Prime: Battleground 4:15 - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    Nice work guys!
    • Like x 1
  2. BumblingB I got better.

  3. Anhur Committed Player

    D'oh, knew I should have stuck around :(.

    What a run!
  4. Zuse Loyal Player

    Nice very nice do u guys ever come to the US server ???
  5. IcyBar Level 30

    Perfect run ;p. Grtz guys!
  6. Orochimaru New Player

  7. BigBabyGeezuz Dedicated Player

    Cool video. If Iconics puts out a video like this, they will just say we cheated by using the new mods and trinkets. Might be fun to make one anyway...
  8. Vederyn New Player

    Awesome job guys!
  9. Abel Well-Known Player

    That video is what I call:

    The Excellence of Execution

    Well Done Mates. Well Done.
  10. Elusian Crowd Control

    Sometimes around there for fun.
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  11. Noxx New Player


    So that's why noone wanted to run alerts. I forgive you now.
  12. KCTAMU92PC122010 New Player

    Nice job, always fun to watch.
  13. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Quick update: We decided to try it a second time and got it at 3:19 - the goal is to get it under 3:00 if we can :D

    Boss Pop: 3:19
    Scorecard Pop: 4:13

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  14. BumblingB I got better.

    Holy smokes, their health was like watching a loading bar with fibre optic interenet! It was going down fast! Congrats guys! :D
  15. Xenoblade New Player

    Good job guys, enjoyed the video
  16. indee2025 New Player

  17. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Very nice.
    P.S: Fuzion...get that Briefing and get them Feats son!! ;).
  18. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Haha, this is an ongoing debate about me in league, i don't even have them on fuzion lmao!

    Oh, this video is wolf form HEALER POV;

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  19. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    Yup it would be necessary for me to die and a ninja rez to slow down the group on the run =D makes me feel all special
  20. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    And one more selfless bump to include the final Prime BG speed run. Down to 3:07 enjoy

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