Plant A Kiss On Me...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ToxicAngelDE, Feb 18, 2017.

  1. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    Short Question:
    I'm not very active on the game ATM, but what grants the Collection from the seasonal vendor?
    Pics anybody?

    Thanks, Toxic
  2. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I don't know, I'm here for the thread title.

    C'mere, cupcake.
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  3. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    First you need to get the Zamaron Love Crystal for your base from the seasonal vendor. It costs 50 hearts. You [] get 11 of the 12 pieces come from this crystal randomly each day. You have a chance to get 2 each day (each shard has 2 drops). Then you have to buy the last piece for 100 hearts, also from the seasonal vendor.

    The pieces & reward aura

    Sample of drop rate
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  4. Bose Well-Known Player

    Sorry I don't plant kisses on people I don't know...
  5. FoolsFire Devoted Player

    ^^^ But Poison Ivy does.
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  6. Gimpy Loyal Player

    False information.

    You get a chance to have 1 of the collections drop once every day.

    It took 14 days before I received 1 collection piece, that's 13 days of ripped V-Day cards and 3-4 useless consumables.
    Still haven't had anything but the Hearts and Cookies drop from the event itself in the entire time I have played the game.

    I'm sure someone would say it's just my perception.
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  7. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    Ah good catch I worded it wrong. Each shard has 2 drops though... so there's actually a chance to drop twice every day.

    Junk Loot (47%)
    Green (18%)
    Blue (5%)
    Bonbons (21%)
    Bombs (8%)

    This is a sample of 19 shards. I'm sure Owl will have more accurate numbers! The broker tells a better story though... the blue & greens are actually more even than 18% v 5%.
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  8. BestPlayerAfrica Well-Known Player

    • Like x 1
  9. ToxicAngelDE Dedicated Player

    thx m8
    • Like x 1
  10. Gimpy Loyal Player

    The Zamaron Love Crystal grants 1 Love Shard everyday regardless of how many Zamaron Love Crystals are in possession.

    Each Love Shard has a chance to drop collection pieces. There is no guarantee (or guaranty for legal folks) collection pieces will ever drop.

    While each Love Shard does give/drop 2 items, I highly doubt those percentages you use are going to be seen by the majority of players.

    It's another layered RNG mess that requires PERCEPTION to believe it will actually drop a collection piece each day.
    ( lots of posts about it dropping only trash among the forums)

    I bought the damn thing on day 1 and out of 18 days I have received 2 collection pieces, 4 bonbons and about 3 or 4 "love-bombs" which at end game are useless and a crapload of ripped or torn V-Day cards.

    This is not the place to play on words and mislead people into thinking there is more of a chance than there actually is.
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  11. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    It drops one shard with 2 items. You can potentially get 2 collections in a single shard (2:33 in the video). Just because you had bad luck doesn't mean everyone will. I have 4 collections potentially complete (I'm not buying the last piece on more than 1 toon) without buying a single item from the broker. If you're running 1 toon and going by those percentages, your results are far less accurate than mine.
  12. Gimpy Loyal Player

    Your results are not typical for the normal player base, and just now, while I'm typing this reply, you edited in something about using more than 1 toon. So I changed my reply to,,,,

    So if your using more than 1 toon your results are already skewed.

    My results are from 1 toon opening the 1 shard granted each day, how does that make them less accurate than you using more than 1 toon?

    Your post actually infers you are using more than 1 toon or you would never have mentioned anything about,,
    Again, do not play on words (semantics) because you are giving people "alternative facts" by doing so.
  13. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I'm running 10-18 mentioned in the video... roughly 10 at the beginning and 18 currently have the crystal. Let me break it down a bit, but you'll need to understand math and statistics:

    1) There's an actual drop rate unknown to anyone but the devs. This is a fixed.

    2) If you run 1 character every day for say 15 days, that's 30 chances. If you record percentages for each item type. You will have a set of results that may or may not be close to the dev number.

    3) If you run 20 characters for 15 days, that's 600 chances. Record these and it will be different than #2. Most likely, but not gauranteed, these numbers will be closer to the dev numbers... the actuals.

    If you run 1 character for 15 days and another player does the same, your drop rates are going to vary more than if 2 players ran 20 characters for 15 days.

    I'm not sure how I can make this clearer.
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  14. Gimpy Loyal Player

    I understand math and statistics more than you presume.

    I think your reply here has cleared things up for the rest of the player-base running 1 toon, yes there are quite a lot of us out there that have no desire to run more than 1 toon at a time.

    Run 1 toon and you're screwed, run 20 and there's a chance.

    So back to your perceived percentages,
    so then your percentages of "using 20 different toons" might very well be just that "your perceived percentages" and nothing else.

    Thank you for purchasing 20 Zamaron Love Crytals across your 20 toons, DBG needs the cash because they aren't getting it from those they are intentionally driving away from the game, Well, that's now my perception anyway you want to slice it.
  15. StealthBlue Loyal Player

    I have six characters that I got the Zamaron Love Crystal with (no replay badges, no buying marks from the marketplace), and I have had at least one day where I didn't get any collection pieces across all six characters, but I have also had a few times where I have got two collection pieces off of a single love shard. So just like gear loot rolls in content, I believe the two chances from the love shard are independent from each other.