Problem: PS3 to PC

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scarlet Rise, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Thanks, I did not consider this. I'll have to choose wisely since I do have very little space as F2P member.
  2. Kestral Committed Player

    Make multiple characters for bank purposes and just mail it to them but do not accept the mail until you have space. Mailed items stay in limbo for a good long while before being sent back to the original character. So you mail everything to one PC toon. They accept it and mail it to another of your PC toons. That way when it 'expires' it goes back to the first PC toon you can still access instead of the PS3 toon you have lost access to.
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  3. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    its 3 AM or you are getting ready to work ...who knows....and some guy yellls "just go out now and just spend hundreds...whats the big deal??"...silly indeed...anyways...i lost my no1 cape and batrobot thingy...i lived...glad youre still here...
  4. SigmaAtom Committed Player

    morally I'm with the OP.. you should be able to switch to PC and keep your chars since we are on the same servers now.
    Financially that doesn't work for DB when they negotiate with Sony about use of the platform, and so that's why they have contracts to keep out that pesky 'save money on PC' thing we have*.

    I liked Kestral's idea, and if I may add..
    if no one's mentioned it, there's the 'jump to 100cr' deal.
    you're premium right? so you could also just log on both chars and trade instantly.

    *sarcasm and the internet are a bad mix.. they fell out sometime around 1995, the first time someone wasn't obvious, things were never the same..