Prime: Battleground 4:15 - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Sirfinksalot New Player

    So sorry, total noob. Can someone help me or redirect me?
    I'm simply trying to figure out how to get the word "The" placed before my name in the character creation.
    So sorry to interrupt.
  2. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Nice, now doing it without 2 gadget and 2 hard light dps.
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  3. Sirfinksalot New Player

    Strange, it bleeped out the nickname for newbie.
  4. Cold Fuzion New Player

    I totally agree - not the best run from my POV if thats what you mean :p
  5. X-zero Loyal Player

    Very Impressive. Brainiac and his avatars lives were just melted away.
  6. Doc Holliday New Player

    So when are you guys going to make a USPS3 league lol?

    Nice work as always!
  7. Sirfinksalot New Player

    Please help.
  8. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    Pretty awesome burn. Fearless, skillful DPS'ing is what I like to see and those guys were on their A game. Great heals and tanking as well. Watching all those supply drops rain down was hilarious. Perfect environment for an Elec healer to thrive in.
  9. Whizzkid Dedicated Player

    If you want to put "The ____" You can do that but to my knowledge you can only have one space in your name so attempting to put "The Sir Finksalot" or something like that won't work. I could be wrong though, it's been a while since I made a new character.
  10. Potent New Player

    I was trying not to offend, or insult you. But I think your loadout, rotations and weapon choice are horrible. That's what I meant.
    That is why I was vague.
  11. Agnetta Dedicated Player

    out of gauss grenade, fear gas, intimidation, cryo field, bunker buster and photon blast, which powers are horrible in your opinion?
    • Like x 1
  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Very impressive!
    What was the consumable in the drink socket was? :O
  13. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Haha - really its fine :) I think the loadout is a pretty standard for gadget dps Photon could be changed for turret ;)
  14. Sirfinksalot New Player

  15. Potent New Player

    I guess it's not really the loadout(that was more or less from watching the Gates run a while back).
    Fear Gas isn't really that great though, IMO Cryofoam is better(Larger inital burst, stronger DoT) But he is with another gadgets, so that is understandable(although I'd have chosen Stasis Field over Fear Gas, stronger inital burst, stronger DoT). He is super-speed, and Whirling Dervish will do way more damage than Fear Gas.(and can be clipped w/ intimdation which is already in his loadout, I also am not advocating clipping WD with anything that does not already clip powers, so don't try to say I am)
    I'm not a fan of Photon Blast, as you usually can only get 1-3 castings at 35% if you're with other good players(weapon combos clipped can do about the same damage in the same time, possible more)
    Its more or less using Spin Chop(Flipslash>Spin Chop post nerf), and casting Photon Blast at above 35% that hurts my head.
  16. Cold Fuzion New Player

    yeah i get what you mean :) - The themy run was being a fresh gadgets user and today was me returning to the power set :p I'll be sure to take some of these pointers and look at them..thanks for the info.
  17. Mitchell New Player

    those poor controllers, hope you gave them some tea and cookies after that.
  18. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    one of the 1st runs we tried that night was 1 sorc, 1 elec, 1 light, 1 gadgets and we still beat it in 4:47 we just happened to have this rotation when we got this run.
  19. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    too legit to quit. amazeballs.
  20. iLLusion New Player

    We were so busy with mindless Defib/Recharge single button mashing, we didn't even had time to notice all those cookies. Sadly, by the time we were done, DPS already ate them all. :(
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