, entitled, or mean, You're speaking to one of the biggest issues I've voiced for a long time with the game when it comes to end game; I pointed out in my follow up post; "Getting a participation trophy of elite gear when said player is in a group and unable to run their Role or Dps and getting carried isn't encouraging them to learn the game or seek to get better or teaching them anything for that matter" "IMO" The game does a poor job off teaching players the later basics of the game, understanding the roles; purpose; effective super powers; expectation; what artifacts, augments, allies to use. Pardon me my brain's fried after a long day. The short version. Maybe create a tutorial instance at level 20 or 30 maybe built on the concept of the titans training simulator; Where it takes the players through a tutorial instance where it equips a preset load out for their role or dps either crafted by the devs or feedback/experienced players that includes a loadout of the super powers, skill points, set of artifacts or not just one, the correct augments for which role or dps automatically applied; then runs them through scenarios with npcs of how to use it said loadout; rather its Healing self and npc allies. Debuffing targets and power healing npc allies, Tanking scenario with attacking npcs teaching them the basics of pull/taunt, cc, using their powers to survive Well dps you get the picture Anything can be better than what's currently in place. It's also; really disheartening and annoying to see some of these players use their cr skip; But in a sense wasting it not knowing how to use what's been giving to them. At the end of the day there's only so much we can do as players to help new players; especially if they won't accept help or can't or wont read text chat or prompts on their screen.
What never made sense in DCUO is that you have to run the most difficult content to buy the strongest gear, which does not help you complete the most difficult content because you already did it.
really dig the hero villain cross faction team ups been wanting that for a long time . If we do new back ups or henchmen perhaps we could get a backup or henchmen of our other characters we have on our accounts and even as allies that would be sweet, just a thought tho lol anyhew yall made my day with that hero villain cross faction . Maybe new pets like a wolf or lion or tiger or some alien looking animal and robotic pets or drones.
Please come down on all marketplace price's. There no is reason for the Rodeo Drive price drive in this game. I get y'all got to pay bills but make it manageable to buy often. Also somewhere down the road can the stat clamp be abolished forever!!
Get rid of stat clamp let us be our regular cr and make it challenging let us level up all our gear and weapon to make us stronger it should be a system for that as well let us work for what we want I'll feel that stat clamp is not the way to improve the character or it's performance we should have a challenge mode to test the character to take it to a new level
I'll have another situation what about like as level like lower players and high levels players if we defeat a boss we should get the gear at the level where we are at
Yes! Forgot that one, that's a good example. I'm not sure how much extra work and scaling they had to do, but if they look into a design with the least amount of extra effort, I think it would be a useful experiment. Outside of always providing a solo/duo instead of one or the other, I think, eventually, it might help with spreading the entry requirements to instance. So, a 4-person can accommodate 3-7. Then, further down the road, it could be what you suggest. Maybe rewards will scale upward with larger group sizes. At this point, I'm just hoping for more flexibility with instance design while also being efficient.
For the love of everything, please don`t bring back gear crafting., It was a mess in the Hand of Fate dlc and discontinued for a reason.
Some more suggestions Get Rid of Generator Battery Decay | DC Universe Online Forums Give us a way to learn styles on items without equipping | DC Universe Online Forums The Ability to Better Customize Our Gear With Chromas | DC Universe Online Forums
Crafting the elite pieces is the least of your worries. What you're really going to want is the elite plus gear
Welcome. Great to hear from you. Interesting ideas. Hope to learn more and I hope the changes will entice me to play more as I used to in the past.
If I que in as Ice Tank and I go down, don't blame me. It's the Ice Tank. Shields can only take so much based on dominance and restoration and that's it. That's the best Ice Tank can do. And the shields penetration makes ice tank not viable to all content.