Please take my money for skill points

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Red McCarthyism, May 22, 2014.

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  1. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    Zur Hölle - NEIN! ;)
  2. Vederyn New Player

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  3. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    that will be the day this game has finally gone pay to win for real and will be the very last day I ever log in not no BUT HELL NO
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  4. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    Your sig.... I have no idea why its addictive to watch
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  5. Vederyn New Player

    Lol been getting that a lot lately :p
  6. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    Logged in just to say NO
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  7. TDSK Committed Player

    Or here's a better idea: Take the small amount of time to earn your skillpoints (it takes about a month max to get at least 100 if you have all the DLC's and are ne, and that's stretching it) Believe it or not, having to actually put some miniscule amount of effort into a game won't kill you.
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  8. Lights Derp Loyal Player

    First off In before the lock.

    Now that that's out of the way. No, serious just play the game, everything is pretty much handed to you already. If you want the reward then work for it, if you don't have time then go for the easier feats first while working towards the more grindy ones.

    Stop being lazy, play the game, and enjoy.
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  9. Crimson Veil Dedicated Player

    It is both disturbing and mesmerizing…..disturbmerizing? mesmersturbing? ;)
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  10. KemistiOMG Committed Player

  11. Red McCarthyism New Player

    100 sp in a month? That seems excessive to me. There is a world outside of DC.

    Regardless, DC is in the money making business, so I'm sure it's inevitable regardless. The "no" replies offered no valid reasons not to sell sp.
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  12. Pipkin New Player

    I'll play devils advocate on this one and say sure, why not?
    There's some feats that I'm never going to get. Anything that has to do with pvp/duels/legends are some. Lots of style feats seem rather ridiculous since it's all luck with no skill involved whatsoever.
    I'm also never going to chase down every collection because it also too is random drop rates.
    Most you can get pretty easily but really? 250 chest? Really?
    I got 100 and just stopped caring about it.
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  13. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    It would make the game pay to win.
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  14. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    What if I told you that if they start to sell SP's they'll lose more money than gain?
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  15. Red McCarthyism New Player

    I fail to see the pay to win argument if the max sp is capped. Merely, pay to fast track. Isn't a replay a fast track?
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  16. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Selling SP for cash is one step away from selling gear for cash. It's a bad idea, and I imagine you already know this.
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  17. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    because there are more than enough people in this game not knowing their role and game mechanics.
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  18. Twilight Man New Player

    I agree OP...

    ...with everyone saying no.
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  19. Poo New Player

    I'll bite...

    The reason people pay a monthly fee, sometimes for years, is a feeling of pride and accomplishment in the time they spent in that game.

    There is already not much in this game due to the fact that they want F2P and Premiums to be able to enjoy as much of the game as possible w/o too much segregation from Legendary players.

    One of the few things, besides money in the bank and a plethora of styles, that a long time player has to hold on to and see the value of their time spent in game are Skill Points.

    Take that away, and you lose a majority of your current subs.

    And if you or anyone doesn't care about all that, just think about any game you have played using cheat codes. It's fun at first, but most will get bored pretty fast and never play it again. Buying SP's is the equivalent of using cheat codes for this game. You'll have very little to look forward to...
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  20. KemistiOMG Committed Player

    at this point of game where SP really matters it is p2w if you can buy 187sp with lvl1 character
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