People and NPC's not loading in Instances GU31

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by BRITTENY, Nov 12, 2013.

  1. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    As you can see from the picture, NPC's and your group mates aren't loading when in an instance. Ran LOA after the update and I couldn't see any of my teammates and none of the bosses/adds were loading. Just a black outline is showing.

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  2. ParadoxWaveGlit New Player

    This is in Paradox as well... turn NPC stealth off please.
  3. ItsRem Well-Known Player

    For a long drawn out video showing issues with Trigon's Prison...
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  4. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Same. This is horrible in PVP as enemies blink out of existence and you can't target them or even inflict damage to them w/AOEs. Noticed it in a duo as well, where my buddy would first render as a shadow figure, render with basic low grade textures, then render fully, then disappear, then repeat that cycle over and over and over every second. By the time we got to the end boss, I couldn't see anything but the red target reticle and had to cycle targets and check the minimap to figure out what my buddy (tank, thankfully) was doing and where he was tanking.
  5. ItsRem Well-Known Player

    Bumping it like it matters...

    It's not as important as gear looking bad. -_-
  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are working on a fix for this.
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  7. Monster828 New Player

    Work harder xD any idea on when this will be fixed?
  8. Hector Cornejo New Player

    I'm ok with the bugs, is normal, but im not sure if u have a PS Test Server or only on PC, but if not, maybe is good idea to get one to test PS updates, anyways, I hope u can resolve this ASAP, we trust in the DCUO staff, idk if in other servers but in USPS3 most of the players got a problem, in instance (not in open world) we cant see the adds or bosses (sometimes maybe only shadows) and i cant see my group members, and the life bars don't tell me in real time the life of them and as a healer i cant heal, or idk if im really healing, I hope u can fix it, because i cant play, is impossible, Ty U.