Problem: PS3 to PC

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Scarlet Rise, Oct 31, 2017.

  1. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    The inability to keep your "account" if you transfer to the PC is massively, unfortunate. I have kept characters stored on my PS3 account (for years) on the off chance that Daybreak would find a resolution to this issue. Now that the support of PS3 "will" be at its end, it looks like that hope is lost. Is there any news that this problem has already been fixed but just hasn't been announced?

    Side Note: One of my characters was created around the time of the Trigon DLC. So this post is my attempt at trying to preserve that character. I do understand that characters do get deleted by developers. However, I did assume (around the debut of F2P ) that when it happened, it would not be with a platform that is still supported.

    - I tried getting back into DCUO but redistributing the money I put in seems, "wrong" -
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  2. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Your characters will not be deleted or anything like that (you will be able to access them on the PS4), but it is very, very unlikely that they will allow characters to switch from the PS to the PC (Or XBox) because the money goes to different people and as Reagan says on Futurama "Everybody's gotta get paid."
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  3. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    What a well placed loophole. So they don't want to take one for the team; no philanthropy for the "devotees".
    Since the PS3 is being dropped, it's unlikely the process would be too reoccurring. One account transference per transfer-er. That might be a big initial hit, but overtime, would it become worth it?

    Note: I am assuming that too many of those that do not jump to the PS4 (go Xbox One or PC) will drop DCUO or become extremely "casual players".
  4. Capitaine Courage Active Player

    Question is : were there still that much PS3 users ?
    I Don't think so, most players must have transitioned since.
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  5. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    It's not really a loophole. It's been that way since the PS4 was released.

    But the transferring stuff isn't up to Daybreak, it's in the hands of PSN/Microsoft/Steam(in some cases).
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  6. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Oh, ok. I was hoping there was something that could be done that I had no awareness of. Something that would be pursued since the PS3 is shutting down.

    So those that do not make the jump either delete their characters and remake them on a "new" account or let them go? Heh, a glimpse of what it will be like when the servers shutdown across the entire board (except without the remake).
  7. MastaMind Dedicated Player

    Yeah it does kind of suck but they would have to change the entire system in order to make it work. Third topic in a row, ugh, but GTA had some kind of middle ground. It was a fake Facebook called "The Social Club". However, somehow having your account linked to the Social Club would allow you to transfer from one system to the other. You could only do it once though. They eventually removed this though because people on PS3 had jailbroken their console and had access to "mod menus". So they were making and selling modded accounts with tons of stuff players shouldn't have. Still, I am pretty sure that it was possible to transfer from PC to PS4 or from PS3 to PC. I only did the PS3 to PS4 but I know people who came from PC to PS4 or even Xbox to PS4.

    I have a friend who had to start over entirely because his PS3 was destroyed in a house fire. He still had access to PSN but instead of getting a console he built a gaming PC. So I definitely get what the OP is saying here. Not too long ago he was at my house and I logged in. He had that TO Morrow robot and several other things that he will likely never be able to get again.
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Those toons on PS3 have 2 options:
    Be retrieved on PS4 as always since PSN unifies both consoles
    Or sit in limbo for all eternity
    Nothing is deleted. There is no reason to delete them. These toons can be picked back up on PS4 whenever.
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  9. KHALONofOGUN 10000 Post Club

    If you decide to play on the PC you will have to start from scratch...however your PS characters need not be deleted. If you ever get a PS4 you can log into your psn account and re-download all your assets and continue where you left off on the PS3.

    As Black Dawn noted, there are inter-company considerations when it comes to the transferring of accounts (basically a business hurdle not technological issue). The likelyhood of them having some kind of consideration for anyone are nil, seeing as there is a perfectly viable solution for the problem (just get a PS4 and continue where you left off from there). And for the record, a PS4 should not be anywhere near the $300 price range (i've heard they go for as low as $250 maybe less).
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  10. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    Well, it's more ideal now than when DCUO debuted on the PS4. After all, Sony is racking up their number of "great" exclusives.
    Even so and however, purchasing a PS4 is a "weak" solution to this problem. Specifically when you account for a platform a player already owns that Daybreak already supports.

    I understand what everyone is saying. So for now, Daybreak will just have to lose a sum of customers that don't switch to the PS4 from PS3. And from what I am hearing, it seems they are in a good enough spot to deal with that.
  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Just buy a freaking PS4. Why you think you'd have to lose a character, I have no idea.
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  12. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I'm not purchasing another platform for the sake of DCUO and your comment sounds juvenile.
    To me, the PC already offers more than enough. So much so that purchasing a PS4 "now" is not worth it.
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  13. Vagrant Committed Player

    I mean I guess if you don't care to keep playing then sure, stick to the PC. PC master race anyone?
  14. Scarlet Rise Loyal Player

    I try not to let business decisions influence my own decisions for what I purchase when I can help it.

    Thanks for the information everyone. I'll likely delete my characters and then remake them as a F2P member. Hopefully, Daybreak produces some serious discounts to justify my return as an active member. The quality that DCUO provides just does not outshine other titles that offer a similar price (e.g. FFXIV).

    Side Note: Sony maybe making the right move purchasing exclusives if some of the above comments is the average mind-frame of their customers.
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  15. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    Buy a ps4 for the purpose of trying new games, don't just do it for dc, that is why others refuses to buy a ps4, when I brought my ps4, I wanted to upgrade myself so in the future I can try the latest games, this is only if you can afford a ps4 btw, no sarcasm/rudeness intended.

    Dc looks great and feels much better on ps4.
  16. Backseid Devoted Player

    Again, as mentioned several times, you DO NOT have any reason to delete your characters.

    They can exist, in limbo, for the life of the game.

    Who knows what may happen in the future. A transfer to PC has happened with other games in the past.
  17. Surtur Well-Known Player

    The decision not to let accounts transfer is up to PSN (SONY). If you do some research Microsoft (XBOX) has been willing to cross platform with SONY on things but they (SONY) is the one that refuses to do so.

    Money talks and BS walks.
    I say move to PC and SONY can screw off. This will be the only way that they will ever change their minds on cross platform anything.

    IMO PC should be cross platform with XBOX not PS anyway.
  18. Darth Piper Loyal Player

    Ah, but at first it was the other way around. Microsoft had the upper hand and refused to cooperate. Now the shoe is on the other foot and Microsoft is getting a taste of what they dished out.

    That said, overall it hurts the gaming community when they don't kindasorta play together nicely.
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  19. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    Steam certainly does not have a say in character transfers. I used to use DCUO through steam until I downloaded the launcher itself and logged without steam. My characters were there, without Steam. Steam is a retail store, a distributor, a good source for steam discounts during their specials. I had bought a few DLCs through Steam after I stopped using Steam to launch DCUO. They give you a redeem code to use in game for access to DLCs you purchased.

    I doubt Sony will ever release the chains or anchor that is playing a game on PSN. Characters are anchored to PSN forever. They will always want you to come back to PSN. Allowing a player to move characters from PSN seems very unlikely.
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  20. Kestral Committed Player

    Well you could at least transfer anything tradeable to your PC characters if you make that account before PS3 play shuts down. Still sucks for all the lost feats/styles. It's a small consolation I know but still something.