Please just make the game better.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Doctor Anomaly, Apr 28, 2021.

  1. Doctor Anomaly Level 30

    We have seen you say that membership benefits will change soon™. I hope whatever changes you have in mind will improve gameplay for the members. I also hope that it can be made better for everyone.

    We have all seen the post about SP's. It's huge. Please do something to fix that.
    There was also recently a post about QOL changes with lots of good suggestions.
    We recently got (another) request to improve the feat list being a hot mess. My own personal peeve with the feat list is some style feats being in.. styles, while others are listed in episodes.
    Mepps reply to that thread today was basically "Yeah we've been screwing that up for years now".

    Please, please, please, do stuff to make the game experience better.
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  2. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    "Do stuff" is the most useless possible request.

    Be specific as to what you want to see.

    Requests as generalized as "make the game better" and "do stuff" aren't worth posting. Post better. Make constructive suggestions. There is no try.
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  3. C3alix Committed Player

    Seriously. Just send them a message instead.
  4. Beard Maaaan Well-Known Player

    “Stupid TV, be more funny!” — Homer Simpson
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  5. August Moon Well-Known Player

    Boooo get off the stage
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  6. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    How is this going to make anything better? This thread has nothing constructive to offer, no ideas of what they should actually do...
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  7. Doctor Anomaly Level 30

    There have been literally thousands of requested improvements. They have been discussed ad nauseum. Do I have specific requests? Sure I do, but throwing them into the bottomless pit with the rest of the suggestions seems pointless. The devs have seen all the requests prior to this thread and ignored them. I am just asking them to actually do something with all the good suggestions that have come before this. You can post all your Lorem Ipsum replies complaining and insulting me you want to. Welcome to the trolls. Make yourselves comfortable and stay a while. I don't mind at all.
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  8. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    You are still not helping lol. Making the better is really subjective.

    Some people suggested in the past every content in the game should be solo, some people suggested they should stop doing solos to focus on raids, we don't know what you want: More open world? More events? More raids? More artifacts? More time capsules? Free feats? There are so many topics...
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  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    No one is trolling you. You don't provide any solid feedback for the Devs to listen.
    The ol' good "They don't listen to us" is not constructive nor 100% true. They listen, but you have to realize they have bosses above them and those bosses decides what's goes. And It's their game, and they try to do what they think is best while also taking feedback into consideration.

    So now tell us, how do you want them to make the game better? what will make it better?
    More Customization? More gameplay content? More difficulty? Throwing a random "Listen to me but I have nothing to say" then complain they don't listen to us does nothing helpful and doesn't contribute anything meaningful here.
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    First off, you are mixing topics. On one hand you are talking about the membership changes, on the other you are talking about user experience issues(QOL). Other than referring to one of the few larger QOL posts (link would have helped vs just saying 'recently a post')..and there were a few good ones, you really add no suggesions. This is why you are taking flack. Well, you did put the one line about the 'style' feats being broken up into the episodes or in the 'style' tab...that I'd say qualifies and constructive info...maybe add that to one of those QOL threads you referenced vs starting a new generic thread. Personally I'd go for if they moved the 'episode' styles into the style tab, BUT some will find that even more ready for the discussion there. Even the SP discussion you vaguely mention 'do something' to. Sell them? Give them away? Have less of them?...More? Make them easier?....Harder?

    Personally I'm less interested in the membership changes than the thought of some of those QOL changes. Sure I'd like more stuff for my money, but I get a decent amount of entertainment for my $10 a month(annual)...heck I spent that much to see Godzilla vs Kong and was barely entertained for 2 hours there....I'm on this game every day...100's of hours a month.

    However if I'm going to suggest things for membership...(Like maybe members get a shot at seals in Prom boxes...or are granted a bit more 'stuff' every month for the sub...or get a cash slot in the bank 'members only') then I'll make those suggestions specifically. Same with QOL stuff like feat tracker, AQS, the promised 'phase' chooser, bug fixes (not really qol, but also needed). Therein lay the 'discussion'.

    Now you (and I) might get flack for some of those suggestions, but at least it can be about 'something' vs just telling DBG to 'get gud'.
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  11. Doctor Anomaly Level 30

    Okay fine. If you want my suggestions I will give them, even though I just believe it will result in yet more people trying to argue with and belittle my thoughts.

    Update the UI. A good video on how they were going to do this earlier but gave up on can be found on YouTube.
    Make more things account bound, particularly all type of coins and in game cash. This game is not alt friendly and should be.
    Fix the feats UI. Make it more intuitive. Give it more sorting options and a search feature. Make feats in it trackable.
    Give us the alternative path to skill points they talked about 3 years ago or some newer version as they seem to have given up on that one.
    Make older raids etc be soloable or have a variable amount to enter. The game could be more solo friendly.
    Drop prices for things in the online store. Hide less stuff behind a paywall, especially if it includes feat related (as feats are currently the only way to get SP).
    Make purple catalysts account bound. If I can afford one on an alt I should be able to pass it to my main.
    Make in game cash account bound. Be more alt friendly. (worth mentioning separately as I don't think the earlier mention will be considered).
    Completely redo the augment/artifact enhancement system or just increase the chances of success.
    Add the server status to the opening page of the launcher rather than having to hunt for it in settings.

    Just a few thoughts I think could make the game better for everyone. Feel free to argue and insult now.
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  12. Doctor Anomaly Level 30

    Tell that to August Moon and Beard Man
  13. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Get off the horse bro. You're coming off a little snotty and no one wants to talk to that guy.

    These are all pretty decent suggestions. The UI thing I kinda gave up on because every time "Processor Limitations" are no longer an issue, the first thing that gets looked at are all game performance related issues, which is what it is, basically. But account bound game cash, sure, that's a fairly solid suggestion.

    "What are Time Capsules?" was the correct answer. 'Stuff They Already Did' for 600, Alex...

    While nice to think about, something people will argue very ferociously against because the "I had to pay, you do too" mentality is very prevalent here. Still.

    That was actually formulated thought and quite a bit better than the first list so, five points.
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  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    See....that's much better. I don't even really disagree with any of those and many have gained a lot of traction in other QOL threads, although I would not put some in my 'top' suggestions (except AQS). I'd debate on the 'alternative path to SP' thing if you are suggesting selling, but that's a whole other thread that's like 100 pages long now.

    I do want to point out, that it still conflicts with your message about the membership changes. As a purely 'QOL' or 'Enahncements' thread it's perfectly fine though. Even if someone disagrees with the ideas (many will), they can't say you didn't put anything substantive out there.

    However...because you asked us are wrong...uh, and a jerk....and probably too short...or too tall...whatever....yo momma! There....happy now?;)

    Devs: Pseudo personal attack for sarcasm purposes's highly unlikely someone can be too short and too tall at the same time....don't ban me
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    They didn't exactly give up on the UI overhaul so much as the company was sold off and a series of unfortunate events followed. But I agree the entire UI needs a complete face lift.

    They were working on making in-game cash transfers more accessible.
    I doubt they would make episode specific currency account bound, I could see that getting mishandled. Account bound Source Marks would be nice. Maybe a future member perk?

    I believe Artifacts are the alternative version to skill points that they were referring to in the producer's letter. Skill points allow us further stats and abilities, Artifacts allow us further stats and abilities.

    I think they're looking at the feats UI currently:
    I would love a tracking feature and further sorting options. A 'suggested feats' option where we can see an ordered list of most completed feats by population would be awesome for newer players.

    Forcing a queue for smaller groups was also commented on recently, I think by Charon. It's something they seem interested in but I can't find the thread.

    I don't know what you're referring to in regards to feat related purchases in the marketplace? They have marketplace sales several times throughout the year, each year. Those are good times to take advantage.

    What purple catalysts are you referring to?

    I don't disagree with you on the fortification system. They were looking for specific feedback on it last month:
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  16. Doctor Anomaly Level 30

    [quote="What purple catalysts are you referring to?

    The one in particular is a purple catalyst in Long Live the Legion that costs about 400 time beacons. The one needed (multiples of) to complete the upgrade of the OP face item. That one and all those required for OP items from each DLC.

    Thanks for the input.
  17. Berza Committed Player

    You mean like exactly the thing they did in this Episode?
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  18. Dark Soldier Dedicated Player

    I wantsss a battle pass
  19. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Pretty sure they are working on updating UI because they had a few threads from a new Dev called Sam that were focused on UI stuff.

    Not against making currency account bound, maybe the Source Marks. I agree that It's not alt friendly.

    I think Mepps commented on feats UI, saying that there is a lot they want to clean and fix from all the years.

    I think they explained that It's not possible to put portals to solo raids, but they should come with solution to old content.
    The game is pretty much solo friendly so I disagree there. You have the open world which is solo pretty much until bounties,
    and you have a lot of solos you can do on your own.

    I can't speak as to why they don't drop prices on Market Place. They barely touch it.
    Putting less stuff behind a paywall will result in them making less money. I agree to no feats attached though.

    +1 to Purple Catalysts.

    Eh... with how broken the economy is on US, letting people with billions on more than one character have access to all at once will make things worse. Sorry, but no.

    I agree on Artifacts.

    You can check server status on their status page and in launcher, I'm not sure why It's so important. EU or US will always have some population online anyway.

    You make some good and compelling points, however drop the "Feel free to insult now" Just ignore whoever isn't taking it seriously,
    They aren't worth the attention and the more non-constructive you will be the chances your thread will shut down.

    I responded to some of your points with what I know so take time to read it.
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  20. PTFreeze Well-Known Player

    say specific stuff and dont say make it just better mhm in the core you are right BUT everytime we make any offers some wanna be devs...(not daybreaks guys i mean gamers) come in our threads say that wont work and leave so why should we still do so mutch offer i never really saw guys do usefull arguments here give any options if they not ok with what we somepoint i understand that they say should daybreak think about its her game we just play it and do ideas no one cares about in the end