Livestream Preview: Metal Part II

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Nov 14, 2019.

  1. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    This will be on test for at LEAST 2 Weeks... Just like Most other DLC Releases.
    Be Ready for it MUCH SOONER than you Expect
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  2. tukuan Devoted Player

    Any replay?

    EDIT: nvm I see the repost on Twitch, used to a link in the forum.
  3. daniel rubi New Player

  4. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Make sure you get your facts right, so you don't end up looking stupid on social media - if you pay for a membership, you don't have to pay anything for the episodes. Also, you don't HAVE to pay to open time capsules - everybody can earn keys in game for free. And nobody HAS to pay for replay badges. As for the broker, I'm afraid the prices there are all down to the players.
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  5. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    But lacking compared to the dominance of the caps lock.
  6. Tainted0Love Well-Known Player

    Would like some specials put in. Like if in Episode 35 if you wait long enough while Flash is on the cosmic treadmill that he would collapse form exhausted and be slammed into the wall behind it. That'd be a perfect villain thing.
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  7. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    I am not gonna rant about TCs here but I would love if they gave us "normal" money gaining people more time to breath between new ones. Let's say they restrict new TCs to once or max twice a year? (This discussion maybe off topic though)
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  8. Malakai Ragnarok New Player

    In Metal II. Use legit cinematics; like the battle in the beginning of the game the first time you played this game; You know the one, the one that hooked you in and made you fall in love with DCUO, That's the type of cinematics METAL deserves. Use the legit Cinematics to give back stories on each of the Dark Knights and Barbatos. The writing and characters for Dark Knights Metal is DC at it's best!
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  9. Malakai Ragnarok New Player

    In regards to time capsules. They are the equivalent of crack in the DCUO universe. I like the cash capsules tag too but crack capsules really drive home the endless cycle of spending alot of cash for very little and diminishing rewards.
  10. Pepito19 New Player

    With all my respect, I don't know how the forum works, but can someone explain to me why they deleted the negative comments of the time capsules and yet the positive comments of the capsules, like this comment are not deleted, if someone can explain it to me I would appreciate it thanks.

  11. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    It is their forum - they decide what is, and is not, permitted here.

    Also note that my post was not a "positive comment" about capsules, it just pointed out several errors in a previous post, including the mistaken claim that you HAVE to pay money to open capsules - it's possible to open them for free.
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  12. GRIN New Player

    they dont have the money to make cinematics like that.wishful thinking though.
  13. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    By the way, why is there a bat on the Hawkman chest piece? Look above the red & black Hawkman symbol & you'll see a bat's head (which is obvious because birds don't have pointy ears). Must every single thing in the DC Universe have some reference to batman? Any way you devs could turn that head into something more like, oh I don't know, a hawk?
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  14. Blood Marauder New Player

    That's not a batman reference, that's just what Hawkman looks like in Dark Knights: Metal comic series.

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  15. LMTDAGOAT New Player

    How long until we get sum not metal
  16. zZzTorrOzZz Committed Player

    Drumming the wallets forward while everyone else (mostly members) struggle to get anything. No necklace now not paying a billion for a damn collection piece. Getting more absurd everyday.
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  17. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Ugh, that's even worse. Stuff like this is why I don't read the BCU (batman comics universe) anymore. The world is so over-saturated with batman that they've truly milked the bat-cow dry.
  18. The Doctor Time Lord Committed Player

    They are doing away with collection pieces for the OP item in Part II and going back to the JLD model to get an OP item. So that is something anyway
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  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    The JLD-model refers to the Justice League Dark-Episode, which had a crafting system attached to the OP item, where you had the OP item drop and then you'd gather catalysts from various pieces of the Episode's content to rank up your OP item until finally max ranked to a wearable OP gear-piece. The process consisted of 3 or 4 ranks and each step had a certain catalyst that you bought from the Episode's vendor for the Episode's currency in order to breakthrough.
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  20. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It's great that they changed their mind and chose the approach that the community praised them for and actually wanted to replace the failed OP collection-system, but I'm still concerned though...

    During JLD, the catalysts went down in price in a timely fashion, making it a more userfriendly system even to those who got unlucky with RnG when chasing the catalysts. However, if the current situation of the exploited billions and crazy broken inflation within our Economy is still present when Metal Part 2 is released, it's going to be another case of direct benefit for exploiters and those who in other ways have benefited off of the situation, while continuing to make it a broken mess for everyone else.

    You'd be throwing this Episode to a pack of hyenas and the rest of the community would be left with just the bones to play with, lol.
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