Please take my money for skill points

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red McCarthyism, May 22, 2014.

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  1. Red McCarthyism New Player

    Buddy, don't get all emotional now after coming into this thread to tell me you hoped people had ran me off of the forums. If you can't take it, don't dish it out. :)
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  2. Multiverse Creator League

    Sure you CAN buy 150SP for your level 1 character.

    But you can't use most of them at that point.

    You can buy 1 weapon skill tree.... and that is it. So about what?? 30 SP?? 40SP??

    What does it matter if your level 1 toon has 40SP in the Brainiac ship??
  3. Gunny New Player

    You stayed with this sinking ship known as a thread, and are now walking on the ocean floor with this idea, yet telling ME i cant take it.

    The best part? These are your first posts and your first thread. Are you serious? Who is ever going to take you seriously? If you dont care, why even post the idea? To talk to yourself?

    You post here to convey the idea. I see 5 pages of people throwing your idea into a bag of **** and lighting a match on your porch. Then claim all us are kids with no income.

    Whatever. Good luck LMAO. I got a better chance at winning the lotto twice in a row than you do at ever getting this thread or idea to fly anywhere.
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  4. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    lol don't take everything so literally, point was that if you really can BUY max sp you'll be done with the game in a month considering how easy it's to get the best gear. Once you've hit the max of everything and there's nothing else to do whats your reason to keep playing
  5. Red McCarthyism New Player

    Feat unlocking, total recovery kits, replay badges in general... I dunno seems like maybe the idea will fly just fine eventually.
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  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    What u are asking for is 100% pay 2 win. Cant stand this bs and it needs 2 stop.
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  7. light FX Steadfast Player

    And if it does most will quit playing this game as no1 wants pay 2 win. Stop being lazy and get some feats. The time u have spent on here along im guessing u could of got at least a few sp
  8. uXix Committed Player

    Hell no.
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  9. Sylo Committed Player

    The game is already a point. Also not sure what crystal ball you are looking into to factual state "most" would quit the game. I wouldn't want something like this, however if the idea was implemented it would not affect me one way or the other.
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  10. Red McCarthyism New Player

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  11. KidMidnight Loyal Player

    they should just put more feats in the game.

    for the vets they need to increase some of the grind. feats for 750 and 1000 alerts run.

    they need to put chests in new instances.

    new dlcs need to drop more feats.

    new exploration feats.

    the boster gold exploration feat needs to be reworked the way it works in gotham wasteland. just activating a kiosk will work towards the feat instead of having it be a leveling mission with too many trips back and forth to the pd's.

    etc etc etc.

    its not that hard to accumulate skill points. takes some time tho.
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  12. Valsmurf Loyal Player

    If you know what you're doing you can get to 100+sp pretty fast, without unlocking anything. Ask some friends for a bit of help, it honestly isn't hard to get a decent amount of sp.
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  13. Martian Reaver Well-Known Player

    Sure, there's no real down side. Might as well, it'd give them another revenue stream.
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  14. winter13 New Player it won't. Not a chance.
  15. Avian Dedicated Player

    There is a relatively big difference between those convinience items and what you are suggesting. Feat unlocking lets you spend money to unlock feats you worked for, total recovery kits lets you recover all the bytes that you farmed or bought/traded through money or valuable things you earned, replay badges lets you redo content for loot which you allready completed. All of those require that you have put some effort in however what you suggest requires no effort, just a wallet. Feats are basically DCUO's achivements, being able to buy them would be completely meaningless...
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  16. Remander Steadfast Player

    Arguably the worst idea ever proposed in the history of this game. No....period.
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  17. DC-Doll New Player


    : the ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice
    Full Definition of SKILL

    obsolete : cause, reason
    a : the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance

    b : dexterity or coordination especially in the execution of learned physical tasks
    : a learned power of doing something competently : a developed aptitude or ability <language skills>
    skill–less or skil·less adjective
    skill–less·ness or skil·less·ness noun
    [IMG] See skill defined for English-language learners »
    See skill defined for kids »
    Examples of SKILL

    1. Poker is a game of luck and skill.
    2. The work is difficult and requires a lot of skill.
    3. Cooking is a useful skill.
    4. He has excellent social skills.
    Origin of SKILL

    Middle English skil, from Old Norse, distinction, knowledge; probably akin to Old English scylian to separate, sciell shell — more at shell
    First Known Use: 13th century
  18. DC-Doll New Player

    Apologies if the format is a tad wonky. Literally copied that off of the Merriam Webster online dictionary
  19. Yui Loyal Player

    No. This game would be entirely pay2win if this happens.
    Plus, people who spent a lot of money respecing powers and stuff, just to get role/movement specific feats will complain, because it will be like a slap to the face to them.
  20. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    Like my bird buddy said: I am personally against feat sharing, which if why I don't use it. And I am very much against selling SP and account wide styles.
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