Price on Complex Mats Outrageous

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Stamen, Aug 14, 2013.

  1. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I wouldn't mind max price restrictions. People are just manipulating the broker for their personal purposes again. First Simple Material were expensive as ever, and then Complex Material jumped way up in price as the Simple Material dropped in price. The most a player should be able to sell something, in my opinion, is double that of the Vendors.
  2. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    USPC - I am in a league, but my league tends to help the lower CR players more and mostly avoids the higher level content and especially raids. I like the league a lot; very mature and like-minded people to myself. It does make it difficult for me to get into the higher content, but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks by a long shot.

    I've been in a couple other leagues with elitist attitudes, and I cannot stand those types of players.
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  3. YodaDog New Player

    Its not manipulation. Its supply and demand. What you're suggesting is UN-MURICAN!!!!!!! XD
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  4. Kordana New Player

    All you supply and demand people are missing the point. Obviously whenever the supply of something is low and the demand is high, the price is going to go up. *shocking*

    The point is that the drop rate from salvaging on these are way too low. Especially compared to simple mats. Simple mats are going for 4-5k for a stack of 16 (on uspc anyway). You can barely give them away. This should be a least slightly more balanced.
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  5. Breakforce Loyal Player

    Then people will just sell through the trade channels.
  6. YodaDog New Player

    I guess... Just sounds like another example of how folks will find any reason to bi..errr... complain, to me. But ok. Somehow I manage to mod all my stuff and Ive made a pretty penny on extra complex's along the way. But sure. If you guys say its broke, it clearly must be so.
  7. Tikkun Loyal Player

    There are ways to easily get complex mats. Easiest way is T3 and 4 raid gear. Run the raids as a 4 man if you can for easy money. Drops from Wayward have a decent complex rate. Also, I have noticed recently I am far more likely to get a complex by salvaging blue troller gear. I don't know if it's luck or there's something to it, but 2 out of every 3 blue troller pieces I get have given me complex. Probably dumb luck, but I have been able to count on it lately. The pieces came from weekly boxes, so that could be it too. I get about 2 stacks per week and I don't run alerts or duos as much as I should.

    The reason I call it supply/demand is fewer people are filling the supply because they need the mats for themselves. I haven't noticed a change in the drop rate of complex personally, but I have noticed more people being stingy about them. If you know where to look and what to salvage, it's so easy to make money right now.
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  8. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Trade Channel isn't as efficient as the Broker though.
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  9. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Yes, but not everyone can make pretty pennies of it. The game economy has it's demands and what not but there's so many players selling all kinds of things. The point of the broker is to sell your item(s) a few dollars less than the competition to actually sell your items but no one is doing that, they're just matching everyone else's prices which doesn't really help the business cycle.
  10. YodaDog New Player

    No, everyone can. Im not special. The point of the broker is to buy and sell at the best possible prices. You price too high, you're not being mean, it just wont sell. You price it too low and you're not getting a thank you card from the buyer for being so kind. All you get is a loss of profit.

    People arent just matching everyone else's prices. Some are. Some arent. Where are you even dreaming this stuff up? And I have no idea what you even mean by "business cycle" in this context, or why on Earth I or anyone would be interested in seeing it "helped."

    Other than all that, Im totally with you. ;)
  11. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Proof that you're someone who overprices things then complains when something you want is over priced right? Free and Premiums can't obtain enough money to buy Complex Material. Legendary members are really being babied. No matter what, people should really consider selling things cheaper because not everyone can afford a stack of Complex Material for $300,000, nor do some people have time to sit back in a computer chair and farm it so they can mod. It's being so close minded to do something like that. If anyone in my league or friends needs anything for modding I give it to them for free because I know what it's like to struggle with modding and having to pay so much money buying things you need to mod. Call it a charity but I do it out of kindness. Do onto others as you wish others would do onto you.
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  12. YodaDog New Player

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  13. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I've never dealt with you before so "dead wrong" is wrong, it's both of our opinions of you. Of course you don't care, I'm glad you understand my point towards you and other players. If people sell it cheaper others will too because theirs won't sell. That's a Business Cycle. It goes up and down like a wave, it's just much much faster than The U.S cycle because money is more obtainable in a faster amount of time and causes radical changes, like Complex being sold so highly.
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  14. YodaDog New Player

    Dear, you have no understanding of a "business cycle" or any such thing. And the assumption you seem to have that both our opinions are equal here is...ummm... dead wrong. You see, I know me way better than you do, Im pretty sure. The FACT that Ive never complained about such a thing and never would is known... by me. Not you. You know nothing about me. And the fact that you just missed that little flaw in your logic just serves to beg the question: Why should I take you seriously about the economics of DCUO when you cant even see that^?!? Its laughable. You're whole line of reasoning here is a joke. Sorry to be blunt, no offense, but just sayin. The complex price follows supply/demand. PERIOD. It always will unless they change the entire AH system, which they wont. They could increase the salvage rate of complex, but noone here has given any plausible reason at all why they should. Least of all you, friend. This dream world you folks live in where your DCUO life would so much easier if everyone wasnt such a buncha meanies is just that... A dream world. Call me when you get back to planet Earth and we can talk more.
  15. Multiverse Creator League

    At some point I was almost doing that with some of my alts.... I had so many stacks that my bank was always full. So at some point... I figured that I might as well use them instead of filling my inventory.
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  16. Whiteroom New Player

    Actually if people weren't so lazy they could just go get the mats themselves, instead they would rather buy them, driving up the price.
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  17. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    here is a idea how about farm for things to salvage and get your own complex and simple with out buying them.........just a thought:D
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  18. YodaDog New Player

    Thats how I do it... but hey! Im just a greedy jerk apparently.... XD
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  19. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I find it funny that you think I'm having a problem with the prices being so high when I'm just preaching for the people who don't. Did I ever complain about Materials being expensive to ME? No. Did I once say I wouldn't pay $300,000 for Complex Materials? Nope. So maybe you should get out of your ridiculous, false world of thinking I'm complaining about it when I'm just forwarding others' complaints. I don't n ow you, you're right, that's why I said OPINION. Opinions are not facts. You shouldn't bring logic into the equation if you lack some yourself. Have a wonderful day and please, do have fun ripping people off with your overly priced material.
  20. Nekron 99 Loyal Player

    I'm confused of what you are considering a Business Cycle. Have you ever studied Economics? Supply and Demand change over time. This changes the prices of things. When people have only have a limited supply available and the demand is higher than the supply then prices go up. If or when people start buying (demand) Complex Materials more than they do now, if the quanity on the AH doesn't change (supply) then the price will go up.

    Do people sell things for 1,000 or even less than the lowest price of something, of course. Low priced items don't last long when the demand for those items is high. If everyone in 1 day charged 100,000 thousand lower than the current lowest priced posting of the highly sought after item they are putting up in the Broker then all it would do is cause someone to buy up all the lower priced items and "flip" them at a higher price since they know the demand is there to sell at the higher price.
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