Place Your Bets: 8 New Characters in DLC7

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MrMigraine, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    According to tonight's webcast, Jens was looking at the Key Art for DLC7 ... he said that there were ten characters on the artwork ... eight of which we've never seen in the game before.

    Which eight new characters do you want to see?

    My first hope is for Superboy ... going to have to consider who I'd want for the rest...

    EDIT: When asked about new Legends characters, Jens said that they'd probably revolve around Origin Crisis. So there's a chance that we might get a new character or two in Legends as well!
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  2. THE BATWING Dedicated Player

    Red hood
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  3. Horrorshow New Player

    Vixen! Give me Vixen! :D
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  4. Laff Riot New Player

    Like I always say, I dont really care. I just cant wait to see what they come up with.
  5. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Okay, here's my list of hopes (four heroes, four villains):

    Captain Atom
    Blue Beetle
    Per Degaton
    Star Sapphire
    Black Manta
    Gentleman Ghost

    Of course, he could have been talking about Hippolyta, Jor-El, Lara, or Thomas & Martha Wayne ... maybe we travel to the past and meet Jonah Hex.

    Ooo ... or maybe some members of the Legion of Super-Heroes ...

    (I reserve the right to change my mind about any of these :) )
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  6. Statman New Player

    These are kind of the 2 options I was thinking it would be (I haven't watched the webcast though). Since we're time travelling, these would be my bets.
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  7. D3adshot Lawton New Player

  8. absolut27 New Player

  9. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    First, I'm trixie with my be careful with getting too sure about the fact that you're brainstorming in the right direction here. ;)

    And I was not referring to Origin Crisis with legends. If that came across, it was unintentional. I was trying to not slip up and spill any beans about stuff after Origin Crisis. So brain storm away.
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  10. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    Ah, okay ... even more tricksiness coming from the Viking. I consider myself forewarned if none of my hopes come to light. :)

    And the Legends comment was while you were talking about the possibility of the Aquaman Legend. Perhaps I misinterpreted what you said. But thanks for the response!
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  11. souseitatsu New Player

    Are you referring to the Trials of Trigon?
  12. Katheryne New Player

    As long as Legends gets new characters or a nice update, I'll be a happy money spending camper. ;)
  13. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    With a time travel theme, I'm thinking Chronos just has to be in there somewhere. Surely!

    I believe the safe bet is Rip Hunter to go with the existing character Booster Gold.
  14. aceCase Committed Player

    I didn't know there was a webcast tonight, was there something in the announcements i missed?
  15. TrueMarvel New Player

    Link the webcast please
  16. tukuan Devoted Player

    As for the OP, given that it's Origin Crisis hopefully some of these guys

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  17. DCFanatical Dedicated Player

    No, no and No. In my opinion Jason Todd should have stayed dead. FOREVER. Please let him never darken Legends.

    Would love Jaime Reyes or Superboy. Heck, I could go for Booster Gold for giggles (imagine him dropping various product lines in Legends. Could be hilarious).

    If we are talking Time Travel. Rip Hunter (I think that is his name) could be interesting, but I don't know that he has ever actually fought in any of the comics.
  18. DraOps New Player

    would love to see some batman beyond inspired gear. i hope we travel past the time bruce is done as bats to help save terry or something
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  19. THE BATWING Dedicated Player

    So you're one of the guys that called the hotline to kill off Jason Todd ...... I'm watchin you buddy :) .... But in all seriousness I meant joker as red hood (the original red hood) I mean with all this origin crisis going on and all.......
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  20. rinku Active Player

    I will not rest until Vartox is included in the game!