Please change Membership "gifts"

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Gundraasi, Jun 29, 2024.

  1. Gundraasi Well-Known Player

    Many paying customers already complained here and there in other forum but I want to state it here for everyone to see: the new "gifts" - in particular the ONE base item - they are just not right in my opinion. Please change this to something useful asap.

    Probably the R&D stuff might have to be replaced as well, though we could argue that it has got some usefulness for creating Generator Mods...

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  2. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    I miss the legendary alliance personally. It was good in the beginning. I agree though, the potential for the membership track could get better, I do not think it could get worse.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Please don't say that out loud lol.
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  4. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Membership should really get better over time, not worse. So far every update to the Daily Rewards feature has been a step down. (

    Slots became available with the stabilizer change in 2023. Whenever there's an opening, I think it should be filled with something related to artifacts, allies or augments. Those are truly the things that have value in the current game. Instead we got things that are for salvage, sell to vendor or delete.
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  5. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    I apologize, my intent is that of hope, not to hurt nor discourage!
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  6. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Don’t be shocked if soon the nth metal we get the ally favor the catalysts and even the exobytes go away soon … I wouldn’t even be shocked if they reduce the good fate tokens
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  7. GGreenie Level 30

    Feels like the big brains thought that if they remove stuff we're just gonna buy it from mp and the money will flow.
    Actually it won't, people are dropping sub over this BS so you're gonna earn less instead, just like with 2*XP event- taking it away is not gonna make us buy xp from the mp instead, as a matter of fact I'd would buy some if I could 2x it but without event I'm buying none.
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  8. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    decorator base item boxes, r&d cache boxes and exobytes... Cant wait til they replace source marks, prestige tokens, and compound omegas with popcorn, quicklime canisters and zzzaps trick candy. :rolleyes:
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  9. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    I said it before and I'll say it again, the decorator base item boxes are not good. Not even for base decorators. If you want to entice decorators to sub this is not the way. I think most rewards, and I agree with others, should be related to what we need to upgrade other systems (Allies, Augments, Artifacts). Prestige tokens are barely enough and not a good reward to pay for. I would say just let us earn more prestige in game, and start monitize leagues by adding decorating boxes on market place, new league halls themes on MP, increase placement slots(This one should be a given). You can also get renown boxes from Doctor Fate, so no need for this to be a reward in the daily rewards.

    I would add Quarks to the members track, that would actually help people take advantage of the second chance vendor - alongside opening capsules. Also, I would change the gear styles in the daily rewards to the regular & enhanced versions. So for example if you have us Psycho Jester gear for non-members, you give the elite enhanced version for members. Members can get abit more currency for the current DLC, etc.

    So many things that can be done instead of what we have now. Since there was no communication on next month's daily rewards, I guess we can expect more of the same.
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  10. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    I would not mind the idea of the elite enhanced versions, as some of the older elite content I had never played. It was not until 2 years ago that I started doing elite content that was current due to the fact that my league mates were capable of doing said content. I agree with you on all other aspects of your post, especially that the membership track should provide a greater means of leveling artifacts, allies, and augments. Destiny tokens are the only thing that I have personally looked forward to as of late. There should be a great noticeable difference between FTP and membership rewards. Perhaps vouchers for extra bank, shared bank, and broker slots could sweeten the deal. Although many of us have already maxed out all of these aspects, it may encourage others to sub up.
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    No worries! I just didn't want them to take it a challenge lol

    "Worse eh? Hold my latté!"
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  12. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Another thing that would be interesting would be to increase the amount of items that can be redeemed by members if something is deleted from the inventory. Why it is limited to 1 item per month, I do not know, however increasing this for members is a given.
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  13. FlyingFingers Well-Known Player

    I don't have any issues with a company making money and trying to make money. I do have a issue with them messing with something that wasn't broken and changing daily login rewards with useless crap most don't need is silly. But everything they do now is to make a much money any and everywhere and if they change something it is with the hope we will go into the mp and shop around. They won't get anything from me with this continued lag and bugs and no fixes. But yet pump out booster bundles while this game is in the state that it's in pftttt **** lol.
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  14. inferno Loyal Player

    At this point changes to the membership perks is not what's going to make me re-sub. I barely login to claim the 21st day gift.
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  15. VariableFire Loyal Player

    The prestige tokens aren't enough to benefit smaller leagues (<4 active members) in light of other methods and are pointless for larger leagues.

    The base item replacement was an insult really. One singular random base item that could be obtained from any piece of content (open world or instance) is not enough, especially since it, at least in my drop list, were all super common items. For my tastes, you'd need at least 10 of any common item to make a theme. Heck, the random base item from the stabilizer solo was of the same quality. This reminds me of when they first added the aquarium to the MP. It was overpriced, just as this substitute is over-valued.

    As to elite styles, even feat attached ones, I feel are fair game up to any content that doesn't have a solo/duo that lets players earn renown. Trying to round up people for old elite clamped 4-8 player content is hard enough; round them up as many times as it takes to earn renown just isn't going to happen. The duos pop at least somewhat.
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  16. kallader Committed Player

    • I have 20 character doing the stabilizer fragment solo each day they get 2 decoration so 40 decorations each day or 1200 each month the same decoration who drop from the decoration box they give us so yeah pretty much useless
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  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I think her point was you just MIGHT be proven wrong for speaking the words aloud.

    Kind of like saying 'well...this day can't get even worse', then having a bird crap on your head(or other unavoidable 'thing') immediately after.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This is the first month where I just made day 21 under the wire yesterday. And that only happened because around the 20th I realized I was on day 12 and had to hit every day to do it. No WAY I'd ever sub at the rate I'm getting on now. Used to be I did day 21 on the 20th of the month.

    First month I'd miss my 'day 21' rewards as a member, I'd be....aggravated. "Oh yeah...sub get this if you are a member benefit, but only if you ALSO log in for 21 days.
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  19. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Good thing I typed it and didn't speak it aloud then, huh?

    The bird thing, that happened to me as a kid on the way to school. Fortunately, I was only a few blocks walk from home yet so I went and cleaned up. I thought that was good luck, no? Anyway, I'm not superstitious so it doesn't matter.
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  20. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Yep, yep, spot on! The first time I ever heard my dad curse in front of me, and trust me, he's been plenty mad a me, was when we were at Daytona beach and a sea gull hit him in the head, knocked off his hat, and pooped on his head. I was like oh wow lol.
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