Please Fix PvP(post that isn't goofed)

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Not Rekluze, Mar 7, 2018.

  1. Not Rekluze Level 30

    I goofed on the last one and couldn't edit it :( My mistake.

    It's time to do something about PvP, it's been years since its been enjoyable. I'm not here to attack the devs(it solves nothing) or give a meaningless rant.

    1. Spam And Weapon Play - I'm pretty sure this is what annoys most of us. I know you guys(devs) want to give players the option on what playstyle they want to do but to simply put it, play from the tray simply hurts pvp in its current state. There is absolutely no point in using a weapon since play from the tray has no counters and does far more damage than anything a weapon can do, I can post examples of this. There is no reward for using your weapon anymore. Apart from dealing less damage, there is no reward for getting counters since the immunity is only one second, meaning if you get a counter, your opponent can use their trinket or a pick-me-up-off-the-floor power and go back to doing damage like if nothing happened. My solution to this is to either give powers their vulnerabilities back(highly unlikely as this will effect pve pftt as well) or increase power costs and slow the power regeneration in pvp. Significantly increase the base weapon damage and revert immunities back to 3 seconds. The reason why play from the tray is so prominent is because of how overpowered it is and the safe damage that comes with it. Change that and you'll get different play styles, people will try whatever works and right now, spam is the only thing that does.

    2. Balancing - This has been an issue since even before revamp and I realize this is a bit trickier but it still has to be fixed.Gadgets and Mental stealth can take massive amounts of health from an opponent in the blink of an eye without breaking a sweat. Revenge and Tesla Blast in the Rage and Electricity power sets can hit for over 1000 and are spammable, cant be countered, have practically no cool down and are one of their hardest hitting powers, while on the other hand, for example, Fire's best hitting pvp moves like absorb heat and flash point have a higher power cost(300 as opposed to Revenge and Tesla Blasts 100), have a longer cool down(3 seconds as opposed to less than or equal to 1 second for Revenge and Tesla Blast) and is(absorb heat) vulnerable to interrupt. Nature's dog form has practically unlimited power, heals, and a very very annoying crowd control. This is why these power sets are very prominent in arenas. These are just some of the examples of the imbalance in pvp. I know it can't be fixed in one go but it should still should be worked on over time. I don't expect much from this post but if it somehow gains traction, I can give every single example.

    3. Roles - These have been abused in pvp, more so in 1v1s and 2v2s than in 4v4s and in 5v5s. Trolls and Tanks specifically are the biggest issues, they are basically dps in support roles. Since there are clamps, no damage penalty for support roles anymore, and since the optimal way to spec is as dps, people go into arenas with a dps loadout, do the same amount of damage as a dps while also having the benefits of the shields and/or self heals, debuffs, and damage mitigation. In 4s and 5s, it's no different for trolls, they give no power out, they're just there as a dps with debuff since the power regen from being superpowered spec is enough, which is a problem and because the power out from power dumps don't even help. Tanks are non existent in pre-mades since they no longer have their cleanse. Heals could use a buff too, they can't heal through things due to the amount of spam, so people are running with two healers in 4s and three healers in 5s. My solution to this is to BRING BACK RPS, it gives every role a purpose(Troll: power out and heal debuff, Tank: cleanse and troll debuff, Healers: heal and tank debuff) bring back the damage penalty for support roles and in my opinion, the role specific gear should be brought back as well. Support roles should not have dps stats and dps should not have support stats. We have role specific gear in PvE so we should have it in PvP as well. Increase the healing out and power out for healers and trolls.

    4. Clamps - I understand the devs want to give newer and/or under geared players a chance to win vs a geared player but in all honesty, all it does is penalize us who have spent the time to grind out our gear, mods, and skill points. Those of us who have been playing since checkmate or even when punchline was the top gear set have all been steam rolled by a geared player at one point or another while we were gearing up. Someone who really wants to pvp will gear up regardless, it's just a matter of making it fun. Remove the clamps so people can spec properly and so that our stats matter in pvp. Improve the matchmaking for under geared players.

    5. Open World - Open world was one of the biggest reasons why people got into pvp, it was fun to go out into open world and go have a war at Fight Club or CTR or just go and do 1v1s with people in an open world setting. Nowadays the PvP phase barely has people in it because of the state that open world pvp is in,the very few people that still go out are coming out with their OMAC trinkets, nitro colas, compounds, etc since the name of the game is who can out spam who. Most of the things wrong with PvP are a product of play from the tray and everything that has changed because of it.

    I'll add more to this later
    Also, remove the other post so that I don't look dumb, k thanks :(
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  2. Road Kill Active Player

  3. Turnt UP New Player

  4. stärnbock Devoted Player

    atomic combos and similar should allways be vulnerable to weapon CC effects.
    if you start a combo, there should be no chance to get imune to weapon stuns.
    it would at least solve the main problem: unstoppable and imortal atomics tanks.
  5. Soul ReaperX Well-Known Player

    lol no, that would make atomic a joke during pvp anything. Same as it did before, it was a joke cause you could never get the damned thing on without being interrupted or without clipping. It takes awhile to put that aura on and alot of power. If you want them dead, then attack them while they are doing the combos to to refresh their aura. Those are when atomic tanks are vulnerable to attack. Not the initial aura.

    To be clear, atomic tanks are heal freaks because they lack that ummph that other tanks have. Instead, they have little damage (Compared to other tanks) and a fast regeneration of health. Meanwhile other tanks have massive damage and massive health. I've been atomic for years now. I enjoy it, however I don't enjoy when people spread false information like some do on this forum.

    This is how the powers became broken in the first place. People need to understand these powers and how they work. And btw, with an atomic's aura on or not. In Pvp, there is still powers out there that can destroy an atomic's health quicker than it can regenerate. What changed is that now there's scrubs running around making false youtube videos trying to burn an atomic with no strategy or plan in sight. They get their A** handed and then run to the forums talking about it's too Op. Fighting an Atomic TANK is no different than fighting a healer. Don't go in there in DPS role. Although it's very possible to defeat a tank in Dps. It was never intended nor logical for a Dps to ever beat a tank or healer. Common sense.

    But here is the whole truth of the matter if you ain't with a league then.... PVP is dead. Aight? I went over there yesterday, blood everywhere. They gone.

    But Pvp isn't dead because of the imbalance it's dead because the new generation of players rather fight against PVE bosses WITH their friends than lose AGAINST them in PVP arenas. If you like something you would play it no matter how screwed up it get's. A good example would be DCUO itself. No matter how much they screwed up, there have always been people who stayed online supporting it.

    But this generation don't like hunting for feats, losing, grinding or anything else for that matter. They rather have everything spoon fed. They hang out at little bohemia ALL day and PVP with their PVE gear. Times change and Dcuo is getting smart enough to change with it. Whether or not it's a good call, only time will tell.
  6. °RAGEZ° Active Player

    PvP definetly needs and deserves a refreshment. Totally agree with you, especially with nr 1 & 2. Without them being adjusted/fixed, playing PvP is completly pointless. Also in Legends PvP, certain Weapon Combos/Attacks should have adjusted damage + more power regeneration from Weapon Combos or after Breakouts. Im not a spam Player but find myself and opponents often enough helpless because no power left to breakout while the breakout trinket has been used and is on cooldown.
  7. Bantos2 Active Player

    Your reply made me laugh, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. I won't even try to point out how many invalid stuff you said
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  8. stärnbock Devoted Player

    if they would add just one PVP feat per DLC
    (like ten more wins per arena or something),
    then there would be more interest instantly...
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  9. Soul ReaperX Well-Known Player

    Good lol, it was meant for a laugh this subject needs humor. I still think the whole thing flew right over your head. But like they say, "The truth is funnier than fiction." But I digress and will implement the greatest slogan ever. "Don't take anything I say literally. I assure you, I KNOW NOTHING"

  10. stärnbock Devoted Player

    you scared my to the point, i could not even start to reply o_O
  11. IceRaider Dedicated Player

    They been hanging out at little bohemia for about as ling as the game's been on PlayStation. I agree with your comment about the generation of players being lazy tho and that atomic is immortal. Atomic does not have low dps tho they can burn me down pretty quickly if im fighting against them while they are spamming combos. You say otherwise because you don't want nerfed which is understandable. But the key to putting you atomic, fires, rages and even healers and gadgets/mental on a knee is out lasting you and stunning you too you're out of power. You're weak when you're out of power so I use weapon attacks that stun and my movement stun and pop hardlight shield and block as much as possible while you're trying to beat me with brute strength I'm gonna beat you with my brain..

    To all you using these "FotM" powers for PvP you see me in 1v1 know you're about to get put down
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