Problem with Superman's voice actor

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by Liongale, Nov 5, 2014.

  1. Liongale Dedicated Player

    Given Adam Baldwin is going full out hate on people right now, I can't even stand to listen to his voice in the game anymore.

    I know a voice change isn't done at the snap of the fingers, but ugh, I feel sick knowing someone like that is representing Superman. Doesn't make me want to do anything involving him in the game... sigh. I liked so many of his roles too, I didn't know he was like this...
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  2. Dametria Loyal Player

    I agree. I know it's probably not going to happen, but considering one of the issues involves women gamers, and in particular women game developers, it deserves some serious consideration.
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  3. SuperBell Loyal Player

    I just divorce the actor from their characters. If I didn't, I could never enjoy the Naked Gun trilogy again.
  4. DarkVisor 15000 Post Club

    They changed Wonder Bewbs, so don't see why they wouldn't with the Dork Knight (don't know what is going on with Baldwin, but sure someone will tell me soon enough :p )
  5. Mont New Player

    He was a Richard to Superboy in yj so just living up to his part
  6. Alex Denton Dedicated Player

    Aww man, why'd he had to go and say that? Now I can't separate him from the character either.
    Is it so hard to find someone who's voice acting is so good you'll want to look him up, and then you'll find a decent man ? Now maybe that's too harsh, I've never met the guy, but that comment on same sex marriage is really not cool.
  7. Little Sister New Player

    I've been saying this forever. I'm glad people are finally realizing what a nut he is.
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  8. GrimTwisted New Player

    Eh. Don't really see how that affects the game. He, as a private person, is allowed to have views on things, no matter how stupid they are.
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  9. Little Sister New Player

    It's bad for business. Same reason you wouldn't hire George Zimmerman to voice a character on Dora the Explorer.
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  10. Dezaras Loyal Player

    Wow. My original response was gonna relate to the vocal similarities between Superman and Injustice Hal Jordan. Didn't realise it was this.
  11. Fools Fire Loyal Player

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  12. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

    I'm still catching up on this GamerGate thing, I have a few thoughts so far. I believe his involvement in this is tweeting 2 vids about Zoe Quinn thus furthering and exacerbating her harassment since he has many followers. Most of the controversy seems to stem from her views on women portrayed in gaming and people using her personal life against her with all manners of threats.

    Stay Classy, Internet.
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  13. Dametria Loyal Player

    Not really sure what that picture has to do with what I :confused:
  14. Liongale Dedicated Player

    I asked him, sincerely as I could, on twitter if he could stand up to the bullies who are attacking women in his name. He blocked me instead. He then went to attack people standing up for those women by calling them names.

    =_= I don't even have words for how disgusting that is.

    At least there are other celebrities, like Joss Whedon, Felicia Day, and many others who are actually standing against this (and some even calling Adam out on this hostility).
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  15. Alex Denton Dedicated Player

    Apparently there's more to this than I knew. I've been catching up and man, this is so serious. I hope Zoe Quinn and Anita Sarkeesia can go back to a normal life soon, this is crazy.
    Stupid as it sounds, I'm gonna be avoiding Supes in the game now. I wish there was a way to turn this around you know, I mean all those ********* use the internet to hurt those women's lives, can something be done to stop it? Other than tweeting "stop being *********"? I'm gonna look that up, I'm kinda pissed right now.
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  16. GrimTwisted New Player

    Just to make something clear, Baldwin's a supporter of Gamergate, a movement that's against nepotism in gaming journalism. He has no connections to the random internet trolls posting death threats to those two women. To quote TotalBiscuit;

    "The problem with a hashtag is that there are no entry requirements. Anyone can post and claim to be associated with the movement, however it is leaderless and the actions of one person being tied to the entire movement seem fairly illogical and require some serious use of the guilt by association fallacy."
  17. SuperSoldier Devoted Player

  18. dngnb8 Devoted Player

    Its just a voice......
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  19. Breakforce Loyal Player

    The ethics in journalism debate falls apart when we take into account the fact that no one with at least half a brain has ever considered video game "journalism" to be actual legitimate journalism.
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  20. GrimTwisted New Player

    Besides, even if it's not "journalism" it's still something, even if we don't use that name and the "journalists" still break some sort of ethics code when they take money and/or "favours", then post lies when they told us we'd be receiving the truth.

    That article is pretty biased. And yeah, Gamergate is all about ethics, it just happened to start with Quinn's incident.
    There's a whole crowd of us who don't really give a damn about those two (ms. Quinn and Sarkeesia) and just want some honesty in this industry, in which we're being lied to by both the producers and the media. However, it's the internet and you can always expect idiots spamming death threats at every random pedestrian.