please read and comment on my ideas

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by blank0, Nov 13, 2017.

  1. blank0 New Player

    this is important. I love dc universe and it has the most potential compared to other games. it has not reached its full potential and heres why. by my studies I have concluded that you can focus more on pvp. scientists say that pvp is better than pve. pvp is what everyone is doing. create a dc universe good vs evil battle over territories. where you have players on the side of good battle players and the side of evil over territories that are controlled by bosses. which ever side defeat the opposing side in the territory and defeat the boss too. gets the territory and the boss to be on there side. for example the good forces defeats the evil boss and the evil team. that is a triumph so as a reward they win the territory and the boss is on there side (the good side) . in every great game the players have to dodge and out maneuver incoming attacks with arrow keys. disable auto lock. put each skill on cooldown to prevent spaming depending on how influencial it is. they each skill has pros in battle. it can have area damage hence hit all foes in the area small or large area note the bigger the area the less damage the smaller the area the more damage. you want players to feel triumphant and raise the hand up and say yes! the more powerful the skill or power the more chance it can be dodged. but don't make it impossible to hit the target. the faster you defeat an enemy (pve) you receive better and more powerful the items. wouldn't it be cool if when you are roaming you hear a bad guys up to no good and then you have the option to go and foil there plans? then when you do go there are prizes involved if the defeat the higher level creature or vilain. or how about capture the flag. where you have to bring the flag to the other side. the gears that the players receives can also have passives.
    for example passives: anyone that hits you have 20 percent chance of attack speed slowing down. atleast create a separate mode for this.
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  2. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Lost me at 'scientists'...
  3. recoil Committed Player

    sounds a bit opinionated. personally i only duel players as a form of punishment if one does something particularly intolerable. other wise i don't much care for pvp.
  4. Venus Void Dedicated Player

    Bless your heart