Please just make the game better.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Doctor Anomaly, Apr 28, 2021.

  1. Doctor Anomaly Level 30

    I mean literally I just logged in and checked the catalyst I was talking about in Long Live the Legion, and it's still untradeable. So.. what do you "exactly" mean?
  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Nobody inherently wants to argue with you or insult you. Why would they? Random forum members are not in a conspiracy to persecute you.

    Thanks for providing a few specifics. See, people can actually discuss specifics. Meaningless generalities dependent on mind-reading what you're thinking: not so useful. Ditto launching defensive attacks on... everyone, which is just entirely silly.

    But specifics: that's the way to go when bothering to comment. Thanks again for mentioning a few.
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  3. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    I think the catalysts you buy from the vendor for episode marks or bounty marks are not tradable for a good reason. It’s to stop people with billions of dollars from just buying the OP item. You have to actually play the episode.
  4. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    ... that changes when the episode currency is obsoleted and you can get them with source marks from playing anything.
  5. ALB Dedicated Player

    People on the forums like the game exactly how it is. They will post any and everything to disrupt. I wouldn't even argue with them
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  6. Berza Committed Player

    When I say "in this Episode" I mean in World of Flashpoint.
  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    When that is true, the DLCs are 3 DLC old and those items are no longer 'OP' and getting them is just to complete the style feat. I think this is fair. It also won't apply to WV or LLL as they use the 2nd currency UNLESS that currency also changes to source, which I doubt will happen. More likely the prices will drop so the 2nd currency can still be used, but the grind will decrease by whatever the drop in price is. Or maybe the 2nd currency will be available for conversion from source (i.e. 1 source gets you 10 Aethers/Beacons), so you could combo running the bounties with some source purchases to speed things up.