Possible Valentine's Day Vault?

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Pingvinozavr, Jan 21, 2023.

  1. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    I asked this in development update thread, but it does worth to mention again since Valentine's Day is on test.
    Is it possible to add Valentine's Day Vault (as well as Vault for other events that do not have it)? It does not have to be themed for a specific event unless you plan to make one, it can be just a general Vault that drops rewards from previous years of said event. It's a very handy way for new/returning players to catch up on older event stuff, and it's a nice extra rewards for veterans.
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    I thought the table in the HoL was that but I was very disappointed. I thought we were supposed to get vaults last year for seasonals that don't have them
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  3. Chaos Evolution Devoted Player

  4. Pingvinozavr Dedicated Player

    I assume it's too late for Valentine's Day event to get a Vault since test sever already received St. Patrick's Day update which does not have a Vault as well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but here's the list of events that do not have a Vault:
    Anniversary Event
    Valentine's Day Event
    St. Patrick's Day Event
    Homecoming Event
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