Please Let Me Buy Over Knight Shift

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Tabby Belle, Nov 25, 2019.

  1. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    I completed the Knight Shift feat (Amazon Fury 1) on my villain when I "mained" the villain side. I've been trying to get Cheetah as my bounty on my hero for months, and the RNG isn't giving her to me. Back when this was end-game content, and there was nothing else to do, and we got end-game rewards, and a lot of people were doing it to group and share credit with, this wouldn't be an issue.

    Or if it were just a weekly bounty, instead of having to do the three dailies five times each to open up the bounty mission, so I would only have to go in once a week to check it instead of wasting time every day.

    But I already put in the work on my villain, and the feat isn't compatible for replay badges on the hero side (I'm guessing, because of the different checklist having iconic villains instead of iconic heroes). I grinned and bore it for both Heroes and Villains on Parade, on both sides of Street Sweeper, both versions of Mist-Taken Identity... but those could be spammed. This can't. Please make Knight Shift (and for the sake of other people, the other feats I mentioned) cross-faction buyable with replay badges?
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  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    I convince a couple leaguemates to work on that feat at the same time I did. That we we could tag along if the other person got the iconic I needed and vice versa.
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  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Like 411 said above, get some friends to help out if possible or shout it out in LFG/Shout when you can and hopefully you can get lucky. Yeah, we were better off when it first came out and you didn't need the specific villain/hero to be the active one to get credit...just the mission, so once someone had the bounty mission we went around and knocked them all out in one sitting and closed the feat.

    But yeah, I'd say if it's a matching feat, like the CC bounties, with just different targets, it should be purchasable on the other faction.

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  4. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    oh, yeah. CC bounties, too ( as Reinheld said ). I'm working through them on my main ( & I had to wait until I was capable of soloing them before I could even start, because: good luck with getting a group for that lot on the EUPS4 ). I really really don't want to have to do them all over again on the villain side.
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You don't...they are unlockable....the only one that is not is the bounty list one. So you will need to do all of the 9 one time, but that's one day worth of searching...not the end of the world. Might as well cash them out all at once, then get 1 after reset for the MMMMMonster kill too vs paying for it.

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  6. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    I can sympathize. Right now the character in my usual rotation is running those missions along with her CR relevant missions because she still needs one of the iconic characters (think it's Croc). I've also got a villain who still needs at least two (if not three) heroes from the quick-vine feat from Home Turf, and she just reached the CR160 range.

    But I gotta say no, for a couple reasons.

    Firstly, I've yet to see anyone give a convincing argument about why doing something for one side should give you credit for something on the opposing faction. In SWG I didn't automatically get the same Galactic Civil War rank if I switched from Imperial to Rebel, nor did I keep my pilot status. In this game, we can't switch factions but getting full STAR Labs renown means jack squat to the villains. So fighting all the heroes in Gotham Under Siege isn't going to amount to anything for a hero.

    It also sets up a weird situation of sorts considering we've still got people wanting separate content for the factions, at the very least possibly undermining that viewpoint.

    The other thing, though? I don't think you can equate it to the usual open world bounties. At level/CR, you usually need a group to take down one of those bounties. It's that or wait until you significantly outlevel the content and THEN go back to do them on your own. But those hero/villain fights in Gotham Under Siege come from solo content, and the fights themselves are intended to be able to be done alone while in that relevancy. The only times I struggled on those fights were the first fights, because I learned what to expect yet.

    I get that the RNG factor in that mission set is frustrating, believe me. But it's solo content, and it just gets easier as you progress through the tiers and increase your CR. But I don't think you should get feat credit for fighting a villain when you haven't actually fought them yet, even if you've already beaten a heroic counterpart of theirs.
  7. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    awwwwesome. well, that's cheered me up, no end. ta!
  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It has nothing to do with ease. It has to do with time and being locked into something you don't really need to do. 250 bottle duos? Knock them out in a few hours with a buddy....5000 reapers? Get a group together and kill a few hours bashing them around. Need to fly around town helping Batman/Joker? Get the map online and grab a beer and start looking for a hour or so. Feats like knight shift were the reason that unlocking feats was invented (well...and selling replays). If you are bringing up an alt it's extremely likely it's not parallel with whatever toon you got the feat on originally ...likely later than when the content is 'current'. At a minimum, 4 different bosses means you will be stuck doing that content for 4 weeks. Every redo on a villain/hero boss means another week stuck running content that does absolutely nothing to advance your alt, assuming you also are running event content. Terrible RNG rates might mean 6, 7 or more weeks stuck there. Now, granted, you don't need to spend all day doing the 3 missions down there so it's not the end of the world, but it's stuff you don't want to run daily more than likely and it is the same feat (in the theme an 5 days, get boss..knock out boss 4 different times)...just like many other hero vs villain feats which ARE unlockable.

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  9. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    the MMMMmonster feat is one of my favorite feats to get in game. I'll only unlock certain feats on my alts: grindy feats, lpve feats, seasonals and style feats for vendor discounts. I always thought this one was fun.

    the one i think i'll never get is the ten point feat from the Home Turf 8X8's where you need to find all the heroes. I'm still missing Black Lightning and while I've spent hundreds of hours queued up for it that instance has popped maybe three times in the past four years for me.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, anything in the 8v8s is tough, unless you can get into certain 'groups' who's stock and 'trade' is knocking feats out....that's when I got my lists done... hero and villain side both....that's another one that is not unlockable.

    Agreed on not unlocking. I actually don't unlock CC bounties till after the 50 kills, the list, MMMMonster, the 2 'portal' bosses and 1000 reapers are done(I knock those out when waiting for abra/zoom to respawn). Things like speed feats, exploration etc...many of which I want to run just to clear my journal anyway....I can't stand a bunch of stuff in my journal.

    I think the one I do that most would cringe at is the booster tours....I redo them all every time...I hate seeing the exclamation points in the police stations...Well that and the races....I redo them all until platinum, I also hate to see the purple lights around town. But I know I'm weird on those 2.

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  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    If you don't use replays, yeah you're looking at 5 days per chance. But if someone is willing to spend RBs to run those missions again and again, that can be spammed in pretty much the same way as any other mission.

    How much time a player spends on that mission set is entirely up to them.
  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sorry, but it's not the same as the other feats as those do not require replays for credit and most don't rely on RNG. I'd tend to agree if you knew you would get the specific boss (like you could do 'any' boss each time), but if you wanted to do this in one sitting you are going to spend at least 684 replays, or about $20....with repeat bosses who knows? Even if you decided it was worth the $20 to get it done, there's no guarantee you'd be done after the 4 runs. That's not the same as doing 250 3-4 minute bottle duos over 10 hours. Even 'artifact finder' or 'finite possibilities' in Nexus, which are also non-unlockable feats per faction, you don't need replays to get all the artifacts even with the worst RNG and the lex/batman combos can be knocked out in a few hours for free.

    So how about a compromise...change the 5 day mission be 'kill one of these 4 bosses' and you could choose one? Take RNG out of it. At least then if you choose the 'money' route to get the feat done, you know how much and how long you'd be at it.

  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    RNG is baked into the MMO experience. Has been for a good decade or so at least. It's a simple and surefire way of keeping players playing (at the very least) and despite all the general complaints about it, I don't see it going anywhere any time soon.

    I feel like I should make that (or a similar statement) my forum signature, I keep going back to it after all. LOL

    They've set out the conditions of the feat. It's in solo content, so it's arguably some of the easier content in that particular episode and it gets even easier as your CR increases. A player can take the slow route to get it or run the quicker (and potentially more expensive) path.

    From there? Well, it's up to the player.