I'm looking to make Bette Kane aka flame bird/ fire hawk, my question should I go with fire or atomic?
Taking from a wiki " Powers and abilities Flamebird is an exceptional athlete, trained for strength and endurance, and has worked as a professional tennis player. She has also trained in several forms of martial arts, with kick-boxing as her specialty. As such, while she is a formidable martial arts opponent and combatant, she is not among the top tier or elite of DC's martial artists. Like Robin, Flamebird has a utility belt containing a grappling hook with line, gas grenades, gas mask, flares, flashlight, radio/transmitter, handcuffs, bird-shaped throwing blades (Bird-A-Rangs), and an emergency medical kit. She increased her arsenal by equipping her mask with lenses capable of emitting powerful bursts of blinding light, and created bird-like bolas that can electrocute anyone tangled in them. As Plebe, Batwoman's sidekick, Bette is stripped of her outfit and gadgetry, wearing a nondescriptive grey military outfit. Her martial arts prowess however is being improved by Batwoman's tutelage. Later, as Hawkfire, her costume features gold plated elements and she carries a flamethrowing device. " A flamethrower is more of a gadget then a power. And just based on her description it sounds closer to gadgets. Half the stuff there is in the gadget's trees.
"The question is fire or atomic I understand she uses gadgets but I don't do that with bat family members when I can, my night wing is an electric user because night wing can charge his escrima sticks and knuckles
The DPS are about the same damage wise. Both are very easy to use. The atomic tank side is far superior though
That too. I think fire is more visually pleasing. It's just not s very strong tank outside of solo bosses
Atomic for DPS (as well as hybrid role tanking with decent dps) and tanking multiple adds on boss fights (but not a boss in difficult content) Fire if you want a good standalone boss tank.