Power Cost Scaling; Or Whatever is making ablitites cost more....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lord Brutality, Jun 13, 2018.

  1. Tilz Loyal Player

    Try to use superpower focus as heal and then go with reserve tank. Never again issues
  2. Yaiba Committed Player

    Even if he does that, his power will still be under 30k which is not ideal for healer at endgame. The problem I think is that he has very low sp, he should work on it instead.
  3. Lord Brutality Active Player

    This will not fix the issue. Even those on Test who had SP above 250 said this was a problem.

    Like many problems on test that get ignored that are not priority. Like the days of Weapon Mastery & Advance Mechanic revamps that there is now a current thread on-going about Dual Wield & Bow damage.

    The Power issue is something that people adjusted too. Yet still is a problem. Not gonna invest all my Skill Points into extra Power when the scaling itself is the problem.

    I always have Reserve tank on by the way. Trolling/ Healing it's almost a requirement to have more then regular mods.

    Scaling needs to be slightly adjusted. Scales that are 7K should go down to at least 5000. It wont be a harsh change.

    Everyone is not running around with 300+ SP either with points to spread on anything extra..
  4. Tilz Loyal Player

    Haven't tested really with TTBe. But healed TTBn with 0 sp invested (and no artifact) with zero issues. Even 100sp into powre are enough(10% bonus) and with the new artifact the regeneration is good.
    Also I wouldn't use too many 450 powercosts in a loadout. Especially in a healerloadout.

    Yes ofc it's adjusting to it. But personally I don't have issues with the powerscaling. And also saw friends with low sp healing/trolling fine.

    Yes read the thread about the WM combos and those are issues ofc. I just don't see one with powercost scaling.
    I can kinda understand the reason with not wanting to spend into power.

    Before the revamp I was solohealing with elec different kinds of endgame content and the Trigon SM (was possible due to small area). All ppl said elec healing sucks and takes too much power. I could carry the old mightbuff for group (wired) + solohealing DWFe at tier with elec, by using resto&power mods and spending more into power like these days. Worked fine. So for me it's not a "new method" with the revamp.
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  5. Imaginos Dedicated Player

    I've actually run into this on the character I've been pushing into higher CR brackets. I found that as I gained CR levels my power consumption became more difficult to manage because I just don't have the SP to keep up with it by investing in the power/might choice. This really hurts the low to mid range CR players. from like 70 to, well I've only made it to 101 so far on that character.
  6. Lord Brutality Active Player

    This still needs to be tone down. Slightly. The Scaling is a bit much.

    For those who agree with the level of Scaling of Power Cost. I see your point of view. Yet i'll still have to disagree. It's a little bit too much.

    An saying you healed a group with 0 SP means the group was extremely good. Not just your healing. If a group is taking little damage; an the Tank is doing his job. There is very little power you'll need to use.

    Power Cost Scaling needs to be tone down at least 25% from what it is now.
  7. Darth Loyal Player

    With the current CR power scaling, a good solo Controller can keep a group over 70% power easily (other than outliers who spam 300+ powers). Controlling has been simplified a lot over the last few years and in my opinion (which may not be the popular one) its too easy right now.

    I don't see a need to reduce the scaling and I definitely hope they don't remove it. If they outright removed the scaling you may as well get rid of the Controller role because everyone would have infinite power. Personally, I wouldn't mind if they increased the scaling to make 2 Controllers in raids the norm again.

    Many have said that you should run superpowered and I definitely agree. If you are running Hybrid as I believe the game recommends for support roles, that would explain the power issues you are having. Superpowered has a power regeneration that is significantly better than anything you can get with Hybrid, assuming you're doing your role. Also, if you are at end game, your power pool is extremely low (half of mine). What is your CR?
  8. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I've always wanted to asked this and now seems a good time to ask it.

    How are you determining power scaling being a problem and what is being compared?

    Seen even in this thread how a person with low SP has problems and people in the mid CR range (whatever that means) yet I always wanted to know if they are comparing the same SP amounts as well same CR or are they just running with higher SP players with higher stats and experiencing problems as they scale to same CR?
  9. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I would prefer the Dev's to take the power giving ability to the healers and stop being lazy and forgetting to actually include NPC's that actually do what they are supposed to be doing.

    We have content that has NPC's that heals, buff defense of others, and even increases damage of other NPC's and each one of them need tutorials and need to be sent back to where they came from because they are weak in their roles.

    Weak enough that most don't even know what they are doing.

    I know many would love to have another form of healers and the way CC effects have been affected by damage and whatnot, but all the roles need to be totally separated from their abilities.

    The controller role, they just need to put it out their what they want with this role, I realize that it goes against them not wanting to influence how we see the role and how we use it but, 7 years and we still have the silliest of discussions about this 1 role and they continue to put priority on Damage alone.
  10. Tilz Loyal Player

    Nah, i only knew the Firetank and he did the same lol.
    The troll was cr 218, no mods and pretty awefull. Guess he was a newish player/troller.
    Damage not bad though.

    Tuning powercost scaling down would result the troll role being even more boring. Now i have at last to keep spamming on the powerdumps and keeping an eye on the group and managing my SC and stuff. Then it would be even easier/boring to "keep" groups up.
    As heal it would become way too easy, imo. Did like all bossfights (AoJ - Deluge) for the last 75% without a troll already.