Please take my money for skill points

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red McCarthyism, May 22, 2014.

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  1. Solutha New Player

    100 sp in a month use to be almost impossible now it takes me about 2 weeks to get that after starting a new character with all the new dlc feats. This is only playing 1-2 hours a day if that. By time you hit 30 you can have 40-60 sp easy if you run all the low level instances and get the feats. If you own the DLC then there is another 30-40 easy skill points after 30. Once you hit 110-115 it starts to slow down because you start getting into the grind, style and raid feats.
  2. Red McCarthyism New Player

    Well how about selling more feats with marks of triumph like the token feats? Just uncap that one feat. Players still have to grind raids/alerts/duos for the marks to buy the feat. Replays would still be used to grind the monthly boxes...

    Does anyone have a problem with the Mark token feat currently in game?

    If not would you have a problem with that feat being expanded?
  3. MAXILIANO Loyal Player


    I believe that the market actually needs many new things. But this is not one of them ...:cool:
  4. Splinter Cell Dedicated Player

    So much nope with this idea.
  5. Eminence Dedicated Player

    Lmao I love these threads.
  6. IdontDps Committed Player

    i'm still GRINDING for my 1st prime helm
  7. SilverBullet Dedicated Player

    I have always wanted more then 15 power points. Your idea buying power points vs skill points. I'll take buying more power points. You do make a perfect point for those who have already earned so, many skills already.
  8. Furious Wind Well-Known Player

    Don't worry, that day, WILL COME.
  9. DaMexicanOreo New Player

    Umm... how about a..... NO

    Just like how you achieve anything in life, you gotta suffer and work your way up there. If it does not make you struggle, you are not challenging yourself enough and will not gain much out of it. Before anything good happens, suffering must come first. ;)
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  10. Ghaladh Dedicated Player

    People can't see the great scheme. The devs don't have to worry only about making money, but also to bring people to play as longer as they can. Why? Because if you get bored before they are able to deliver a new DLC, you will lose interest in the game and disappear, along with your little cash.

    DCUO is clearly not made like many other games that aim to make the big sale and then fade away: this game is meant to provide a steady income to SOE. First of all, the longer you stay in a game, the more you are "fidelizated". You get fond of the brand, you stay update to the latest news, you spend some cash on other SOE games...

    Selling feats or SP would let demotivate people: why should I play 3 weeks to get 5 SP, while I can buy them in two minutes? You would be bored in less than 2 weeks. Your idea is shortsighted,
  11. The Doctor Loyal Player

    No problem at all, great idea. Raise it to a million.
  12. Archangel Rafael New Player

    ok fine. that's true but then the entire game can also be difined this way. "Too much time on my hands..." , "repeat pointless tasks..."

    Everything in all MOs is a timesink. Wasting time repeating pointless actions is exactly 100% of what playing a video game is. Heck not just MMOs , all video games.

    Pointless? What do we do in a video games that's not ultimately pointless? You do know we're not really saving the world form brainiac here, right?
    There is an obvious empirical difference.

    In one case you have to accomplish the feat at least once. In the other case you don't ever have to do the feat you just buy it outright.

    That is a difference. That is what a difference is.

    If you choose to bury your head in the sand and say that the two things are the same when they are obviously not, I guess it's you're prerogative to delude yourself or to be as intentionally obtuse as you want to.

    Pretending it's the same thing or saying that it's the same doesn't make it so. Just makes you kinda stubborn and unable to accept reality.

    Maybe you mean that the difference is small in your opinion or that the two things are so similar that the difference is insubstantial in your view. This is not the same thing as insisting that the two things are exactly the same when they are actually not as any fool can plainly see. (lolz Groo reference)
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  13. Archangel Rafael New Player

    So your deal really is that you want a way to gain many SP other than by doing the feast set forth for you? You want to be able to buy feats with marks?

    Fine by me, but keep in mind that the people who already have a bunch of SP will also be able to buy a bunch more under the new system thus they will still have many more SP than you do.
  14. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    They'll lose so many subscribers.
    It's not about the need it's because of can.
  15. Gunny New Player

    Frankly, I hope the 5 pages so far were so nasty, it drove you out of the forums. I cannot even believe I read this.
  16. HHAAZZEE New Player

    Isnt navigation a skill? Alot of players dont seem to know what the mini map is for these days, too busy rushing to end game to learn the basics.

    Gathering exobits improved my skill with superspeed.

    Others mentioning grinding for lucky style drops doesnt involve skill... the more you play the better (SKILLfull) you get at your role.

    SP are a sign of experience, with experience comes... thats right, skill.

    Exactly this^ If you have everything then what is the point in playing?
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  17. Red McCarthyism New Player

    Unfortunately for you, a few kids with too much time and not enough income to understand don't get under my skin.
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  18. Twilight Man New Player

    I never supported Feat Point Sharing and I still dont like it being in the game.

    I dont support Skill Point Buying and will dislike it long after it has been added to the game in some waterd down renamed rebranded form.
  19. forumuser123 New Player

    Great just what we need another dcuo money making scheme
  20. Gunny New Player

    I earn plenty - but my real life situation and accomplishments are none of your concern and should not affect my situation in this game.

    If you dont have the time, dont play.

    if you feel like you need to buy your way, people will probably rather not play. You'll wind up a lonely rich snob on near-empty game servers that would shut down in a few months due to going under by a nonexistent playerbase. Thats a pay2win game.

    But hey, you go ahead and tell me I dont understand. You're only thinking of yourself, when ironically, you would pay your way to finding anew game in a few months.

    Personally, id rather earn my success - you know... like you did in real life, yes? With comments like these im responding to, I pray YOU earned your success and are not some rich kid with some successful parents giving you a credit card. See? I can make up completely random insults too with no evidence.

    Maybe you should stick to the only things we can argue here logically - the game. Defending yourself with completely random insults you couldnt guess were accurate or not if your life depended on it isnt going to get you anywhere.
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