Livestream Preview: Birds of Prey - March 27, 2020

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Mar 27, 2020.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

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  2. ChillCat Loyal Player

  3. Aren Sul Committed Player

    THANK YOU for giving us a preview to watch :)
  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I was actually hoping for the new Huntress-version to become one of the gear sets in this Episode, so I am happy about that. I've been wanting more trenchcoats in the game, more so a sleeveless or a shortsleeve type-trenchcoat.

    Sadly, the trenchcoat we'll get from the Huntress-inspired gear seem to lack some of the textures that the Huntress NPC has, making it look more like this wierd, tight slimline cheststyle with cape flaps hanging on the back, rather than an actual trenchcoat like the NPC has on. I'd love it if this could be adjusted. I also hope that the Huntress hood allows for hair to be showed, just like the Huntress NPC, like a lot of players asked for upon seeing the new model.

    As for the Harley gear, the hat is cool but the only thing I'd really wish to have is the new hairstyle with the different colors. We already have a lot of Harley-type styles in the game, the Bombshell Harley-style isn't really all that different from what we got just now. I'd really like to see the new Black Canary-style set making it to the game later.

    I also would really appreciate seeing atleast a screenshot of these two Style sets on a Male toon, i'm more than just a little curious to see how both the coat and Harley's jacket look like on a Male.
  5. Eve YouTuber

    I missed it, but I woke up not long ago after so I watched the VOD and got on test. Thank you Devs! You did such an amazing job on that episode, and even in those hard times you found the time and made it happen so we can see a preview!