when i have to switch to healer because our tank is having trouble tanking TD without a healer and you cant keep yourself alive for longer then 10 seconds in a boss fight. I do it because i care about the run and would like to complete it with as little trouble as possible. I do it because i care
if there's THAT kind of trouble, not only would i not be mad at you but i'd commend you for doing it. i'm in there to get it done not mess around all day because of a bad player.
Mate...as long as you're helping the rest of the team get through the instance with as little trouble as possible it's ALL good regardless of what role you play.
It happens on at least half the runs I go into. Tanks all fine up to the final boss but then their unable to hold the boss agro enough to keep the rest of the group alive. The trick to the issue is to usually offer before you switch and make them say yes. Or wait until you wipe at least twice before switching. Only time any group has really been mad at me for switching is when I'm the top DPS by a wide margin and after I turn healer how bad the other DPS gets brought into light as the final fight takes like 10-15min.
Every run except 1 I was fine without a healer in the t6 alert....in talkin pugs by the way....and the 1 run that didn't go well was a rage tank that had no idea how to tank....it was actually quite hilarious...I was electricity so I just switched to healer and we got through it....but I've ran t6 alert hundreds of times and this only happened once....there is nothing to heal for healers...so why use a healer...and who cares how people are running groups...make ur own group and ur. It ur own way...I love these threads....
heres a brief run down of the final boss fight, tank was doing a good job, he was holding aggro etc but he was having trouble staying alive he had to pop a soda a few times and i took the risk of calling down my supply drop to heal him. i was dps #2 and because i understand how positioning works i was able to avoid 90% of the damage circe and whatever her name is was doing. The dps drops, i pick him up he sodas up about 4 seconds later he drops again, troller opps SC shield we get him up he calls down his supply drop holds block to recover hp about 5 seconds later he drops again :/ so i think screw it im switching to heal (armories are without a doubt the best thing to be put into this game) then it goes smoother i can heal the group he can do dmg we have a good troll and the tank doesnt have to worry about dying. about 10 seconds later he tells me to switch back, i tell him i cant; in combat you can switch once every ten minutes with an armory. then he starts calling me bad etc blah blah we get the alert done and he whines a bit more calls me a trash dps and then leaves. he was full T6 with T6 mods, i have no pieces of T6 dps armor only healer T6 armor. his dmg output stayed a consistent 300 - 400 higher than mine. and he says i was a trash dps :/ he only managed to out dps me by 1 million after i had switched to healer