Police Station Safehouse feats

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Sigeci, Feb 20, 2016.

  1. Sigeci Well-Known Player

    Is it currently impossible to queue up for the police station safehouse in PVP? Would like to get the Rescue Ranger and Rescue 911 feats for winning a match and winning 5 rescue matches in the police station safehouse. Already have the 5 wins in the nightclub safehouse. In fact...ive ran it about 10 times and its always nightclub.
  2. ChillCat Loyal Player

    Not impossible but will require higher than average patience. Folks seem to have mixed reaction to the safehouse arenas since they are objective based. Dumb PVP PUGs that only know how to pew pew mess it up every time so it takes an experienced group to do well. Best bet is to pre-make an experienced team and run it every chance you get.
  3. Soder coIas Level 30

    I am actually a little surprised people still queue into safehouse. I remember when I was hunting those feats and people were ALWAYS trying to get constant kills. The sad part is, 90% of the matches I've ever done in safe house, I would complete all the objectives and still get top damage as a healer fully modded and spec'd as a healer. (That was honestly all pointless. Just wanted to tell a story. ^.^) But I believe the queues are just pure luck.
  4. Jcal Dedicated Player

    I've lazily tried to get the 5 Nighclub wins over the past couple of years. When I queue up, it's always Police Station. When Nightclub does show up, I'm on the losing team. That and the fact that people don't queue up for PvP.

    I wish I knew what determines what map is selected. Do heroes have a higher chance of loading Police Station? Seems like it to me.
  5. ozzy1111 Dedicated Player

    and daybreak just cant seem to understand why ppl just stop playing. this and soooo many other stupid things they do.
  6. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    How exactly does players not wanting to run a certain PVP map = devs make stupid choices? I dont see the connection. This is not a PVP in general complaint but is about less interest in a particular map which will always happen does matter what they do or how amazing they could make PVP there will always be a least popular map. So I dont see how this is the devs fault but nice bandwagon you got there.