Livestream Preview: Oracle's Time Capsule

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. Lord Of 5 Well-Known Player

    The Lord has missed these conversations but he has matured as time has passed by. His Eminence usually would trade insults with you but since we are on two different platforms that does not look like it will be possible anymore.
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  2. Lord Of 5 Well-Known Player

    Nothing his Eminence typed was misleading. Money robots are on the pc. They are in the game because of the pc. The Ps did save the pc. If not for the merger would this great game even continue to exist on the pc? You know knows with platform spends more money on this great game? Sony and Daybreak. pc people have more disposable income than PS players? The Lord finds that hard to believe. Most pc players are loners and like to keep to themselves. The majority of pc people I have met are barley getting by and are single. All their money goes to upgrading their computer, mountain dew and cheese doodles. The Holy one will admit he does like your name and sig.
  3. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    I would ask for your stuff since you are leaving, but I am ps4. :(
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  4. Draconiano Committed Player

    The sad thing is that they don't even want to tell us the truth.
    They are basically saying "You are all wrong, none of the posible reasons you stated are correct. We have reasons but we won't tell you".

    If they could give a reasonable explanation and a gimpse of what is coming on the future regarding TC, I would accept it or at least shut up. But right now it just looks like they are waiting for the community to calm down and forget about it.
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  5. Lantern_AdamK4 Committed Player

    I agree with this. I can’t imagine being a Dev. No matter what they do, someone is complaining that it’s not enough. Daily they’re faced with insults, demands (some quite unreasonable) reading these forums, a good amount of the community comes off as hateful, arrogant, spoiled brats.
    Nobody seems to consider that the Devs don’t tell us everything because A.) we don’t NEED to know everything. B.) When they tell us something they’re planning before it’s ready, if anything changes there’s a sh** storm of aggression and whining from the community. I’ve seen this. I still see this.

    Let’s say for example. These changes have happened because they’re planning something bigger that will improve the life of the game. Perhaps merging all servers (this is an arbitrary example. So don’t @me about this happening) there are behind the scenes things that need to be done to test and see if it’s possible. Say they announce that they’re working on this. Everyone is either up in arms complaining or they’re celebrating. But then it’s determined it’s not really doable. So they have to say sorry, we aren’t gonna do this. It’s not possible.
    Then what happens is a bunch of angry keyboard warriors go after the Devs and people who aren’t Devs will tell them it will work and they’re being lazy or they aren’t adequate because they can’t make it work, etc. it’s a lot of hassle vs not telling people things until everything is ready and they need to know.
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  6. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Mepps posted that none of this had to do with those incidents.
  7. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Let me get one thing straight though, these are trade restrictions and nothing prevents PC players from selling items to PS players via the broker?
  8. AV Loyal Player

    Trade restrictions generally carry over to the broker. Eg. there are completely separate Detector/Cache/Catalyst markets on PC and console. It's fine for common stuff like that but it's extremely annoying for stuff like rare TC collections and chromas. Had like... 5 sales go through last night because I couldn't trade with console.
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  9. Lord Of 5 Well-Known Player

    This is a good question.
  10. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Interesting. I was unaware that you could not see certain items on the broker because of platform.
  11. AV Loyal Player

    Yeh like sometimes if you see someone in trade chat asking/offering something for a wildly different price than what you usually see it for, it's likely someone on a different platform.
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Oh man, I remember you! Thomas "the Rock" Wayne Jr! How you been? Still got themes going for your posts. You bring joy to the threads. I know you are PS and don't like us PC players, but don't worry, we still care for you!
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  13. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    It still makes a hell of a lot more sense than some of the other theories bouncing around.
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  14. Hraesvelg Always Right

    As another PC player...speak for yourself, LOL.
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  15. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Glad someone feels the same as me
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  16. Stanktonia Dedicated Player

    Holy one, is it fair to assume all of that just because they’re playing the game on pc?
  17. Exodusblack Well-Known Player

    My bad,
    My bad, I completely misread your post.
  18. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Don't worry about what he says, we don't. After all, it's clear that he has no idea what he's talking about.
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  19. Batrederik Dedicated Player

    (Lantern_AdamK4 and Stanktonia says) I suppose they'll wanna lock me up, as well, as your accomplice... (Batrederik says) accomplice:rolleyes:? I'm gonna tell them the whole thing was your idea.
  20. Proxystar #Perception

    Pretty poor form on Daybreak's part Mepps, (none of this is personal towards you Mepps, but I, as a paying customer are pretty disappointed) Daybreak are entitled to communicate what it wants, as it wants, unfortunately you're the senior customer relations staff member for Daybreak so you're tasked with reading the feedback and providing their communications...But as a paying customer, of 9 years for that matter, I'm going to be honest with you, it is incredibly disappointing to see a change like this just drop in game with no warning and have any explanation of the reasons so blatantly evaded.

    Listing what it isn't, isn't an answer, it's just quite cleverly evading it; and unfortunately I think what's happening here is just another case of waiting for "the storm to blow over".

    The trouble with this sort of change is that parts of the economy are shared and others not, you've basically got two economies within the game where both of them then intersect at times causing significant damage in both directions, it's absolutely and horribly absurd and for what purpose? It just blows ones mind, especially when the rationale for it isn't being disclosed to the customers you're relying on to play the game, it's nonsensical...

    If it isn't one of the things above, then it really just puzzles me as to why it could be so highly commercially sensitive that the change can't just be discussed with the players.

    I know someone said there were only 200 PC players left, which obviously isn't true, but even using steam player stats the average PC players are sitting around 400 average players with a peak 700-900 even if you doubled that to account for non steam players, which would be extremely generous in my view you're looking at less than 2,000 active players, many of which aren't even actively participating in the capsule system, hell who knows how far through the game they even are and you've now seperated this population out for some "reason" of which Daybreak are refusing to disclose... again it's absurd!

    As a paying customer I honestly expected a bit more transparency than this. As feedback from again a 9 year old long term customer you need to find a better way to deliver your cosmetics to your players that doesn't just favor Daybreak and its desire for ever increasing profit margins, there has to be some give and take when delivering cosmetics, more in game, more in the direct marketplace and less in these capsules, I'd even encourage you to do more booster bundles than capsules at least players are getting marketplace items for their money then as well and not some "duplicate common collection" 10 times in a row and the minimum number of quarks that can possibly be awarded...

    It needs to be better Mepps.
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