Pay to win or pay to lose?

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Saint Nutella, May 29, 2016.

  1. Moxley Mayhem Dedicated Player

    I can understand why so many want to see all of the powers balanced. But, I feel like each power should have their own unique strengths and weaknesses. I mean, I guess that's just me or there could be others who may agree, which is cool. But, I'm not paying for a sub at the moment. So, does my opinion matter DEVS? It should, especially if you want my money :)
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  2. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    The powers themselves are actually not hitting the right price for the tunso test. So they will be buffed somehow.
    Whether its the way I described or some other way we will just have to wait and see.
  3. Frankzilla Committed Player

    Anyone that thinks combo powers are balanced put you money where your mouth is. US server dps battle 10 mil an instance my name is Extraordinary.

    Yes I'm bout to be filthy rich hehehehe. Nvm that last statement I'm munitions an the powers are balanced.
  4. Stamen Dedicated Player

    Free power respecs for Nature and Electricity are about 10 months overdue.
  5. Jupiter Ross Well-Known Player

    I have 11 toons all 164+....I have all powers except ice fire and quantum but Ive played all at end game and all my toons are fully modded...its player not the power...If you ever got kicked b/c of the power you play then they did you a favor b/c you were in a group of SCRUBZ...real players know all can get the job...FOTM scoreboard chasing every other day power switching bums are BUMS...I can do good w/ any power Elec & Nature included...the scoreboard is affected by damage spikes not consistent dmg other words its a farce...some people know how to manipulate the scoreboard better than others but it still doesnt make one power "better" than another...I LUV my rage DPS'n b/c when them ice mental and Earth scrubs jump in front of the tank to try to hit everything 1st I juz laugh and Outrage over there dead bodies loolol ....but anyways I agree somewhat w/ the OP b/c Ive noticed this too w/ the free vs paid powers...this game is a**backwards when it comes to this subject b/c in every other game add-ons and purchasable in-game items, characters, or skills are decisively better than the stuff that came w/ the game...thats what makes you pay, to get an added it still comes down to the player but i personally think free powers and paid powers shouldn't be in the same it stands now DCUO is giving very little reason for a premium player to pay for any paid power outside of juz curiosity....I find this to be a rather peculiar business model to say the least
  6. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I agree 100%
  7. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I agree
  8. Saint Nutella Loyal Player

    I love this comment. Just recently a celestial did BN and I was the only one who didn't want him kicked (he was leader btw) and they thought he would fail. Guess what... He topped all of us by over two mil. The others were sorcery, ice, and two earths plus me who is gadgets.
  9. Wallachia Devoted Player

    I agree with this, tbh.

    IMHO balance shouldn't be based on riks + reward, since that would mean that only one specific playstyle would succeed. I think that powers should be given some sort of identity as to be balanced base on their UTILITY, i.e. each powerset shoul be fit to a specific kind of situation by itself, like Rage being great to fight many enemies, or HL being great to be in long fights, or gadgets being great to switch targets quickly, things like that.