Please return to new episodes every 3 months

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Nov 25, 2015.

  1. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Interesting posts from everyone. If anything I created this to generate discussion, even if some, a few, or many disagree with me. What this does show is that players are split into ever more groups who want different things for the game.

    For me personally I feel burnt out with the new monthly cycle, and that I am expected to play the game continually or fall behind considerably. With the three monthly cycle it was a lot more forgiving, and players could have that break (for real-life reasons normally) then return to game to fairly minimal but worthwhile grind. However now the grind is a lot steeper for a very small quantity of content. Which leads me to my other issue. Playing the same 2 pieces of content every month can become repetitive, this especially for duos, and more so for duos in places we've already been to. With raids its the case of luck with LFG which is increasingly more quiet (which is why despite being a raid fan I feel there should be less raids than are being created atm).

    Of course on the other hand I am frustrated with the way PVP is at the moment (Arenas more so). That said, again everyone will have different ideas on how this could be improved. This is for another thread, but I feel that this is a pressing issue and relevant.

    I guess a way forward is compromise. Maybe 3 pieces of content every 6 weeks? Slightly more variety of content, but with somewhat more leeway for players to grind their gear without feeling burnt out (for some, not saying this is the case for everyone by any means)
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  2. lukelucky Devoted Player

    Yes and when it was new. Battle for earth dropped around march 2012 and t4 continued until may 2013. This entire time past content was still a challange because of stats not due to people lacking very basic machanics or power/roles info. Being fair lacking in said departments was bad also back then but still.

    The gain in cr from march 2012 till may 2013 was maybe 15 cr but sadly our stats pretty much doubled. T5 made t4 beyond easy and anything prior to t4 well a solo. How is this suppose to hold or retain players? Where does the challange come from?

    Let's not forget battle for earth "fully" geared us with the very best gear available and as a result t4 operations was then an increase in difficulty from battle for earth. Prime was still every bit as tuff as b4 hands of fate dropped but then after we had 2 operations that upped the bar a bit. Now we get easy content to start and 4 weeks later a cr boost essentially nerfing last month.
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  3. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Thats what I was demonstrating in my previous post (the post you replied to). My point was that it is considerably more magnified now with the monthly content cycle. Hopefully the next episode after the one on test has at least one or both content in new instances (if neither did then we'd go down to 1 new instance every 3 months).

    And like I said, I sometimes enjoy re-visiting instances (Desecrated Cathedral and Unholy Matrimony notably, and before that ICW). But there's a line. Or rather, if you're going to return to a new instance you've got to do it right imo.
  4. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    This would be really nice and I'm not the kind that's racing for gears and CR. A lull would let me properly gear an alt. It would actually let me get the vendor styles which since the per month release, I haven't been comfortably be able to do. And oh, the fact that they kept the week marketplace DLC access, makes me always behind a week. So yeah, a nice lull would just take off a load a little =)
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  5. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    WHICH is why I SUGGESTED that we go into a 4 MONTH CYCLE instead.

    BOTTOM LINE: KEEP the MONTHLY CYCLE as is now BUT then on month 4 , the DEVS get a chance for a BREAK between contents and to use that TIME on things like PVP, SLOTS1234, and BRINGING BACK THE WALK INS ( i know CHEAP PLUG there ).

    The PLAYERS get a ONE MONTH grace period to USE their NEW GEAR for at least a month before it becomes OBSOLETE. This to me seems like a FAIR COMPROMISE for those that don't like the MONTHLY over the 3 MONTH CYCLES and gives the DEVS TIME for whatever NEEDS to be done.

    BTW : don't FORGET we still NEED our OMNIPOTENT ITEMS to SCALE ITEM LEVEL as well PLEASE. ( Another CHEAP PLUG ).
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  6. MainMan52 Well-Known Player

    Yes, please return to 3 months cycle. I never asked for monthly episodes.
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  7. megamanzero Loyal Player

    the reason i dont like monthly content is that the lfg community seems to only focus on the newest things. i personally am finding it very difficult to get a group for the older T7 raids UM, HH, NGN,'s really frustrating.
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  8. megamanzero Loyal Player

    how can you have a "bottom line" at the top of your post? that doesn't make any sense. a bottom line should be at the bottom. it also doesn't require you to use all caps for random words in your sentences.
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  9. protecter of tomorrow Committed Player

    WHY WORRY over it.

    BOTTOM LINE: I've HEARD it all already and it's NOT gonna STOP LOL.
  10. megamanzero Loyal Player

    i'm not worrying over anything. offering helpful criticism is not worrying. if anything you should be thanking me because im trying to help you improve your writing.
    BOTTOM LINE: you're welcome.
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  11. tyjames New Player

    As a premium player all I know is that I've only bought two of the monthly episodes, while I've bought all of the quarterly (well except trigon EP- did get last laugh). So its making me spend less which I'm sure is not what the devs want. But the reason why is because there factually is less value for what I'm spending, the cost is higher than it was mostly and for roughly less than what the quarterly episodes offered. To further this point I'll just mention things like battle zone Gotham and new genesis worlds. The episodes have yet to provide any new open world locations.
  12. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I understand the perception of monthly content is that of a frantic race to get the gear. I find myself thinking this way as well. But honestly, the slow down can happen from the player side. We have 3 months to run the content in the cycle. We get stuck on episodes and that's fine, but the cycle is what you have to complete gear sets if you want to be maxed out before the next cycle.

    Since the R&D systems started, I noticed more people in LFG are shouting for all relevant group content at end game. It would appear there's been an uptick in people running HH, BS and NGN. So once we get well established in the new cycle with the gear progression the way it's supposed to be, it may start to look a little less frantic and more like the DLC format.
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  13. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    To be honest , I really wish if the devs can rethink this . Please go back to three month cycle Insted if new dlc every month . And am sure a lot of you guys agree with me
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  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I think by February we can see how effective monthly content will be. Right now there are too many unknown variables to make a sound decision.

    However the statement of new game modes needed is still true for the game.
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  15. CdnAtheist Well-Known Player

    All companies try new business models. I think they will let this play out a little longer to determine whether it is desirable to the previous 3-month DLC cycle. Remember, what you and I consider improvement may not be profitable for Daybreak. Under the current model, I would think they are selling more replay badges while not seeing significant changes in legendary and premium revenue.
  16. Nemisor Committed Player

    i think the monthly cycle is definitely making people keep their sub up. instead of 1 to 2 months of sub and dropping the third.

    under the 3 monthly content i was playing other games by the third month, now im on DC every month.
  17. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    all they need to do is make the full set of gear all the same cr so the cr doesn't go up so fast and so much
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  18. MAXILIANO Loyal Player

    Mepps I was curious ...
    What would it cost if we can use any piece of gear?
    Only by assumption ...
    It might be worth ...:cool:
  19. ProfessorKanua Committed Player

    The issue is that most of these changes are for end-game. It usually only applies to the newest DLC. Which means that it's not marketable for new players coming into the game. It will take them ages to get to that point by themselves. So what those changes do is alienate existing players without having any drawing aspect for new players. So essentially you make a change that doesn't really matter that much anyway, I mean, I'm not going to pay attention to things like scraps, Legends PvE and so forth when I have my stuff I need to run for the day to get my best gear. Besides, I like to sell my gear for cash in case of booster bundles and since there is not a clear distinction between 112 greens en 122 greens, if I cared about the scraps I would have to sort that out too, it's just too much of a hassle. I just think they are in a viscious cycle of: don't have enough manpower to do things > can't significantly improve the game > can't draw in new players > can't make more profits > can't afford new manpower. At least, that's just how I see it.
  20. Ash Inferno Well-Known Player

    I don't really care for this monthly thing either. Just when I finally learn all the mechanics to a raid it becomes old news lol. It seems the only way to have any enjoyment is to blow 50 bucks a month on replays and hope you get something better than green gear smh.:rolleyes:
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