Well I'm glad I found this... I used to watch the show then I couldn't anymore because no cable and it was too early in the morning for me to watch on weekends. And I still do play the games, depending on my mood I won't stop playing one until I finish it. Oh, my favorite Pokemon is somewhere in between Giratina Origin Form, Tyranitar or Togepi.
Swampert is a beast!!!!!!!! That was my favorite starter, but my favorite overall would have to be Hydreigon. BTW, play light platinum. It is a hack for gameboy advanced roms and it is a combination of all the first five gens within two regions and a world championship. It's so much fun.
If Nintendo were to go all out and make a huge Pokemon RPG for the Wii U, I'd actually go out and buy one. I'm talking like massive Elder Scrolls like RPG. Real time fighting, energy bars rather than Power Points, all regions explorable, etc. It wouldn't be like the typical Pokemon game that I'd play for 3 or 4 weeks and then put down... I'd play this beast forever, lol.
I play pokemon x and y competitively, and my favorite pokemon to use is krookodile, he's a big red and black crocodile who destroys all other pokes.
That is amazing. Thanks for the post. I'm a huge fan of Pokémon, have been since they came out. Recently I've been playing through all the games trying to get 100% on them as naturally as possible. It's been a lot of fun. I really missed my PokèWalker, don't know why I gave it up. XD
Pokémon MMO, might be the only "competition" Dcuo would have for my attention. (Can't wait until Pokémon are real...just wait...it will happen *scanned by blue ring*)
my favorite starter is probably chimchar/piplup. it would be oshawott if his final evo didn't stand on all fours and was a fighting type. my fav over all is probably arcanine or electivire. hard to choose between the two.
Pokemon is something i thought i'd grow out by highschool. I couldnt have been more wrong, as im positive almost everyone with an iphone is doing it from football players and cheerleaders to the quote on quote "nerdy kids" (no this is not an insult im just gauging by how its generally seen as) the team magma theme is so catchy, i could t resist. Anyway we should all agree that Mudkip is the best in emerald, sapph, and ruby
Yup, Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire announced. I'm hyped. I didn't play the last remakes, Heart Gold and Soul Silver, but I think I'll get one of these. Gen 3 was where I went from casual fan to "Pokemon Trainer for life." Can't wait to head back to Hoenn. Can't wait to see what new mega evolutions they add. Because they gotta add at least a few. And, as I forgot to mention it in my last post, my favorite pokemon is Aurorus, followed by Lopunny, followed by Mawile.
I forgot to ask, what kind of modified nuzlock are you running? I've always heard about people doing them but I've never done one myself. Mostly because I don't want to start over any of my games after spending so many hundreds of hours on them. I mostly spend my time coming up with new teams with which to challenge the battle tower/subway/maison. Which continues to be tough for me since I like to try unconventional setups. I also don't bother breeding for perfect IVs.
well normally you catch the first wild pokemon in a new are, but i just filled up my party and did 6 wonder trades and what ever i got thats what i used. i also have it so that i can revive each pokemon once and after that if they go down i release them and do not catch another one. then once im out of mons i restart.