please help..cannot connect to game

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BooIstheMan, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. BooIstheMan New Player

    I haven't been able to connect to dcuo since the last gu..on the loading screen it says: unable to download key configuration files,please try again in a few minutes,but it dosent show an error code,just the message. Game worked fine until I did the update..its driving me nuts. Any ideas to fix this? Also I'm playing on a ps3. I've called my isp and they say everything is good on their end.
  2. Proxystar #Perception

    is there a way on the ps3 to validate the game files? if so do that, failing that, tried to redownload the game?
  3. BooIstheMan New Player

    thanks for the reply proxy...there isn't anyway to validate it as far as I know,and I'm on a limited data plan,so dl'ing the entire game again would def put me over my limit. I could maybe resore the default settings and see if that helps,but I'm really not sure if that'll delete the game too or not,i can't find much info on it. I was just wondering if there was any other ps3 players that had the same problem
  4. BooIstheMan New Player

    thanks for the reply proxy...there isn't anyway to validate it as far as I know,and I'm on a limited data plan,so dl'ing the entire game again would def put me over my limit. I could maybe resore the default settings and see if that helps,but I'm really not sure if that'll delete the game too or not,i can't find much info on it. I was just wondering if there was any other ps3 players that had the same problem
  5. BooIstheMan New Player

    still can't connect
  6. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    Would redownloading download the whole thing again or would it repair damaged files?

    In any case, have you tried performing a power cycle?
    And I believe having a wired connection helps too, but i'd go with the cycle first.
  7. BooIstheMan New Player

    I haven't tried the powering cycle..not really sure how to..i think it just holding the power button down for a few sec...idk
  8. DarkB Well-Known Player

    You have to go to the game data stored on your console and delete them (not delete the game), so when you enter you download the data again. Or if you're in PS3 try with L2 + L1 + R2 + R1 and levers up all together till you show the screen of your characters
  9. BooIstheMan New Player

    I'll try to delete the game data and see if that helps,..thanks
  10. DarkB Well-Known Player

    You're welcome, I hope it works.
  11. BooIstheMan New Player

    still no luck.deleted game data,restored system default settings,power cycle,and held all 4 shoulder buttons..looks like I'm gonna be forced to wipe it clean and download the entire game...again...smdh...thanks dcuo
  12. DarkB Well-Known Player