Please explain me something, I´m slow.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Supremo BR, Dec 18, 2021.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    The issue with that fix, and I think the devs knew it...those who cheat and use any means to 'get gains' would also insulate against that kind of action with either multiple accounts or stockpiles of easily sellable goods, and be right back on top in a short time. YES, everyone would have less money, but if the same 50-100 people who had 100+ billion now have 100 million and so do we all, those who can compile a larger pile quickly will still be able to mark things up, control the market and get the goods someone who does NOT have those support systems, can't.

    The biggest things they could have done was keeping those who cheated banned and redstributed their goods via the broker (sold by the 'dead' accounts) to siphon off more of the 'bad' money...on top of the 'tax' they already did. Leaving all the cheats in game did 2 things, 1) it tells all the cheaters that except for the most egregious examples, cheating is ok and 2) for those that are actually worried about catching a ban...get better at insulating against it.

    Any drastic measures (like zero'ing things out, locking down tradable items) that 'might' fix things better really only punish those who were not breaking the rules. Leaving any cheats in game just adds salt to the wound and they weren't willing to go heavy with the ban hammer.
    • Like x 2
  2. Karen Beecher New Player

    I apologize. I'm following this whole thing, but I'm not getting it. I read about the ban, but I'm still not sure what happened ("Exploits" ?) What exactly did these people do to get banned?

  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    There was a glitch, that allowed people to feed anything to artifacts/augments/etc... It took some work to get it to show up (I only ever saw it on one login, the first day, and did NOT use it...whew) so people that used it likely were not 'accidentally' using it...and those that did dropped a LOT of augment XP into artifacts to power level them to 200 (hence the guy's original 'whats wrong with me having 200 artis?' question) using almost no Nth metal...but using the far cheaper and far LARGER xp from gear salvage exo bytes.

    The bans were because (I'm presuming....I'm not a dev) they were able to see who forced the glitch to happen ( general, it didn't pop up immediately), or could see what items were fed to specific artifacts. I'm also presuming that someone who truly accidentally did it, would look different from someone who was taking advantage on purpose. I'd guess there were several people who did so above and beyond the 800 who were obvious about it. Using a glitch one time, 'by accident' is an honest mistake. Using it 20-30 times, going out of your way to empty the broker of exobytes to do so, repeatedly logging in and out to get the glitch to show up....yeah, that's not an accident.

    For more 'official' info, see the announcement on the actions taken and why.
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  4. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Hey, Lenny Bruce was funny, and had some important points!

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  5. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    I love him too! But his routine would be out of place when a boss fight wipes.

    I'm not a comedian. And I'm not sick. The world is sick, and I'm the doctor. I'm a surgeon with a scalpel for false values.
    Lenny Bruce
  6. the solowing Steadfast Player

    Dude... What if..... Hear me out.

    Gm's were able to use the Batman model to attack players that sentences resulted in a ingame suspension (if they were logged in). At the end of the combo string, no matter what it K.Od a player, and forced a logout.

    So to any on-lookers, Batman just showed up to dole out some JUSTICE (regardless of faction)

    Of course, it would turn a "internal review" into basicly a "public execution". Which is a no go, but the sadistic humor side tickles me.