Prime: Battleground 4:15 - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Feb 17, 2013.

  1. Cold Fuzion New Player

    Odyssey Speed run of Prime BG


    ObsidianChill (Light)
    hrZ (Electricity)
    DarkBat (Gadgets)
    Stable (Light)
    Ledeno Srce (Ice)
    iLLusion158 (Gadgets)
    Wexor (Gadgets)
    StarrySky (Light)
    • Like x 15
  2. Captain Just New Player

    Always enjoy you guys' videos. Well done.
  3. Im Charlie New Player

    Great Job guys! The fastest my league has ever beaten was around 8 min before home turf was released! Also, i loved your short gates run.
  4. Righteously New Player

    Amazing +1000
  5. iNface New Player

    gratz nice run!
    exept cc.. cc you sux :)
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  6. Elusian Crowd Control

    I loved that evening. I started with Sorcery, went over to Gadgets, to HL (this video was screened this time), over to Gadgets back and again back to HL. This evening made SoE happy, not just because I burned respec tokens, I also resetted all runs + changed personality type + changed movement mode :p

    Need a next triple SC *g*

    EDIT: iNface I love you! :D
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  7. joey2225 New Player

    Nice good job
  8. Kroye Loyal Player

    I was say that^ :p
  9. ToySoldier13 New Player

    Great job guys, very impressive.

    Although it does make me resent you PC players - we aren't even rendered in 4 minutes on the PS3!
  10. Radium Devoted Player

    I know lol, when you watch it on youtube it seems sped up compared to what we have. Doesn't help that the life bars are ticking down like crazy either haha
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  11. Cold Fuzion New Player

    hey kroye, been a while :)

    I've never played on PS3 but i have heard complaints - lets hope we see it improved PS4 (if its moving over!)
  12. Brice Allen Loyal Player

    Impressive as always guys. Well done:).
  13. Raiden New Player

    dang, very nice!
  14. Mr SweetFairy New Player

  15. franky305 New Player

    very well done like i have said prime now day is a joke if you got player that know what they are doing.
  16. Sore Steadfast Player

    I peed a little. Nice.
  17. Sore Steadfast Player

    True, but that is becoming a bigger IF day-by-day.
  18. Potent New Player

    Good job, although watching Wexor DPS hurts makes my head hurt.......
  19. Dee Pius New Player

    So that's what it would look like if I could play all 8 roles at once in Prime!

    Kudos, you all deserve a Helm of Op. +1
  20. Snix Dedicated Player

    Nice run. Got to love them HL DPS lol.
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