Precision DPS

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Bombero, Feb 9, 2019.

  1. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Sorry so I should’ve been more clear,

    The second rotation is pretty much what I use. I don’t keep ripetide on cooldown. I’ll always use it within the rotation. And I will use robot sidekick instead of bubble. Not really a fan of bubble because if I clip to fast sometimes the game would register me using bubble last. Especially when I try to force it to put both pressurize and bubble off cooldown. So I just took it out all together.

    So the loadout is this:
    Depth charge, pressurize, riptide, shark, robot sidekick, and vacuum bubble (don’t like using SS for speed drain lol)

    Rotation is this:
    Depth charge/pressurize/riptide > flurry shot for 6 secs > depth charge/pressurize > flurry shot for 6 seconds > repeat.

    For aoe I was actually getting more damage using both depth charge and shark, than without using them. But I’ll have to double check again. By aoe rotation is a bit weirder lol.

    Also, was toying around with using shark and high tide instead of depth charge and shark. Wasn’t that happy with the results but I may just have been forcing that rotation which I wasn’t liking to much lol.
  2. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    For aoe, I found more consistent damage from just hitting the weapon buff alone and just spamming smoke than doing the riptide rotation, which made no sense to me, but I couldn't argue with the parses. Try the weapon alone and see if you notice a difference.
  3. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    Mageddon currently gives more buffs than AI or demon fang. And soul cloak lowers your damage way to much to be used for a prec loadout. AI does more than demon fang but not to much more that demon is not an option. I personally do run demon only because I do tend to sometimes run power hungry loadouts even when in prec. It also allows me to almost guarantee that I’ll get the trolls prec buff since with demon I’ll usually be highest in power.
  4. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    I will. If that’s the case than there is something seriously wrong lol.
  5. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    I'm lost on how this is almost the 2nd rotation I put down when the difference between the 2nd rotation and the 1st rotation is the riptide->pressurize added 6s section but you said you don't use that section.
  6. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    This is what I was talking about with Depth Charge vs. an iconic move for water.
  7. DeitySupreme Steadfast Player

    When I read it, it seemed like you implied that I use ripetide off cooldown which I don’t. What I meant was that the rotation is more closer to the second one you posted in which you also use your weapons for 6 seconds and use riptide in rotation and not off cooldown.
  8. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    So did you catch the justice league dark livestream? The controller artifact looks like its gonna be the strongest one yet. The nerf hammer is gonna fall hard on all troll powersets after that goes live. That thing is gonna make eye of Gemini look like nothing.
  9. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    I saw it. It's not a controller artifact. People are calling it that, but the artifact is not designed with the primary goals of the controller role. No one is going to add a 2nd controller that is useless to the group other than to be a stat buff. With that begin said, i have thought of a way to use it in a beneficial manner, but I have to test it with Obsidian first to confirm my shorthand math and that it's working the way we think it is.
  10. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    Yeah I know it's not a controller artifact but you and I both know that "battle trolls" are going to be really popular and the other 10 powersets are missing out simply because of the role, thus leading to more "balance" issues and an inevitable nerf cries, especially for gadgets, quantum, mental and possibly light.

    It looks far to strong to only be allowed for 1 role to use.
  11. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    Thing is, I'm kinda hesitant to even call it a battle troll because the 2nd half is missing. You're not giving pot because the main troll is still there. You're not giving power dumps. You're not needed for debuffs if the main troll has amulet. What is controlling if all you're doing is giving a group stat buff. At least back in the day, you had to do everything and then do damage as well to be considered a battle troll.
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  12. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    My point is that if the buff was tied to the weapons buff and the effect was a activated through that instead of power healing, then the issue wouldnt exist. If it was just like that then everyone could use it no matter thier role and it would be a tremendous boon for everyone, but since they're restricting the effect only to controllers that's going to break things severely.

    And I'm just wondering how the devs never thought about that issue. And to the people who dont understand why it's an issue the thing that keeps precision dps down from it's full potential is the power regen reduction. This will allow them 100% uptime on venom wrist dispenser in precision focus with NO penalty from either, plus a stat buff to only 1 role
  13. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    The problem with making it available to every role is that:
    1. not every role has a loadout slot free for the weapon buff without it hindering their main rotation
    2. if you put it on healer or tank, you're looking at pug runs who could have multiple of them and they become useless because the first passive doesn't stack, and the secondary passive is a useless stat for them. It would have to be changed in two ways:
    - 1. Instead of a weapon buff or power dump, make it a shield. Every powerset has one.
    - 2. Change the second passive to another stat, say if it was 3% health per group member, then you could have multiple on say the healer and tanks and the tanks would get a passive health buff of 9-12% in addition to the shield strength. The main stats would need to be changed to resto and dom instead of might in this case.
    3. Not every might based dps has room for a weapon buff, especially if they can't run the head mod because they're a powerset that's supercharge spam based. It would be a bias toward precision users, which is going to lead to gadgets, ice, nature, water, quantum. And gadgets prec is already a problem I'm going to have to adress in feedback because of the other artifact that summons a pet.

    If they wanted to make this for artifact to support battle troll. I'd change it to the following:
    5% power
    3% vit
    3% prec

    While in [Controller Role], your [Group Weapon Buff] costs triple. It no longer gives instant power, but gives an additional power over time based on 4/8/10% of your base precision. This power over time is removed upon casting a weapon mastery attack.

    Upon casting your [Group Weapon Buff] gain a 25% precision boost for each user in [Controller Role] wearing this artifact for 12 seconds and grants 1/2/3% Might,Dom, and Restoration to all group members.

    Something along those lines. I'll be brainstorming today over different ideas to throw out depending on what direction they actually want to go in.
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  14. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    I'm not to sure about the pet artifact tbh. It really depends on the damage output, if they all teleport and if they drop aggro when they teleport. If they persist on the hate table then yeah that's got the potential to be fun but it's a far lower issue than the "controller" one a d theres absolutely no way to balance it, nor is there anything that can compete with it.
  15. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    I'm not looking at the pet directly. It gives base might and precision increases, as well as % buffs for each. The % buffs are at 4% which is higher than a normal support artifact and the base might and precision it gives is high af. The pet does extra damage so it's an extra robot sidekick, and it gives the pi for the majority of possible gadgets rotations which makes their rotation capable of hitting hard in certain cases. This would be an easy replacement to the sparring ai that would net an extreme dps increase for something that is already an outlier on dps because of it's double scaling with prec and might that can't be matched with other powersets.
  16. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    I just went back and watched the livestream and realized they massively messed up the description compared what the guy was actually saying. It is a controller artifact, but I have to run the math to see if it works the way they intended.
  17. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    *wipes forehead* false alarm. if my math is right, its still trash. 33% power out drop compared to solar flame rotations. not including the fact that some people won't use power so their enhanced pot is useless while the power dumps are focused on people who could actually use it. Idk about 33%+ power loss for a group buff.
  18. Terri Ashra Committed Player

    I think you're looking at it like it's going to be used by controllers only and I'm looking at it like it's going to be used by full on precision DPS using the controller role for 100% uptime on venom wrist dispenser, clipping qt the end of thier weapon mastery combos like might dps, and abusing the hell out of it in PvP/PvE.

    The pet one we dont know enough about yet. We dont know if they're all single target, we dont know how the damage output stacks up to other pets, we dont know if they have thier own power interactions, if they crit, if it adds to supercharge generation or if the damage scales based on the targets state. That's something we will have to take a wait and see approach.

    All we have on the controller one is the stats, the effects a d the triggers. The fact that it can only be triggered by one specific role is where the problem is going to stem from though. What it does is not truly controller based however. And when it goes live the people using it that way are going to outperform everyone else
  19. BlackFalconXXL Well-Known Player

    I was revisiting it to see if trolls could run it because there's no need to have a dps switch if it was beneficial for controllers. I misread the first passive as a decrease to passive power regen, not an increase, because that's how weapon buffs work, but they worded it wrong. It's actually a 20% increase to PoT strength. The 2nd passive is alsowritten wrong where it sounds like you get 3% vit per person running the artifact when it's actually per person in your group which is another 21-24% vit boost. So roughly speaking, it should be like a 40% pot increase. so 40% pot increase and group buffs in exchange for the loss of power dumps.

    I have no idea what you mean by 100% uptime on venom wrist dispenser. The ocntroller precision buff in the power dump was already there for 20% extra precision and weapon dps for 12s. That's the group weapon buff it's referring to. That's already what the main troll would be doing so having a dps in troll role to activate it again wouldn't do anything and would be a damage nerf for no reason. Precision dps's using the power dump is also a bad idea because clipping anything at the end of a weapon mastery combo is a dps decrease. They'd be using it with their weapon buff assuming they even have a loadout slot free. Meanwhile a might based dps would clipping it with their pi refresh with Gadgets having stealth to clip it in for free with no loadout penalty and HL having free loadout slots if they have armories.

    There are several artifacts that can only be triggered by a certain role. Only healers can trigger the Orb of Arion and Starheart. Only tanks can trigger the Dilustel. Only trolls can trigger Azar and Parasite. That by itself isn't new or a problem.

    In regard to the pet, gadgets prec is meant for single target. That's what we know the pet does already. It's an additional pet not a pet that replaces another so any damage it does is a benefit. It doesn't replace the robot sidekick, it stacks on it. The pet attacks a target and places a pi on it. It doesn't benefit from pi's, it gives them. It doesn't need to regenerate supercharge. It's a stat increase that only gadgets prec can fully use and it's free added damage from the pet.
  20. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Orb of Arion can be triggered as dps and its heals are as good as in heal role assumed u are a heal power.