It's nice to know who the new boss is. I keep my hopes up but it has been difficult lately. With everything you can think of to change or fix or bring into the game the one thing we have always been in need of is new content. I wish there was a way to produce enough to overwhelm us.
Comes in a great time and if done correctly can push up population numbers. Great to hear episodes comes in january and not march, which likely means we are getting 3 great episodes next year, maybe? But what about anniversary event and Survival Mode? Dont let the communication die, the community fought a lot to keep the game here when Mepps went silent and then left
Will have to see if *this* time change is truly coming. Feels like every dev letter talks about new people being brought on and how the future is bright, only for little to positively change in the future. My one piece of feedback reading over this is that while content is important, please don't forget core gameplay really needs to be looked at. I know you cant sell players bug fixes or balance passes, but a lot of stuff really needs it. Sometimes its forgotten that the core gameplay loop being fun/diverse for different powers or weapons promotes engagement. Alts being feasible does as well.
eigentlich alles super was aber auch nett wäre einmal ernsthaft darüber nachzudenken den eu und us server zusammenzulegen
Elite gear hasn't been exclusive to difficult content from the point they made elite small content, which had to be done because it's stupid to only have elite raids, I'm still waiting for them to make elite+ duos and solos for that added challenge as well. It is perfectly fine that everyone can, through persistence, get the majority of the elite gear, getting the elite gear doesn't mean players can actually beat the hardest content it just means they're capable of grinding out the renown, marks and at least doing 'some' elite content and that gear is the reward. The new system allows for elite accessories exclusive to the most difficult content, in whatever way that actually pans out, they've given you (and by you I mean any player that plays elite) something extra to get on top, that and exclusive feats are all that is really needed as a reward, because on top of those the kudos obtained from overcoming the challenge should be the biggest motivator rather than the reward.
This game and what the devs do with it. Where the "It's Reality" of it is. They have jobs, Careers and they are out doing something and getting paid. Doesn't matter what they lack in for dcuo. The "Reality" is what we are lacking in. We lack in going to school for game developer and getting these jobs. Instead we don't and we just do all this talk and complaining on game. And the very reality is, it doesn't exist. That's why we are so worried about it and complain about it. Where we can get a job with game developer. Go out, put the effort into it and stay busy.
Hypocrisy? Really? You're complaining a game, it's not reality. Devs have their careers and making money. What do you have that's better? What do you have that keeps you busy and don't get for online gaming. You're not stuck and forced to play with players that don't know what they're doing.
Many things im exited about but why would u put a paywall for ppl, especialy DPS so many ppl are okay with beein a few million DMG apart but with these mods thats just unfair now. I mean u can buy it every other DLC but ppl who dont have this have a massive disatvantage to other players thats just 100% P2W we atleast can get for example Artifacts or Allys for free by playing but why not these mods? its totaly stupid and it just not belongs in the game. I guess u wanna make money but rather make money with *GOOD* Capsules, Booster Bundles and these discounts here and there, but thats just pathetic its suppose to be free2play and fun but where is the fun in getting out dpsed just bcs the other person payed more?
I like this Producer's letter for two reasons: 1. Any announcement on going forward is a big plus as any game ages. Players new and old need to see commitment when considering memberships. 2. There doesn't seem to be any "pie in the sky" promises. A lot of what I'm seeing listed here appears doable and is focused on fine tuning the player experience. Having said that, I would like to re-push for a concept that could allow you greater flexibility with instanced content without breaking the bank: Scalable Instances. I think this might be a great time to experiment with it starting with Solo/Duo instances. Instead of alternating them with each episode (now story Chapter), make one instance which can be played solo or duo. It could be as simple as tweaking mob counts and boss stats and/or adding one more room/boss. Something to think about. If it works, it could help with cueing and odd group sizes in larger instanced content.
sounds to me more like a butt hurt toxicity type of talk because it just sounds like your saying have every player pay the subscription fee to be allowed to get the elite gear. well i personally do not agree with nor nor do any of the members of the league that im in half of them have elite gear and have the knowledge of how to get and use them but they take us members without elite gear in and gives us a chance to learn about the instance in the elite difficulty instead of just putting us down like a bully does whom thinks that we do not deserve it. P.s my league's leader has done every instance in elite, elite+ and elite++ multiple times and he doesn't always get an elite gear piece to drop in his loot selection and he told us all in the league message of the day "we can do elite raids, alerts and duo's but do not expect to get an elite gear piece to drop on your first run through. i've done a solo elite 10 times and even with knowing how to get the elite gear to drop the drop rate is pretty low after 10 tries i came out with no elite gear piece so do not expect rng to be in your favor." he tried it once more and gotten the solo instances elite gear piece for the hands and it turned out to be a huge down grade for him so he donated it to the league prestige instead. so if you dont want players whom haven't learned how to use and aquire the elite gear pieces then your not just an elitist but your also being a major bully and toxic player then only way they will learn how to get and use them just like with augments and artifacts they have to get them study them and work to get them built up and to fit with their play style and character build just like everyone else. so sure don't let them learn be a single minded toxic bully of a player your just being unfair and unreasonable!
if it really was going down hill fast then i would not be seeing several phases being full while some of the other phases has around 29/40 players on both PC and PS while on Nintendo Switch there is about 5 out of 10 instances that has like 29/40 players depending on which episode world you go to but in the hall of legends there is 4-6 instances with 39/40 players in each of them i do not play it on xbox but when the player count is still pretty high to keep the game running DCUO i just don't see it going down hill fast its more like players that have left and is trying to get other players to leave is breaking tools on that rollercoster cars holding chain that locks it in place but if you really don't want to stick around just do all the players whom actually want to play DCUO a favor and stop trying to get them to quit the game its not going to work my league friends and i all enjoy this game even with its issues that could be fixed if the entire community comes together and asks for them to be fixed instead of like 45% of players that wants to complain about it where 65% of players don't care about when the issues gets fixed as long as they can play the game they ae fine with it
I'm glad to see someone giving helpful advice instead of just complaining about letting every player have the chance to get elite gear by claiming "they do not deserve it"
Wow... thanks for the wall of text rant. I'm not trying to get anyone to quit the game, just making observations and posting my opinion. If you agree or disagree, it makes no difference. I just hate how there haven't been any real improvements to the game. Even a minor QoL fix has a $5 fee tacked on to it... I'm seeing less and less reason to spend money and have an active membership. More stuff has been taken away that have been added.
Allow us to recycle ally xp and get 50% credit like artifacts. That would be a great QoL upgrade. Ally Recovery Kits and we could pay 500sm for each one.