Livestream Preview: Sixth Dimension Kryptonian Time Capsule

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. Kanniu Well-Known Player

    They never clarified that there wasn't going to be one either. Them not being permitted is subject to change. I(as many others) assumed that DC had changed their stance(especially with the DOS bonus week and fortnite adding superman in their battlepass). It just doesn't make sense to add a superman outfit without his emblem. It would've been fine if it was in-built too. Now this style is just going to be another one that no one uses.
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  2. Robotsidekick Active Player

    You realise that they are allowed to add the emblem if it's built in like Fallen God, STEEL ect so yeah.. the chest is incomplete and didn't have to be.

    No one will actually be able to cosplay as World forger/Sixth dimension Superman unless they have that time limited emblem.. so it's a piss take for others who do not have that.
    Even still it being built in makes more sense due to the small size of emblems on the chest.

    It just doesn't make any sense out of thousands of outfits not in the game to pick a Superman style and give no built in emblem and no separate emblem.. if they can't add the emblem fine then do not **** tease and take the piss like this.
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  3. Inconforme+ Active Player

    Well if u read some of the things i say in the forums in this almost 10 years, u gonna understand why no one wanna play with me and is fine, i come to this game thinking was just some kind of Batman Arkham, is great be an alone wolf is relaxing in that way, but is true is harder in such a microsociety who cares about what u have and no about who kind of player u are, but the point is the pay to win way they take.
  4. darry3275 Well-Known Player

    Not a fan of tc's. I already pay a membership, I would rather pay a couple of extra bucks a month to be able to open them all without stabilizer keys. Would prefer there to be no feats in tc's. Feats should not be tied to our wallets. I do, however, appreciate the devs trying as hard as they can to make the variety of styles and content that we have.
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  5. Ghostmaker14 New Player

    Thank you thats all I'm saying
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  6. The Dark Kryptonian Well-Known Player

    Great googly moogly they finally, after all these years added Nuclear Man's emblem YES I'm so happy. Though I hope this means his outfit is next I am content. I'm just dying that I have to wait till tomorrow to get it :) I either like one thing in a Capsule or nothing but I think this is the first time I wanted everything in a Capsule lol Love the Sixth Dimension Superman outfit, thought it would have a built in emblem or something like in the comics but still very very cool.
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  7. darry3275 Well-Known Player

    Can we get an attack squirrel or attack duck uplink......oooooo or BOTH?!!! I would push my grandmother down a hill into a open shark tank for that! That's what gram gram gets for the hard candy from Christmas 2015 she gave me for Halloween last year. Sorry gram gram, but you had it coming.:D
  8. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    If they do ever appear receptive at some point, here’s something interesting from writer Kurt Busiek:

    We got the one with the black line in-game; so maybe sell the idea to DC as a different take without the black line. It won’t just be repeating what was already done, and the emblem without the black line seems to be more popular.
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  9. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I don't want a Superman emblem because we have one, I want more styles, content and iconic powers inspired by him.
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  10. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I see, I've never even heard of the Sixth Dimension Kryptonians, so the style with the other emblems seemed fine to me.

    But while I understand the frustration in giving us a Superman style without his emblem, if WB/DC will not allow it, there is really nothing they can do about it.

    It is unfortunate, but they are giving us what they have permission to use.
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  11. Robotsidekick Active Player

    "we" refers to only a small group of players. Yeah not surprising those who have one wouldn't care.
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  12. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Correct If I'm wrong but dont we have Superman Emblems already in the game?
  13. Kanniu Well-Known Player

    We technically have two but both were available for a short period of time and are no longer obtainable
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  14. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    Dang that suck, I thought It was part of the Death of Superman or something, Would be nice if we get more Superman content and they can release more Superman emblems, is there any hint on the next episode?
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  15. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    OMG OMG DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE the entire time capsule is like an early birthday gift to me. Everything I wanted and couldn't imagine is on there. I even posted a picture of 6 dimension Superman in that one thread. The mullet is funny but looks really nice. I also like the emblems, thank you so much Mepps and everyone <3 I so want that Superman doll lol but maybe you guys can have mentor dolls in the future such as Wonder Woman, Joker, Batman.
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  16. Kanniu Well-Known Player

    The next episode is very likely related to the Totality and Perpetua storyline which features the Justice League so there is a chance but I wouldn't hold my breath on it
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  17. Zneeak Devoted Player

    Personally, I like that they left out the emblem on the chest of this costume. I like to cosplay just as much as anybody else, but more than anything I like the opportunity to make my own, unique look aswell without having an emblem forcing me to look like a generic Superman sidekick on the frontlines. :p

    If possible, could the Devs release versions with and without Emblems on these iconic styles in the future? That way, everyone gets what they want.
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  18. Mrsnow28 New Player

    Let’s be honest here! Outfit is great but of course! Besides no Superman emblem (no issue for me as I have both releases) but the emblem slot is small!
    Which of course means NO FULL CHEST EMBLEM!
    WHY! WHY! WHY!
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  19. Ghostmaker14 New Player

    I understand that, but as a fan of the suit and knowing where it comes from I feel cheated that they would release something incomplete I'd have preferred the blue beetle gear instead of this incomplete slap I the face because honestly that's what it feels like.
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  20. Mentaldope40 Dedicated Player

    I would love that, Perpetua and the Monitors ? lets go, lmao.
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