PC Client Crashing Multiple Times Daily- US Server Instability

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Iconic Simulation, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. jam2315 New Player

    Still crashing here too. Windows 10. Same thing. Crash reporter will not finish uploading either 90% of the time. Very annoying to have to play in a windowed tab to keep from having to restart whole PC everytime
  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We don't believe this has anything to do with your operating system. We have another lead.
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  3. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I had extra time to play today. I've already crashed several times, usually just after zoning to my base.

    The crashes are a bit different than before. When they first started, the game would freeze, then crash. Now the game stutters but doesn't freeze, and I can even do things in the game while the error box is up. I haven't tried to keep playing once the error box pops up, but except for the stuttering it almost seems like you could.
  4. Jade Rebel Dedicated Player

    I tried when I crashed dying at Shogg, it wouldn’t let me revive, other time it crash I clicked on the game window and played a little bit more then it official froze
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  5. Devilish Dee New Player

    I cant ever get past the startup screen...I uninstall and reinstall but Im still crashing at start up.
  6. Luke© Well-Known Player

    I have to say, the "hotfix" fixed the crash issue (until now) so far. Didnt crash a single time yet, normal crash rate per day was at least 3 times normally.
    But since i've downloaded this programm i've got another issue. My mouse is moving out of the game area (really annoying if i'm moving mouse a lot into one direction).
    This causes, that the game goes into the background really often, in worst case i even close the game by hittin the X button.
    Any option to avoid that?
    Edit: It had that behavior before, but only when i had inventory (or other UI window) opened. Now it also happens in normal gameplay.
  7. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Hi Mepps, thanks for keeping us posted. This might be anecdotal but hopefully it helps:

    - I have installed the hotfix, rebooted but it's just a c++ library update and unfortunately didn't sort the crashing issue
    - After that I have disabled the Windows 10 gaming mode but that also didn't fix the crashing issue
    - Then I have run the game in windowed mode like some other people on here and haven't experienced a crash in the last 4 hours (normally it would crash between 1-2 hours)
    - My GeForce experience was still enabled whilst running in windowed mode so I don't think that is the root cause of the crash

    Somehow running the game in full screen seems to be what is causing the crash. I will keep playing in windowed mode for a few more hours to see if the client crashes but I usually play for at least a couple of hours each day and I would have crashed a couple of times by now.

    My specs if required:
    - PC player (Official Windows 10, 64 bit version)
    - 32 GB RAM
    - NVidia GeForce GTX 1070 Ti
    - Intel i7-8700 @3.20 GHz

    EDIT: Ugh sorry, just crashed again in windowed mode. Murphy's law in action.
  8. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    Sorry to burst your bubble, but I always run in windowed mode and I've had tons of crashes. However, the change from full screen to windowed might have adjusted some setting somewhere? Who knows. Your anecdote might be useful in the hunt.

    This is heavy-duty code with so much stuff in it that I doubt even the devs know every last piece. And the way programmers fail to document, in general, means that a tiny piece of code somewhere meant to do an important job could have been deleted or deactivated or whatever and caused this. I really don't envy the crew having to track this thing down.
  9. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    You're not bursting any bubbles, read my edit. I'm only trying to give them some additional information instead of just saying that I crashed again (they know) as that is not helping them trying to figure this out.

    My educated guess is that there is some conflict with the original engine and some updates for either Windows or video drivers that don't like each other hence they tried to push the updated c++ library as a hotfix.
  10. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    My last couple of crashes, I at least got the error message by itself, so I could click it without signing out.

    Though, oddly, then when I'd log back in, after using the launcher to launch the game, I'd see the "disconnected" screen (where it had not been visible before) and was able to click it despite the game having already opened and given me the character menu.

    My last few crashes took place in the middle of or just before the end of raids and group bounty successes. I did at least get credit for Shogg twice even though the client crashed at least 30 seconds ahead of when Shogg must have been killed.

    It would be nice if the Double Marks period were extended to make up for the fact that we've had so much trouble completing play so far this weekend (and in past months).
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  11. Lord Brutality Active Player

    Crash every 30 minutes. Not lying. Being truthful because it's starting to really P-------- Me Off.
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  12. Highplains Sailor Well-Known Player

    I run Win10 and I run DCUO in Full Screen mode. I've had just one hard freeze (had just joined a Shogg fight that was in full swing) and I ended up restarting my PC. Then after I installed that C++ Visual 2017 Patch I went into a stabilizer duo and two times the game froze for several seconds, and that was it. Other than that, no problems (knock on fake wood table). Hope they fix this soon for the people experiences constant crashes.
  13. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"


    Just a bit more than a "few months" away for the Windows 7 support. I am still on Windows 7 and while I have experienced the same crashes in this thread they happen maybe 5% of the total gameplay time.
  14. Dianatique Well-Known Player

    And here I thought it was only me, welp...
  15. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Crashed in the duo trying to use portal after finishing Oblivion Bar duo. Third crash today in about two hours of play.
  16. RealTegan Dedicated Player

    I'm having severe lag issues along with frequent crashes, at least two per hour. Login is also difficult, as two times out of three the launcher crashes without any error message - just pop it's gone. When it does work, I can't touch it after hitting the play button or everything crashes. It's pretty annoying on a double mark weekend.
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  17. High Troller Loyal Player

    umm.. double daemo marks next weekend too if there's a fix? i'll waste my money.
  18. Daedrike Active Player

    Soooo here's a new thing... I just "crashed"... the pop up window came up, but the game was still active... I was able to defeat a boss, and then after the boss was defeated, it hard locked. I'll bet you 5000 DBC that it's tied to the audio files, and that's what's causing 95% of the crashing issues.
  19. Dezaras Loyal Player

    I've had 5 crashes in the last 10ish hours.

    4 times on USPS, once on EUPS.
  20. Magnificent Loyal Player

    Over the weekend I played a couple of times for a couple of hours. I noticed a pause that would normally have immediately preceded my getting DC'd but instead the game went right back along like it should. I was eventually DC'd while zoning but that was after something like 3-4 hours of play.

    Could this be an issue with VRAM allocation?