There is a pretty bad ratio of rage to constructive, actionable specifics. This is why I ask, and why I'll ask you to please not derail the asking.
As i menber of the paying commuinity, i would like for people to stop thinking they speak on my behalf. If i have something to say about the game, i will do it myself, in a way that dont make look like i am having a temper tantrum. Please and thank you.
Mepps since people are OBVIOUSLY rude... I think what you've done is fine. People are quitting over the dumbest stuff, but its funny because every power is occasionally nerfed & then buffed & then nerfed & then buffed. Like Earth, when you guys nerfed earth, there wasn't a huge wave of quitters. Neither when you guys nerfed Electric or Rage or Any other powers. this applies to all powers not just HL users, but there are so many HL users that they think that it is ONLY them being hurt. Everybody is taking dmg & getting a buff, EVERY POWER! Some more than others, but its to create balance. I bet that if so many people didn't have HL it wouldn't be a problem. Personally I'm happy some are quitting, I get tired of Lanterns & anything lantern related. -LOYAL Supporter Of DCUO, Nyema
Do you think this game can afford to lose subs? Have you done your latest reading on the SOE LLC?-how many layoffs to off set $$$ loss? Have you looked into the Sony 3rd Quarter Gaming report and seen how PS4 had to off set $59 million loss? DO YOU HONESTLY THINK YOU SAYING LEAVE TO SUBS WILL BENEFIT THE HEALTH OF THIS GAME?
Let me suggest the pdf over the webcast for Sony Global Earning Q3 FY2013 Earnings Announcement Representative Corporate Executive Officer, President and CEO Kazuo Hirai Representative Corporate Executive Officer, EVP,Chief Financial Officer Masaru Kato VP Investor Relations Yoshinori Hashitani
I'm a bit late to the party on this and haven't read all of the millions of threads on it that have popped up, so can some one tell me if there was ever an explanation of why they decided to implement this jump cancelling change? I don't remember ever hearing it being complained about or that anyone thought there was a problem with it. Were people calling for it to be changed? I just don't get why it was done. It's not like it wasn't available to all the power sets so it couldn't be a balance issue. I'm confused.
It was explained in the WIP thread for jump cancelling. The problem they saw was that Jump Cancelling was breaking the game design where you can only clip certain attacks with certain powers. Like a weapon attack can only be clipped by a superpower attack, and a superpower attack can only be clipped by a beneficial power. That's how clipping is supposed to work in their original design. However, JC was breaking that. with JC, if fast enough, you can clip a superpower attack with a weapon attack. And that was not intended. I believe it only became apparent when people started to see the optimal loadout/gameplay for HL. I remember when HL came out and people were not yet doing JC clipping, HL was never used because the damage was too low when casting powers. But when you do JC fast enough, the low damage actually can add up pretty high in the long run. That was how I understood it. So the devs' solution was to add a dovetail to JC (delay before the next attack). Another way they could've done it is to cancel the damage when you jump (even dots... not sure about PI's). but that would irate other players too. So that's how we get to this problem.
I've been a paying member with multiple PAYING accounts almost since the game originated. Don't assume something and then blast on the forums. I'm not making assumptions, I'm making observations. I'm not speaking for you, I'm speaking for EVERYONE who agrees with my statement. It's been known for a long time that the devs don't really listen to the people who line their pockets. The devoted players who has stuck with them. They ***** themselves out to the casual players who don't subscribe to make them buy station cash for a quick buck instead of really paying attention to the people who have supported them and has kept this game alive all this time. They listen to the minority of the player base who mainly whine b/c they want this game easier. I like having to work for my toon. I like the challenge and the fact that in the beginning you couldn't get a full piece of tier gear in a day. But ever since T5 came out, they decided to just give the gear away. Nerf this and that b/c this occasional player is having trouble and saying it's not fair that a seasoned player can't be beat. So, I repeat my post. My observation of all the threads and posts on the forums, along with the conversations in game shows that a GREAT MAJORITY of the playerbase is not wanting jumpcanceling messed with. have voiced our objections and most have threatened to leave the game. If they roll this change out...or mess with jump cancelling at all on live servers...It proves the devs actually don't listen to the community and does whatever the hell they want whether we like it or not.
The statement in red is incorrect. you have to actually JUMP and then use your weapon. But it only worked with 1-3 powers per powerset...not all powers were jump clippable and not all of the powers did damage if you clipped it.
I guess my wording was incorrect. From how I understood Spytle's remark on this in the WIP thread was that it would seem that with JC, you would seem to be able to clip a superpower attack with a weapon attack (but actually it's superpower attack -> JC -> weapon attack). And yes, it only works with certain powers as not all powers are jump clippable. And that's the point of imbalance. But as the devs said, it is supposed to be JUMP CANCEL. operative word is CANCEL. It shouldn't just cancel the animation. it should also cancel the damage. and that's the point of contention.
I am very pleased that my combat methods will be affected minimally as a result of this update. Like others, I have suffered disappointments in the past with aspects of previous updates (GU 25 being the foremost). As a result, I did what many like myself would do: voiced my opinions along with feasible and potentially beneficial alternatives then awaited community responses as well as official responses. In the end it proved to be in vain safe for our departing wiser than we came. Ever since the advent of game update 25, I adopted a new resolve to adapt to change and to supplant newly presented weakness with indomitable strength. I see this as another opportunity to adapt. Each game update that has far reaching effects on intrinsic mechanics takes us to school in a sense. I intend to conquer these new challenges and arm my comrades with knowledge gained during the process. Be pensive, be astute, be victorious!
Not realy. If everyone you know in the game, and some people in the forums agrees with you, that doesnt show a "great majority". And of course they can do whatever they want. Its their job. We are users of a service, not shareholders. They do listen to the community. But they have no obligation to bend to our will. I repeat. You do not speak for tens of thousands of people who play and pay for this game. And dont assume they all share your opinion.
The dovetail animations are too long. Plain and simple. It's awkward and sucks the speed out of everything. This has been restated over and over. I get why they need to be in place, but the delays are longer than what we're used to. Sure we can deal with change, but this is an abrupt change to a playstyle that has been established over 3 years now. To see that it takes one update to smash all that is frightening to be honest. I'm not speaking for everyone, but this is specifically what makes me not want to look-forward to this update.
It certainly seems this way sometimes, especially over the last couple of game updates. People were posting good feedback, making bug reports, and asking questions. It feels like a lot of that isn't being reviewed though. Let me point out some recent examples: Feedback: "Can Soder Cola Extreme be made the default choice instead of Soder Cola Turbo? You're out 3,000 MoT if you click the wrong choice." That was brought up during testing, but wasn't addressed to until after it went to Live. Questions and Misunderstandings: "Are Soder Cola Turbo going to be used for crafting T6 soder?" Another question brought up during testing. It went unanswered and you end up with a big rumor being started when GU 35 hit Live. Tunso spent a couple of days trying dispel that rumor. I could cite several other examples from the last couple of months that fit into the two categories mentioned above. The one that really annoys me is when you file a bug report and it never gets acknowledged. A reasonable person will say the development team is busy and may not have time to reply to all bug reports. That would be a good argument, but it doesn't work when you see reported bugs persist from Test to Live or from one Game Update cycle to another. I can think of several examples of bugs and inconsistent behavior that were reported during GU 34 and 35 testing and still exist in GU 36. The bugs were reported in the appropriate stickied threads for new feature releases. I know sometimes development teams will purposefully try to avoid replying to feedback too much because it biases the feedback. People will start replying to those specific comments or narrow their field of vision when testing a a new feature. However, additional developer feedback is very useful in certain cases. I'm still not sure if Long Draw is working correctly or not. The patch notes say it was updated. I'm not seeing any differences between the "new" and "old" versions. I'm trying to keep my faith in the process by filing bug reports with directions and offering on-topic feedback for specific issues. On-Topic: Using some different clipping orders and canceling mechanisms, Fear Gas can be made to work in a Gadgets rotation. The timing is trickier though. The things that are really messing me up at the moment are the awkward grenade animations and AoE splitting. That is feedback for the other topic though.
Mepps, if JC is definitively being eliminated as a clipping mechanism (not arguing for or against here), why not either eliminate channeled abilities altogether (i.e., make them clippable by beneficial like all the others) or at the very least, buff the damage of channeled DPS abilities significantly to justify being stuck in a cast (i.e., make the reward worth the risk)? As is, there is little reason to use a channeled DPS ability after GU 36. The only real benefit to them was JC. You can do far better damage clipping other abilities than using a channel.
I think the reason that most players don't feel they are listened to is because the majority of the population has no clue what they want. They have to hand pick each fix out of hundreds of posts, they have to consider how it will impact game play for not just the few people that cry about how they are ignored about changes. Ultimately they have a plan before they even ask for our input. They might get a few good ideas or things they might want to use from our feedback but they are still going to go towards they path they decided before they even opened it up for discussion. If they left everything up to us we would have god mode, powers that one shot, chain knockbacks with no way to counter it, pink fuzzy rainbow farting unicorns that spear head people with the horn, all the lantern powers combined into one powerset, 50 thousand weapons to choose from, Superman not sucking, I could go on but you get the point. People come up with crazy ideas every day on these forums and start threads about it, there is no way the devs can appeal to them all and when those ideas don't come to life those players feel they are not being heard. The players that do use the forums are only a handful of the total population that plays this game and while this game is skill based if the skill cap is too high it doesn't bring in new players and keep them it just drives them away. Todays average gamer is not an eliteist and they make up probably close to 80% if not more of the total population in games today. Those are the players that they need to retain because the handful of hardcore players that know all the crazy secrets that don't share with anyone are not going to put out enough money in a free to play game to keep the game afloat. If the past few changes in GU's and DLCs weren't enough of an indication that this game was going to take the path to be easier for the casual gamer then I think some of you need to open your eyes and pay attention. This is why some raids were nerfed. How can you retain players when 95% of them can't finish things? How can you retain players when they feel subpar even though they have the best gear and mods and the only thing that seperates them is someone jumping around like a monkey? This is a Super Hero game not Super Mario.