Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by XODUIS, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. Massah Committed Player

    50 vit is only 2 ticks not 5 (might be 3 depending on the actual numerical value) But I get what you meant.

    While I may be the worst Controller on USPS3 (Always told I am modded incorrectly) - it is my Main Preferred Role - but it is the easiest Role to play.....You keep P()T up - recast for a double tick - recast when teammate is picked up. Debuff every two P()T ticks and always clip with Instant Power. The last one makes it easy for anyone that has clipped weapon combos as a DPS - it means you can clip weapon combos and power cast rotations/soders/SC's/trinkets all with instant power. Makes giving power and dealing damage at the same time super easy.

    As for a DPS- yes it is easy to Spam power and just deal damage - That is why a majority only play that role.
    To be efficient with Power and still deal Damage at a quick pace is what takes much more effort. (10:1 Damage to Power Ratio should be a minimum - .....- saw a Beast Sorcery DPS in Nexus putout a near 17:1 Damage to Power Ratio....was very Impressed- was 2nd in Damage Over-all behind a HL that had a 5:1 Damage to Power Ratio - so much power used (140k more power-in used for 300k more damage than the 2nd DPS....not very efficient but oh well - Had their been 3 DPS consuming power at this level we most likely would not have completed the raid as no one would have power.)

    1mill in Damage in BIA ..okay but was that with less than 100k power-in and still under 40mins?
  2. Massah Committed Player

    Almost the Primary reason I prefer the controller classes as being dual-specced with Power Points is extremely easy. Missing 4 2nd tier Prec innates and like all the 2nd tier Might innates but have not been kicked as a DPS for damage-out being too low- nor have I been kicked from Raid in Progress for not enough power-out as a Controller.....
  3. Kristyana New Player

    I didn't say it was the most difficult role to master. I said it was the least difficult role to master, or at the very least, be adequate at it.

    The amount of skill level required to be a good DPS and not a great DPS would cause a tank, troller, or healer to be a burden to their group. It's just not as noticeable because you have an overlap of 3 DPS in raids, 2 in alerts for most cases.
  4. Makado New Player

    Lol when I said difficult, I meant dds saying it's the most difficult. I know u didn't say that. I should of been more clear in my comment, I was agreeing with u
  5. Baron Fell New Player

    I must disagree. There are top-notch DPS players out there as well as "button mashers". You get in an T5 instance with a button masher and you can really tell.
  6. Conduit New Player

    Yes, I learn power management. Just because you think DPS takes no skill doesn't mean that's the truth.
    I guarantee you the people you've run with are mindless power spammers.
    I always moderate the amount of clipping I do to how much power I get to make sure I'm not draining the entire group and being the cause of a wipe.
    It's called being a team player. Something you obviously don't understand.
  7. Arcaver Well-Known Player

    Played all my Alerts yesterday and the group was usually something like this;

    DPS - Qued for DPS
    DPS - Qued for DPS
    DPS - Qued for both roles, but stayed in DPS Role.
    Controller - That's me.

    It gets old...quickly.
  8. SilentTrollerMan New Player

    I played WOW in the olden times and I learned my lesson being a villain DPS a healer or be a tank if you want to play. I am so glad every powerset in DCUO has DPS and another role. I am a troller only player and very happy. I play on USPS3 and my name is in my signature. I am cr 87 but moving fast so if i'm up at 12am I know a good tank too. We would be happy to help out!
  9. IThe PatchI New Player

    Dear OP,


    Best regards,
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