Please put warnings on base items too larget to fit into a lair

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tharkis, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    I received a Massive Deisel Generator base item, but there's no indication anywhere that you CANT place it in a lair, the item is too large to fit in a lair which means I claimed it for nothing because you cant use it...

    There should be a category for base items that are League Hall ONLY if you cant actually place them...
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  2. Vesper Dedicated Player

    ^^ This. :(
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  3. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    Also while I'm ranting about new items... I got a copy of the Bombshell Harlyquin poster from the last boss of the raid, and I cant place it, when I try to place it, it shows up in my base list as 'Bombshell Harly Quinn's Hammer Poster (Purchased)' and gives an error "This item is no longer available to be placed'

    In addition it didn't count towards the bombshell poster collection feat
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  4. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    It would also be nice if League Hall sized items were not apart of feats, as has happened in the events.
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  5. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    This generator looks like it'd be a cool item... if i could do anything with it. But there's no way to tell how BIG an item is before you claim it, and after you've claimed it you can only place it in a lair. It's like the Maggot Infested Doll base item, where I thought it was goign to be the same size as the 'large cat balloon' i have, but instead it's so big i cant actually use it because there's only one spot in my base it will even sit.

    Well the generator CANT fit ANYWHERE. Heck, you shouldnt even be ABLE to claim it as a base item, because it just wastes the item and you can never again see it or use it.

    Should be marked "League Hall Only" and the only thing you can do with it is sell it on the broker or donate it to a league hall... either that or you need to be able to scale down for 'lair size' if placing in a lair.
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  6. Hector Danger Well-Known Player

    Yes, this makes me sad. Could you make it a little less massive? lol
    (and by "you", I mean Devs ;))
  7. BlueDynamo Active Player

    I know what you mean. I have some Oan SM items that I would like to use in my base but I am unsure of there physical size.:mad:
  8. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    You would think the name having the word "Massive" would give us a hint...but you would be wrong. :(
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  9. Ikyotojin Dedicated Player

    doe's this mean I should put a warning sign on my butt?
  10. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

  11. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    The best solution to this would be a visible scale in every preview screen.

    And, yes, if something can't fit at all into a Lair, it shouldn't be clickable for personal Lair inventories; that's just laying a trap for unwary players.
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  12. Red Templar Dedicated Player

    I own every season. It's one of the few shows that has been on the air that long and is still alway funny.
  13. Miggly Committed Player

    Same here!!! Got the generator and when I placed it into my lair it would not fit anywhere. Agree That League Hall Items should be noted as such.
  14. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    There is also a smaller diesel engine, but they should have named them like they did for the Orrery with (League Hall).
    Diesel Engine
    Diesel Engine (League Hall)... instead of Massive Diesel Engine

    That way there's a convention.
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  15. WhiteW0lf Devoted Player

    Lol no. I was agreeing with the OP.

    But now that I get why you quote me and said what you did, that was hilarious lol.
  16. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I agree, they should say league hall or base item. I claimed a diesel engine and tried to use it and found out the size of it.
  17. Senko Committed Player

    Same claimed the massive diseal engine for my lair without realizing it wasn't just "massive" it was "league hall massive".
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  18. Tharkis The Pretty Kitty Princess

    Heck it's so massive it doesn't even fit in most rooms in the league hall!
  19. Flavian Committed Player

  20. game007dad Well-Known Player

    I agree the way the Orrey was labeled should be the way base items intended only for league halls are handled going forward.