Hi guys! So, there are copious amounts of guides out there for "what power set should I be". Now, I've played various MMORPGS (anarchy, Realm reborn, WoW) and my niche is a support class (ie healing or Crowd Control) who is a servicable solo character (not necessarily high dps, more...survivability). I never wanna have to depend on a group if I only have an hour to play. What would you think would suit? i've played all the powersets until level 25, and the only ones i enjoy are Mental (which I have heard is broken ATM), quantum (heard the solo capabilities are terrible), nature & sorcery. Which is the more optomistic role? Any tips would be mega appreciated!
The solo part of the game is very small compared to group instances. Whenever you run an instance that requires 4 players (alert/operation) or 8 players (raid/operation) you will have to depend on the other people in your group unless you run content that you are way overgeared for. The thing is that support roles in general don't do that much damage, you can try hybrid builds but a lot of groups might now want you. Hybrid builds are mainly for content that does require more than fx. one healer but the second one doesn't to be specced as a healer. All content except the new DLC stuff that's about to launch can be done with just one healer (8-man), most groups run with two controllers. Healers and controllers are somewhat codependent in the sense that healers use power to heal the group and controllers can supply the group with power (well, all roles kinda depend on each other). Tanks and DPS consume power as well and will also need heals but that's all pretty elemetary stuff. For controlling I wouldn't say that one power is vastly superior than another but I believe Gadget and Hard Light might be best suited for hybrid builds. For healing they are all pretty good as well however Celestial requires a bit more practice IMO and it's also then only true "battle healer". Edit: Celestial will also receive and update in Game Update 45.
My best advice has always been go with what you like. The powers get boosts and nerfs all the time and there is always a new FTM power. People will always have some opinion on each power which is usually based mostly on their own point of view. In the end all that matters is if you like what you are playing, because if you don't you wont enjoy the game and wont stick around very long.
Sounds to me like you should go with a controller. I enjoy Mental most - people say it's AM is broken but that only would affect you if you would go DPS. Generally speaking every controller has great survivability in content because they have the possibility of crowd control, they can shield (which will also heal you, if you'll combine it with tactical mods from the Home Turf DLC), drop aggro (best used with Gadget's Holo Decoy) or teleport (Quantum only, it's considered really great in groups since they can get faster to fallen people) For solo gameplay I would recommend you a loadout that goes something like this: PoT, stun power (one with low power cost, something you can spam), defence debuff, shield/deflect/teleport, stronger stun power/decoy, supercharge. (If you'd go in a group, remove the weaker stun power and take a power dump instead.) Also you should get WM which will help you very much in controller role and always try to make use of your power interactions for some extra damage.
From your list- Quantum if you want to be a controller, Sorcery if you want to be a healer. Quantum has stunts and shields, Sorcery has pet that can tank So for survivability those 2 would be my pick And both has top Damage potential as well Good luck!
The issue is that this game cannot compare to the others. FFXIV for instance has a whole lot more open world content that may require you to be solo capable. DCUO on the other hand, is about 90% instance based content(95% of this content is group based of 2-8). That said, as a troll I would suggest HL personally, heal Celestial as it is the only healing class that can actually increase healing by increasing its damage(running hybrid), therefore making it very solo-able. All in all, just find a power you ENJOY playing. I tried almost every power in the game before I found one I truly liked, and still go back and find more fun things. Also, remember that every power can DPS as well as Support. So while you may choose a troll, heal, or tank, you will always have the option to DPS if you ever want to. Keep in mind as well, in this game a troll and a heal are both essentially healers... a troll restores power(mp/tp) and a heal restores health, these are their primary functions. Healers have more options to do their healing, and trolls have other capabilities(debuffs, CC, etc) but only 2 options for power restore. Comparative to FFXIV, a troll would be almost like a Bard, and a heal obviously a Whm. Just find a power in those sets that you enjoy, and go. Lvl 1-30 is just the tutorial in the game, it only begins after that.
Well, I dunno how much help I can be considering that I've only played one of the four powers that you liked (Quantum, the others never caught my interest LOL) but I can try. If Quantum has a slight advantage over other Controller power sets, I'd say it's in the crowd control times. There have been times where it seems like a target is just stuck in one of the CC moves forever when I'm in 'troller mode, and that can give you plenty of time to hack away at the target. Damage might seem a little low in DPS, but with some trial and error you can find a damage loadout that fits how you play. Also, the next update should be bringing Quantum's Advanced Mechanic into the game (if I'm remembering right) so that provides a new avenue for damage dealing. As a side note, I wouldn't worry too much about Quantum's solo capabilities. I do a lot of solo stuff on my characters, and even though it took me a little while to find what works for me, I don't really have issues going it alone on my Quantum character. The introduction of the AM might even help that for some. The other key to it all, though, is weapon choice. Just like powers, it's best to find the weapon that you like best because they all play differently, and that can affect how you play a power set as well. Each weapon seems to have its own combat rhythm (for lack of a better term) and if a weapon's rhythm doesn't click for you it's going to make things tougher for you.
Mental is only "broken" for those who primarily dps, it was changed slightly and doesn't put out the numbers like HL so some claim it's broken. As a Troll power it's very good and has a fair few options and good powers. I can't speak for Quantum but my main is a Mental Troll primarily and I love it as a Trolling power. Gadgets is also a very popular power right now but all troll powers are pretty good if you have the right loadout, it's just the one you like to use most which will be the main deciding factor
I'm just speaking from my PoV and personal experience. I am a Sorcery Healer first. I have the capability of being a Tank in a lot of instances, even some Raids. There is a pet called the Guardian which if you use a skill called ritualistic word it give the guardian power & a heal, plus you and 3 other members a heal. This allows for there to be 2 DPS' and a Troll in the group. I have a game item called an Armory, which if you're 25 you get it at like lvl 9 or 10 I believe. You have 1 free. I would invest in buying another one so you can have a DPS side. And you can switch back and forth. I have a 110 DPS side on my healer in an armory. I can do some pretty good damage without top gear. However, as a healer, my damage is pretty terrible. DCUO is more about working together as a team and whatnot as someone had stated earlier most of the content is group based. As for Quantum, that power is getting an update boost on Tuesday. They currently are terrible for DPSing, so I can't really say how it'll be. However, I personally LOVE Quantum as a Troll. They do Crowd Control really well and you can solo most instances without a 2nd Troll. Also, Skill Points really matter in this game. Once you get past level 30 you will not get anymore power points. However, you can always get skill points by completing feats. 100 Feat points = 1 Skill Point. 1 Star = 10 Feat Points 2 Stars = 25 Feat Points 3 Stars = 50 Feat Points If you haven't' invested in subscribing, I would. You'll have access to ALL the powers, you get 500 loyalty points which will allow you to buy things from the cash shop. You'll have access to all the DLC content and unlimited in-game cash. Plus more inventory and bank space. If I didn't pay for the subscription I wouldn't play DCUO at all. That is just me though.
Thanks for your advice everyone! (and my epically late Necro reply). I decided to simultaneously roll a mental controller and a sorcery healer, love them both! awesome advice all.
If you want survivability.... I would suggest Troll. Mental or Quantum. Gadget lacks Shields for survivablility. HL does have shields for survivability...... but it has all those combos.... and the PoT (Power over Time) can be tricky to use at first. My main PS3 Hero is Mental Telekinesis..... he does fine in group or solo. The Same with my main PS3 Villain Quantum Troll. So either Mental or Quantum should be good for you. Essentially these are Jack of all trades. Can regenerate Power. Can heal a bit... themselves or the group. Can use shields..... either to protect themselves or the group. They can debuff. They can Crowd Control. So they can pretty much do a bit of everything.
Never had that much of a survivability problem with my Gadgets characters personally. Between the "pop-up shield" weapon attachment from mainframes, the supercharge heal (better safe than sorry lol) and Holographic Decoy, I manage to make it through missions. If you're talking in terms of group survivability, then yes I could see that as a problem. But if you're going it alone you can still do okay.
I always had problems with abilities like Distract or Holographic Decoy. Whenever I used those.... the adds still beat the crap out of me. It could be that I don't use them properly..... but even using them abilities...... I still am stuck having the aggro making thoses pointless to me. So I would use Neural Neuraliser instead as a poor man's shield in the past. Although I did not play Gadget much since it was changed.... so maybe it is much different now???
When I use Holo Decoy, I'll usually ease off a bit on power use and stick to weapon attacks while it's active. In Controller mode I usually start off with a Sticky Bomb/Gauss Grenade/Cryo Foam combo to get the DOT going, then throw down the Decoy and switch to weapon attacks. The damage burn can depend on the NPC, but I can usually get a good amount of damage done by the time the decoy fades out. Also forgot to mention that I usually have the turret out as well, so depending on how much damage I do with weapon attacks, the aggro can shift to the turret when the decoy fades, giving me a little more time to attack or get the DOT rolling again. If I start in with power attacks too aggressively while the decoy is out, though, the aggro doesn't seem to hold as well. Can't guarantee it'll work for everyone, but I've done okay with it so far.
I would choose Nature for healing. Pretty easy, broad range, and always reliable. As a DPS power, it's the only one I can think of that can allow you different styles of DPSing by swtiching forms. As a Troll, quantum would be my choice. Very nice effects; unique powers(quantum tunneling), powerful stuns and currently top at the DPS board. Plus, it's really cool to see your targets up in the air, powerless. P.s. both powers are just fine in solos, duos, alerts or raids.