I've brought this idea up before but I figured I'd repost it to see what other people think. I would love to see purchasable reskins for powers, working the same way weapon skins work. The idea is to change the color and some of the effects of powers and attacks, things like blue fire, black lightning, cross faction hardlight colors and alternate corp colors, and green for atomic like it was supposed to be. Do you guys have any other suggestions or opinions, would you pay for alternate skins for powers post below let me know what you think.
100% YES! Now, if I recall correctly, they have said no to this in the past due (once again) to PvP. Apparently, just having different colors would confuse people too much... if you can believe that
how? it cant be because of factions because task force x. besides if you cant pick up on the powers your opponents using because of colors, one your not a good player, two atomic is ******* fire. I know your not actually saying this your self but this is my counter point to that argument
I LOVE how earth plays...but HATE what it looks like...like you are spewing paper waste or septic chunks...it in no way looks like any Earth based comic hero/villain powers or in any way looks like what would actually happen if you could tear up chunks of field dirt or city pavement and manipulate them. +1 this idea!!
Sadly no due to pvp and PS3 issues. People think there are 14 powersets in the game, but actually there are 15 because HL counts as 2 just different colors. Perhaps in 2017 we can have those skins.
I mean, if the textures were completely set i could understand but my power textures have glitched a few times meaning to me that they are basically just paste on skins, and again for hard light and pvp, task force x exists, meaning you can be a yellow light put on the side of the heroes and vise versa
But that is already built in the powerset under trees. Thus how the power was designed. Still 1 universal power on 1 both sides while HL is simply different entirely. Notice the fear skull animation for yellow lantern is completely different for green lanterns on hero side.