i rolled up a villain alt a few weeks ago (my second) just to see the mentor missions on that side and to run the home turf stuff (which on the villain side i've never done). lots of fun. havent been running around on the v.s. since about last thanksgiving. what stood out to me is that there are lots of shouts for dps in lfg. haven't had any trouble finding groups to get into at all...except for t2 raids and fos2.
Ive ran bia so many times on my troll to get full t5 i have general output of how much dmg dps need to do to complete Bia. Assuming you do the Iconic and skip the adds in the tunnel, it takes about 1.2mill from the DPS probably 1.5mill total from everyone. And yea i ran with a tank(no my decision just never got a 2 dps group on my alt yet :/)
Yea my rotation is pot-pwr dump-t1 weapon combo-2 pwr dumps-t2 weapon combo-repeat until SC. If they burn thru my SC i starve em until i get half bar power
i learned trolling is less stressful if of just use a rotation instead of trying to keep everyone full
LOL. Yes, it's a forum. You can have an opinion. But when that opinion is derogatory to an entire player class, you've invited backlash. You bombed first. DPS most definitely have to worry about their power and health. I'll admit that there's a chunk of DPS players with an attitude problem and don't adapt their gameplay very well. Prime, Nexus and Wave force every player (regardless of role) to worry about their health. Survivability is the most important skill in top content. There's a reason just about every good DPS carries supply drops into PvE. It's because they get low on power sometimes. Everyone is subject to "Need XX CR to run ZZZZZ". To be honest, I don't see anyone shouting for a tank with XX dominance or health. I never really see anyone shouting for a healer with XX restoration. I do get asked on occasion once in the group (usually by a controller) and I've never been kicked for saying "I don't. I didn't memorize it and don't feel like checking." The whole single-stat group check is pretty much a controller phenomenon in the vast vast vast vast vast majority of cases. Side note, 50 vit is closer to 3 added to your POT (70 base). 50 vit is 5 added to your instant transfer (100 base). I feel for you on this one. People don't get it. But that really has nothing to do with one role's skill over another.
And there is the rub, LOL. That's 3 powersets that only play as dps because people only care about them when it's convenient and can't be done without them. I'm building a vill toon ATM that is a tank power and I like to tank,but I'm not going to waste my time buying tank gear because I can tell you it sucks to bust your butt gearing up to tank new stuff and soon as everyone else gears up you HAVE to buy a new set or not play as much because in the words of Mr. Garrison "get out of here poontank! I got what I wanted from you".
I played dps way back in the beginning only because I didnt know what the role thing was all about, i even deleted my 1st healer because I thought the power set was broken due to my heals not healing , My troll get invited all the time to PvE groups which I always decline, its just not fun enough for me to waste my time.
Back to what he said, I do agree there are way to many dps on villain. My villain is a tank and every group I get in is either have a hard time finding a healer or troller. I'm a 97 tank and when I want to do lower content, I'll get pms asking if I want to tank Nexus. It is really no different then hero side, always shortage of trollers or tanks. Some days trollers are easy to find then there is a shortage of healers. Would be nice if people learned second roll. Will it happen? NO Is it wishful thinking? Yes
I know exactly what your'e talking about but at the same time I'm guilty of playing a DPS as well. I have 3 DPSs, 1 for each of the three healing classes, two of which started as healers. I'll be honest, I enjoy healing but I found DPS'ing more exciting. However, I collect healer gear for all of them. So my T5 Electric DPS almost has a full set of 83 CR healer gear. You may ask, why don't I play as a healer then? The answer: I don't need to. When I play the alerts (I only have an 89 CR so I haven't done the raids yet) it's not hard to find healer. I'd also like to point out that I take slight offense to you saying DPSs don't care and button mash. I take my role seriously (though there's an overwhelming number who don't), but you're entitled to your opinion.
I MUCH prefer a tank when I run. The slowest runs I've ever had were with 2 DPS. To run 2 DPS, you end up with one pretending to be a tank anyway because you have to kite. If they don't realize that, it's a horrible run. Even if they do, you're really just relying on the healer to spam their heals more. I see where 2 very good DPS can make for a quicker run. Generally when pugging, that's not the case.
Same, if you have a good damager it will only take 5 or 10 more minutes to do them and it will be A LOT smoother. When I am playing damage I can even tell, I spend a lot of time blocking, rolling away and what not to stay alive when there is no tank. Basicly one of the damagers is not putting out damage most of the time or very little atleast just as a tank would be doing in their place. When there is a tank all I have to do is wait for the tank to jump in each time, avoid a few AOE or random attacks and between that pretty much non stop apply damage. Or when I'm healing and the group has no tank I usually spend most of the time tanking adds and healing myself which is not the case when there is a tank.
Look at it like this, you've had it easy doing t5 content. How long do you shout for t5 raids and alerts before you get invited? As a DPS, I've always had to make my own groups, be lucky enough to get invited by friends, or weasel in a spot halfway through because some poor guy either dc'd or got the boot. In this situations, its neither reset and run again or miss out on those marks. Committing to being a DPS isn't something some of us do because its easy. We do it because its the role we enjoy and think its worth the work to get into the tough stuff.
What a joke. Some of us work out ***** off perfecting our 3 or 4 power/weapon clip combos for each situation to be great DPSers. To think that DPSing takes no skill is wrong, and you're a moron for thinking it. Incomming ban/warning/post removed. And that's not even getting into the fact that I would much rather wade through a pool of DPS to find a good tank, two healers and two trolls, than have to deal with hundreds of people who have no idea how to play a tank healer or troll because you want them to play their "main" roles.
This whole game is about smashing buttons. None of it takes skills. lol You going to put "I solo trolled nexus and didn't die once" on your resume? XD
The good roles run league/friends only or have just quit playing. Stop relying on pugs. Although being in an active league right now is almost the same thing because all the top end players only PvP or are moving to other things. This game is so boring right now.
DPS Takes no skill? BAHAHAHAHAHAAA Every role takes skill to learn, especially DPS. We burn the most power, so we have to learn power management, clipping, PIs to get the most out of our damage, rotate/clip trinkets and powers to where they don't overwrite the other DPS. I've only played a DPS Main because Electric is a healer power. And I personally hate healing, but I love Elec and tanking. Sadly the two do not go hand in hand. Just because people don't meet your quotas doesn't mean you have to bash them. Get off your throne, and learn to accept people for what they are. Otherwise you'll just end up being hated by everyone that doesn't appeal to you. Which will eventually be everyone.