Livestream Preview: Booster Bundle & More!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 20, 2018.

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  1. Mistress Magic Active Player

    OMG how inconvenient. you expect me to get out of bed before 5.30pm on a Wednesday afternoon. i think thats far to early for me. Shame on you >.>
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  2. Draconiano Committed Player

    I just hope this BB isn't too close to the next TC in terms of time.
  3. Turnt UP New Player

    To make it fair we also must add a RARE COLLECTION PIECE with a low drop rate players will love that also

  4. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I'm guessing the next TC will drop with or shortly after the launch of the next episode. And it looks like that episode will be mid to late next month. So about a month for the BB, then a new TC drops when the BB his away.
  5. MrChiCity0884 Well-Known Player

    Haven't bn here in a while saw booster bundles and was like oh how nice....but u guys are kinda late...TC killed spending... U had big spenders with BB as I was one of them...but I'll wait and see what we are abt to not get but get... Hope BB replays are still 150 or better and hope the cost is isn't crazy
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  6. Emoney Loyal Player

    As a member for over seven years, I understand dlcs. What I guess you dont get, is that even the dlcs have become boring reskins of past dlcs. You guys have stuck to the same exact formula, down to the feats, example being feats for mods. The last three dlcs have felt the same and predictable because

    they are the same format.

    I want to see you guys break the mold, bring something totally new like a new city, or game modes like SM.

    It looks like, from my perspective, most resour es get put on making new styles....and thats fine, as long as we get NEW gameplay stuff.

    How would the style enthusiasts act if a new dlc came out, with only new missions, but no styles?!?

    It just really feels like the focus in DCUO is to spend money, or play broker, and dressup to stand in the WT or HoD, to make others envious.
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  7. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    It wouldn't be any fun without an exceptionally rare collection piece.
  8. OneBadBoi Active Player

    Give someone a free car and they'll complain it's not a truck!

    I'm excited and can't wait for this! Playstation wallet is loaded and ready! [IMG]
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  9. Bendmetal Dedicated Player

    Am I dreaming? Booster Bundles are a massively superior formula to the TC's, I was sad to see them go. Banish TC's man, the aura's from them are so expensive that even as a legendary I felt discouraged to get them. This is not including materials, now those are a sheer impossibility
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  10. Zneeak Devoted Player

    With as many TC's and feats attached to them in total as we already have, it would be a good time to stop making new ones. Stabilizers in MP and stab-events would remain and people could focus on opening whatever capsule they still miss items from.

    Booster Bundles are a much better and more userfriendly cash grab to keep, i'd rather have that one continuing forward. With that said I highly doubt we have seen the last of TC's though... But one can dream......
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  11. Proxystar #Perception

    As long as theres no feats attached to this stuff I'll be happy.

    Could be the best move in a while we shall see.

    Edit oh I see Mepps said no feats good stuff look forward to seeing it then.

    Hopefully the RNG if any is involved isn't horrid and unfair
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  12. LANTERN DEATHZARRO Active Player

    I hope we'll get a Red Solar or a Red Ultimate Aura! Been waiting for a New Red Aura for a while! The first time I saw those Solars I was like....I mean....I had no words to describe my hype at that time! As a Red Lantern Main, I need that Red Solar/Ultimate Aura!! Please!!!
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  13. The Dark Kryptonian Well-Known Player

    I'm glad their bring back the Booster Bundle I missed the last one but I hope its not as costly as I've heard the original one was?
    I'd like to see them add the option to change the color of your power or variant like green fire, if not maybe green plasmic power would be pretty sweet. I'd also like to know why is the Kryptonian Flexsuit chest piece is so hard to get, has it been removed and if so then why keep the leggings?
    It's probably to late for the Superman 80's anniversary, but again I'd like to see Nuclear Man from Superman 4: Quest for Peace and the one shot comic of the movie added to DCUO. As a new mission or something with his emblem and gear as the reward :)
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  14. Shredded Anarchy New Player

    This is WONDERFULL news, Booster Bundles over TIMECRAPSULES any day. Their was no reason for the in game progression with feats and combat rate scaling gear from those time crapsules you would spend hundreds of dollars on and never... NEVER get what you want or needed for feats.. again wich should never in no way possible be able to be bought with real cash in any way. PLEASE say Time-Capsules are gone, keep the old ones there keep them dropping at random, but DO AWAY WITH THE CRAPSULES!
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  15. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    i remain skeptical.

    i'm most excited about seeing the updated marketplace additions.

    i'm assuming its going to be the updated recovery kits we've been hearing about. it would also be a welcome surprise to see some quality and versatile style items added in as well that i can just outright buy without having to go through any kind of R N G be it from a Booster Bundle, Time Capsule or whatever the next big thing is going to be.

    i spend less and less money on the game as time goes by. its getting easier. i don't trust you guys anymore.
  16. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    I don't think there's going to be a time capsule with the Starro episode . I really think they'll save that for the Superman anniversary .
  17. Caesar's Lion Dedicated Player

    I seem to be reading this different from other people. I thought what Mepps said was the MP convenience items in the BB would be different, not that we're getting new convenience items in the MP.
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  18. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I think the keyword is "previews" as in more than one. Also, there's the "and more" in the thread title. So he's given hints on some changes to the booster bundle, but not the cosmetic in the BB or what the "and more" is.
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  19. PS4xGUYxONxPC New Player

    DC101: $$$ TAX TIME lets bring the ((BOOSTER)) Back OUT! LMAO. Sweet move DC, i'll be WATCHING!!
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  20. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    That is what he means, I just figured it would be common sense since the old BB fillers would no longer be desired in today's era. Scanners will probably be replaced with ore detectors, repair bots will probably be replaced with ultimate colas, not sure what they're doing with total recovery kits, and I'm sure replays will stay.
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