Portable Respec Station

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by NoWorries121, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    Title says it all. It would be really nice to have one of these. IMO, league halls have the best sparring targets currently, and it can get irritating having to go through load screens just to respec, and sometimes having to respec a few times trying to find a good loadout. Im sure this has already been brought up. Just thought it should be brought up again! lol This is just an idea, so lets keep negative comments to a minimum.
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  2. Owl Devoted Player

    I would like a marketplace Portable Respec Station.
    I use the Portable R&D Workstation on a regular basis.
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  3. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    as do i lol it would make sense to have one of these as well
  4. Elusian Crowd Control

    They just need to do smth to the respec in general. Having no respec option next to any sparring target in HQ/HoD or the LHs is just ridiculous annoying and not well thought out. For testing I feel like playing Loading Screen Online atm >.<
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  5. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    LOL right? :p
  6. ChuckLess New Player

    1st, I'd like to see a revamp/fix to respeccing in general.

    Please let us take back points once spent w/o having to completely redo the whole process (and kill that confirm pop-up). With armories and WM, people are respeccing far more often then ever before. This really should have been implemented well before all these other changes were introduced.
  7. chubbychase New Player

    What Chuckless said. I won't really bother with a portable respec station if I have to sit there and respec 170 to 190 points. Once they change the way we can reset and spend points, I might care. Pretty sure a number of people out there agree. For now, respec station in my base with the ability to teleport back into the league hall works just fine. The more time consuming of the two tasks (loading/respec'ing) isn't the loading screen.
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  8. nuclearbomb Well-Known Player

    Not until we get a portable repair vendor then i will like to get a portable respect.
  9. Minnion Devoted Player

    They have those already, but they're a consumable rather than a trinket.
  10. Skidmarc Committed Player

    .....Repair bots (cough....cough...) They will not make a permanent trinket though because this would lose them money from that. However, a respectable consumable.....like a "forget all" sodar would be worth buying and should be very easy to make.
  11. Skidmarc Committed Player

    By lose them money in mean from the repair bots. ....not that anyone really buys them any longer
  12. nuclearbomb Well-Known Player

    I know they have them, but not in trinket form
  13. nuclearbomb Well-Known Player

    If they where to change it to a trinket a lot of people would buy it and they would make more money from it then they do now since I would be a item to have when survival mode come back.
  14. Gargamond Dedicated Player

    When armories launched, I created a base specifically for loadout/respec/armory customization complete with respec station, bank, my armories, a sparring target, and a soder vendor to repair. Hope this helps. I agree a portable respec station would be nice, though I would only buy it if it were a trinket like the portable workstation.
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  15. Neo Synapse Well-Known Player

    I agree that a general overhaul of respeccing would be nice, but in the interim, I'd appreciate a portable station. Regardless of where the most time is spent during the process, it's still annoying having to travel through portals etc.
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  16. NoWorries121 Well-Known Player

    bump bump bump bump it up